Re: Visualizing Volumetric Data- Please help

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From: Dave Akers (
Date: 07/19/2000 16:13:13

Hi Vasu,

iflfrombin only converts 2D images, one at a time. Instead, try the
following steps:
  % imgcopy "input.raw#raw%size=128,128,1024%colormodel=luminance%type=ushort"

  % imginfo output.tif (should report 128x128x1024 unsigned shorts)

  % /usr/demos/bin/voglBasic output.tif

Let me know if you're still having problems. Also see, in which Ken Schwarz
gave a helpful response previously.


On Wed, 19 Jul 2000, Vasudevan Ramanujam wrote:

> HI
> I am presently working on a data file that is of the
> form 128*128*1024*2 bytes =33554432 bytes unsigned
> short.Can anybody please help me with a step-by-step
> procedure of how to utilize the volumizer to view and
> analyze the file.
> I tried using the utility "iflfrombin" to convert
> this file into a Tif file,so that the Volumizer
> applications can recognize it.But the conversion waz
> not properly done.Also,while trying to use the
> resultant Tif file resulted in Trap error.
> My advance thanks to anybody who could enlighten me on
> how to proceed further!
> Regards
> Vasu
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