get slice texture?

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From: Werner Wohlfahrter (
Date: 04/13/2000 08:51:28


I use Volumizer in combination with OpenInventor. I cutted my Volume
using a SoClipPlane (works great!). Now I try to grab the texture of the
cuttingPlane and map it on an OpenInventor Object.
I think the following should work (please correct me if i'm wrong!):
- create allVertexData
- create aPolygonSetArray
- xfmVox2TexCoords
- polygonizeMPR using the planeEquation of SoClipPlane
- grab the geometry data from the aPolygonSetArray
- grab the texture data from the aPolygonSetArray
- use SoCoordinate3 Object to store geometry
- use SoTextureCoordinate2 to store texture
- use SoNormal
- use SoNormalBinding
- use SoTextureCoordinateBinding
- use So(Indexed)FaceSet

- The polygonSetArray does not have any vertexData after create
aPolygonSetArray! Why?
I took parts of the code of voglMPR1.cxx which also does the first 3
steps and it works fine there!

- I use an interleavedArrayFormat V3F, which stores the vertexdata but
no texture. Where is the texture stored? I also tried to change the
Format to T3F_V3F which could store texture but it also did not work.

How can I get the data? Where am I wrong?

here is my code and the generated output!

// code -----------------------------
   voIndexedFaceSet*** aPolygonSetArray;
   voVertexData* allVertexData;
   voIndexedTetraSet* aTetraSet = status->getTetraSet();
   voBrickSetCollection* aVolume = status->getVolume();
   int brickCount =
   int maxSamplesNumber =
   int maxBrickCount = status->getMaxBrickCount();
   SbPlane cp;
   SbVec3f cpNormal;
   float eq[4];

   // interleavedArrayForamt must include T3F to be able to store
   // V3F = vertex 3 floats (vx, vy, vz)
   // T3F = texture 3 floats
   voInterleavedArrayType interleavedArrayFormat =
   if (interleavedArrayFormat == voInterleavedArrayTypeScope::V3F) {
      interleavedArrayFormat = voInterleavedArrayTypeScope::T3F_V3F;
      cout << "snap: interleavedArrayFormat <T3F_V3F>" << endl;
   voInterleavedArrayType interleavedArrayFormat =

   GLdouble modelMatrix[16], projMatrix[16];

   glGetDoublev(GL_MODELVIEW_MATRIX, modelMatrix);
   glGetDoublev(GL_PROJECTION_MATRIX, projMatrix);

   // for interpolationType 2D!!!!
   if (aVolume->getInterpolationType() == voInterpolationTypeScope::_2D)
      cout << "snap: voInterpolationTypeScope::_2D" << endl;



   int valuesPerVtx = getValuesPerVertex(interleavedArrayFormat);
   cout << "snap: valuesPerVertex <" << valuesPerVtx << ">" << endl;

   if( aTetraSet ) {
      valuesPerVtx = aTetraSet->getVertexData()->getValuesPerVertex();
      cout << "snap: valuesPerVertex <" << valuesPerVtx << ">" << endl;


   int samplesNumber = 1;

   // Holds all intermediate PER_VERTEX information.
   allVertexData = new voVertexData(100000, valuesPerVtx);

   aPolygonSetArray = new voIndexedFaceSet**[maxBrickCount];
   for (int n1 = 0; n1 < maxBrickCount; n1++) {
       aPolygonSetArray[n1] = new voIndexedFaceSet*[samplesNumber];
       for (int n2 = 0; n2 < samplesNumber; n2++)
          // do not pre-allocate index buffers to save space
          aPolygonSetArray[n1][n2] = new voIndexedFaceSet(allVertexData,

   cp = status->getClipPlane();
   cpNormal = cp.getNormal();
   eq[3] = cp.getDistanceFromOrigin();


   // cout data!
   int polyCount = 0;
   int vertexCount = 0;
   int v = 0;
   for (int k1 = 0; k1 < maxBrickCount; k1++) {
       for (int k2 = 0; k2 < samplesNumber; k2++) {
           v = aPolygonSetArray[k1][k2]->getVertexData()->getMaxCount();

           cout << "snap: v count <" << v << ">" << endl;
           vertexCount +=
   cout << "snap: polygon count <" << polyCount << ">" << endl;
   cout << "snap: vertex count <" << vertexCount << ">" << endl;

   // If not using texgen() transform explicitly.
   if (hasTextureComponent(interleavedArrayFormat)) {
      cout << "snap: xfmVox2TexCoords ..." << endl;
      cout << "snap: xfmVox2TexCoords done." << endl;
   } else {
      cout << "snap: NO xfmVox2TexCoords." << endl;

// output --------------------------

snap: voInterpolationTypeScope::_2D
snap: valuesPerVertex <3>
snap: valuesPerVertex <3>
snap: eq[0] <0.713388> eq[1] <-0.174725> eq[2] <-0.678637> eq[3]
snap: polygonize ...
snap: polygonize done.
snap: v count <100000>
snap: v count <100000>
snap: polygon count <2>
snap: vertex count <0>
snap: NO xfmVox2TexCoords.

Thanks in advance for any help!

    ww :)

                                                         @ @
      Werner Wohlfahrter
      Fraunhofer CRCG, Inc.
      321 South Main St.
      Providence, RI 02903, USA

phone : (+1) 401 453-6363 x110 email :, url : icq : 9611406 =====================================================================

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