Newsgroups: From: (Tim Hall) Subject: A how to for using OpenGL to render mirrors Message-ID: Date: Thu, 1 Aug 1996 02:26:36 GMT Contents -------- Introduction Section 1: Transformations in OpenGL Section 2: Matrix Construction for Reflections Backface Culling Clipping Z-Buffer State Section 3: Creating an Image Mask Section 4: Compositing the mirror into the scene Introduction ------------ There has not been much discussion on how to use hardware graphics, and OpenGL in particular, to render a scene that contains a mirror. There are certainly demos that use this effect. One was featured at the SGI booth at SIGGRAPH '95 and 3DFX (PC game board company) has a demo that uses a mirror effect. The soon to be released game "SuperMario64" with the soon to be released "Nintendo64" uses a room with a mirror in it to help solve a puzzle. Nate Robins has put up some pictures on his web page ( in which he used OpenGL to create images with reflections in them. To address the problem of little to no information on how to implement mirrors, this posting discusses an implementation of mirrors. This is just one solution, it is by no means the most optimal. The algorithm covers creating mirrors that are restricted to being 2-D but can have any 2-D shape and can exist anywhere with any orientation within a 3-D scene. The algorithm tries to be fairly general and should be tuned for a specific applicaions. Some obvious areas for tuning are pointed out. Comments, criticisms and enhancements are encouraged. ( A demo of the application discussed here should be made available via anon ftp in ~3 weeks. The first section covers basic computer graphics concepts. It's main use is to define the terminology that is used later on. If you want to get to the 'meat' skip this section. Most basic computer graphics texts go over matrix transformation. The most popular text is "Computer Graphics: Prinicples and Practice" by Foley, vanDam etal. For a more in depth discussion of transformations and coordinate spaces I'd suggest "Robot Manipulations: Mathematics, Programming, and Control" by Richard P. Paul (MIT Press). Section 1: Transformations in OpenGL ------------------------------------ In order to create mirrors in a scene it is necessary to understand the transformations and different spaces a model goes through before it is rendered to the screen. The following gives a brief description of these transformations and introduces common computer graphics terminology that will be used throughout the remainder of this discussion. OpenGL uses two matrices, 'projection' and 'modelview', to transform a point before it is rendered to the screen. The projection matrix describes how a point is taken from a 3-D world and placed on a 2-D screen. The 'modelview' matrix is actually two matrices in one. The first matrix is the viewing matrix and is determined from where in the 3-D world the viewer is and where the viewer is looking. The second matrix is the model matrix and takes a model's original points and places them into the 3-D world. The model and viewing matrices can be combined without any visual artifacts showing in the final image. In fact all three matrices can be combined without any visual problems if 'lighting' is not used. Once the use of lights is introduced, the projection matrix must be kept separate from the modelview matrix. Conceptually, the sequence of transformations a model goes through are: 1. Model Space. No transformation has been applied and the all of models' points are in their original state. 2. World Space. The model transformation is applied to the model which places it into the 3-D world. 3. Eye Space. The viewing transformation is applied to the points in world space positioning them relative to the viewer. 4. Screen Space. The projection is applied and takes the points from eye space and puts them into the 2-D screen. Modeling transformations, in OpenGL, are specified in order from the most global to the most local. For example, most scenes are comprised of a hierarchy of objects. The first transformation specified would be from the root node of the hierarchy followed by the transfomations in the order they are encountered as the hierarchy is traversed. An OpenGL application might do the following: // A models' points on this side of the projection are in 2-D screen // space. // Define the projection. First it is necessary to tell OpenGL that // the projection matrix is going to be modified. The projection can // then be defined. This is usually done with either glOrtho or // glFrustum. Remember that the points on the other side of this // transformation are in eye space. This should be kept in mind // when determining values passed to these functions. // Tell OpenGL to modify the projection matrix glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); // Specify the projection glOrtho( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ); or glFrustum( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ); // A models' points at this point are in eye space. // Inform OpenGL that the modelview matrix is going to be modified // ans load the viewing transformation. From this point on only // the model view matrix will be modified. // The modelview matrix is now being used. glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); // Load the viewing transformation. glLoadMatrixf( viewingMatrix ); // A models' points at this point are in world space. // Combine the transformation that takes the models' original points // and puts them into the 3-D world. To 'combine' two transformations // they are multiplied together. glMultMatrixf( modelMatrix ); // At this point the model's points are in their original state. // (model space) It should be noted that once the model and viewing transformations have been combined it is difficult to undo that combination. Typically there are many models within a scene. However it should not be necessary to define the viewing transformation for every model. For that reason OpenGL provides a mechanism for saving and restoring matrices. A simple application might look like: // Tell OpenGL to modify the projection matrix. glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); // Define the projection matrix. glOrtho( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ); // Tell OpenGL to modify the modelview matrix. glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); // Load the viewing transformation. glLoadMatrixf( viewingMatrix ); // Loop over all of the models. For each model save the viewing // matrix and then apply the model matrix. Draw the model and then // restore the original viewing matrix. for( model = firstModel; model != NULL; model = nextModel ) { // Save the viewing transformation glPushMatrix( ); // Combine the models' model transformation with the viewing // transformation. glMultMatrixf( model->modelMatrix ); // Now draw the model. DrawModel( model ); // Restore the original viewing transformation. glPopMatrix( ); } It is possible to save many matrices on a stack. This makes it possible for applications to define models relative to each other in a hierarchical manner and then render them in an efficient way. The concept of the different spaces, model, world, eye and space, are critical to most computer graphics applications. Creating mirrors in a scene is no different. Section 2: Matrix Construction for Reflections ---------------------------------------------- A simple example of using reflections is to reflect the scene in the floor of a 'walk through' (i.e. Doom) application. In this type of application it is reasonable to assume that the floor lies in the Z = 0 plane and that the remainder of the scene lies above (+Z direction) the floor. To get a the reflection in the floor it is necessary to render the scene as if it was below (-Z direction) the floor. To do this the models' Z coordinates in world space need to be negated. Note that this is in world space and is independent of the projection and where the viewer is located. The matrix to negate the models' Z coordinates is: | 1 0 0 0 | | 0 1 0 0 | reflectionMatrix = | 0 0 -1 0 | | 0 0 0 1 | From the previous example the reflection matrix would be used as: glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); // Change projection matrix glOrtho( left, right, top, bottom, near, far ); // Define projection glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); // Change modelview matrix glLoadMatrixf( viewingMatrix ); // Load viewing matrix // At this point combine in the reflection matrix. glMultMatrixf( reflectionMatrix ); // Render all of the models for( model = firstModel; model != NULL; model = model->nextModel ) { glPushMatrix( ); // Save the viewing/reflection transformation glMultMatrixf( model->modelMatrix ); // Model transform DrawModel( model ); // Now draw the model. glPopMatrix( ); // Restore the original transformation. } This would draw the scene reflected about the floor. In order to complete the scene it would then have to be completely redrawn without use of the reflection matrix. Note that when rendering a shaded image the floor cannot be rendered because it would cover up the previously rendered reflection. How to overcome this problem will be discussed later. It is relatively straight forward to render a scene with reflections in the floor. What if the mirror is placed and oriented arbitrarily in the world? This complicates the construction of the reflection matrix. Conceptually the steps to construct this reflection matrix are: 1. The mirror and object in world coordinates | <- Mirror | | | | | | @ | ^Object | 2. Transform into mirror space, so the mirror lies in the X-Y plane and passes through the origin. This is the inverse of the mirror's transformation matrix. __________________________ @ 3. Now reflect about the Z-axis. ie scale by x = 1.0, y = 1.0, z = -1.0 @ __________________________ 4. Finally transform back to the mirrors original position. This is the mirror's original transformation matrix. | | | | | | @ | | | The position of the object is now reflected about the plane of the mirror. In a more direct form three matrices are needed. MirrorT - The transformation that maps the mirror into world space. MirrorT' - The inverse of MirrorT. This maps from world space to mirror space. ScaleZ - A scale matrix with a scale of -1.0 in z. reflectionMatrix = MirrorT * ScaleZ * MirrorT' (Note: This assumes vertices are represented as column vectors. If the application uses row vectors the order of the matrix multiplies will have to be reversed.) The reflection matrix can be used in the same manner as the previous example. Backface Culling ---------------- There is a problem with the reflection matrix regarding the rendering of shaded images. Most applications use culling to remove backfacing polygons. This is done by checking to see if the winding of the polygon is clockwise or counterclockwise in screen space. Most applications define clockwise polygons to be backfacing and have OpenGL cull these polygons out. The reflection matrix is a 'left handed' matrix. This has the effect of reversing the winding of the polygons in screen space. In order to counteract this it is necessary to call: glFrontFace( GL_CW ); This informs OpenGL that front facing polygons will be clockwise. After the reflected scene has finished rendering and before rendering the scene normally this should be reset with: glFrontFace( GL_CCW ); Clipping -------- In the first example in which the mirror is the floor of the room all objects are to one side of the mirror. If the mirror is allowed to have any position and orientation within the room then some objects will be behind the mirror. This is a problem when rendering the reflected scene because the objects behind the mirror will appear in front of the mirror. It is possible to eliminate this problem by using the OpenGL arbitrary clipping planes. An arbitrary clipping plane in OpenGL is defined as follows: glEnable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 ); // Turn on the clipping plane glClipPlane( GL_CLIP_PLANE0, planeEqn ); // Define the clipping plane When defining the clipping plane it is transformed by the modelview matrix so the plane exists in eye space. Given that the mirror lies in the Z=0 plane its plane equation is: GLdouble planeEqn[4] = { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 }; In order to apply this clipping plane correctly the modelview matrix must be seup as if the mirror were being rendered. This process can be done as follows: glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); // Modify the modelview matrix glLoadMatrix( viewingMatrix ); // Load the viewing transformation glMultMatrixf( modelMatrix ); // The mirror's transform glEnable( GL_CLIP_PLANE0 ); // Enable clipping glClipPlane( GL_CLIP_PLANE0, planeEqn ); // Define the plane equation This definition works if the mirror is reflective only on one side such as the first example of the floor or a mirror hanging on a wall. If the mirror is to be two sided then the plane equation must be defined so that objects on the side of the mirror containing the viewpoint are clipped out. Conceptually the first three values of the plane equation is a vector that is perpendicular to the plane that it is defining. To get the plane equation in world space it is relatively easy to determine these values. If the mirrors' transformation to world space is defined as: | r11 r12 r13 tx | | r21 r22 r23 ty | mirrorTransform = | r31 r32 r33 tz | | 0 0 0 1 | Then the first 3 values of the plane equation are: r13, r23, r33. The fourth value is defined as -( tx * r13 + ty * r23 + tz * r33 ). The viewpoint should be on the negative side of the plane equation. That is if the viewpoint is plugged into the plane equation the result should be negative. If the result is not negative then the plane equation needs to be negated. float vx, vy, vz; // View position in world coordinates val = vx * planeEqn[0] + vy * planeEqn[1] + vz * planeEqn[2] + planeEqn[3] if ( val > 0.0 ) for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) planeEqn[ i ] *= -1.0; Z-Buffer State -------------- Another problem of having objects on either side of the mirror is the state of the Z-Buffer. After rendering the reflected scene it is still necessary to render the scene as it would appear normally. However, objects that are normally behind the mirror should not appear. To remove these objects after the reflected scene is rendered render the mirror into the Z-buffer. In this manner other objects behind the mirror will be removed. The steps are: 1. Render the reflected scene. 2. Setup the modelview matrix normally so that the reflection transformation is removed. 3. Add the mirrors' transformation. 4. Mask out rendering to the color planes so the mirror doesn't obscure what's being reflected in it. glColorMask( 0, 0, 0, 0 ); 5. Render the mirror. 6. Enable rendering to the color planes. glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); 7. Render the scene normally. Section 3: Creating an Image Mask --------------------------------- In the first example of the reflecting floor, the scene was rendered using the entire floor as a reflecting surface. What if only part of the floor should be reflecting? By using an image mask it is possible to have a mirror of any 2-D shape so long as it can be properly rendered by OpenGL. An image mask is a way to mask the image that OpenGL is rendering to so that only a specified part of the image can change. Most commonly this is done using the OpenGL stencil planes. The area the mirror covers the screen is rendered to the stencil plane. Then while drawing, the reflected scene should only show up in the area where the mirror appears on the screen. The following steps are used to do this: 1. Enable stenciling glEnable( GL_STENCIL_TEST ); 2. Clear the stencil plane so that it is filled with 0's. // Use 0's to fill the stencil buffer when cleared glClearStencil( 0 ); // Clear the stencil buffer glClear( GL_STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT ); 3. When drawing fill the stencil buffer with 1's and never fill the color buffer or Z-buffer. glStencilFunc( GL_NEVER, 1, 1 ); glStencilOp( GL_REPLACE, GL_REPLACE, GL_REPLACE ); 4. Render the mirror normally. a. Setup the projection b. Setup the viewing transform c. Combine the mirror's transform d. Draw the mirror 5. Setup the stencil buffer so that only those areas of the stencil buffer that have a 1 in them are drawn to. Also setup the stencil buffer so that is will not be modified by the new drawing. glStencilFunc( GL_EQUAL, 1, 1 ); glStencilOp( GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP, GL_KEEP ); 6. Render the reflected scene. 7. Turn off use of the stencil buffer. glDisable( GL_STENCIL_TEST ); 8. Render the mirror normally so it fills the Z-buffer. 9. Render the scene normally. Some applications choose not to use the stencil planes for various reasons. One being that some machines have hardware support for z-buffering but fall back to software rendering when using stenciling. If this is the case the Z-buffer can be used as an image mask. To do this first clear the Z-buffer so that it is filled with the 'closest' values. The mirror is then rendered into the Z-buffer such that the area it covers sets the Z-buffer depth to be the furthest value. The old SGI GL had a function 'zdraw' that made doing this very easy. However there is no analagous function in OpenGL, but things are only slightly more complicated. In OpenGL, after applying the modelview and projection transformations, z values between the near and far clipping planes are mapped into the range -1.0 to 1.0 where 1.0 corresponds to the far clipping plane. What is needed is a transformation that forces all of the resulting z values to be 1.0. The matrix to do this is: | 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 | | 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 | float *matrixMaxZ = | 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 | | 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 | The steps to render the mirror to the Z-buffer are: 1. Clear the Z-buffer to the closest value // Set the clear value to be the 'closest' glClearDepth( 0.0 ); // Actually clear the Z-buffer with 0's glClear( GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT ); //Reset the clear depth glClearDepth( 1.0 ); 2. Modify the projection matrix glMatrixMode( GL_PROJECTION ); 3. Load the matrix to map z values to 1.0 glLoadMatrixf( matrixMaxZ ); 4. Now multipy onto the projection matrix whatever projection is normally used. glOrtho( left, right, bottom, top, near, far ); 5. Modify the modelview matrix. glMatrixMode( GL_MODELVIEW ); 6. Setup the modelview matrix as you normally would to render the mirror. 7. The Z-buffer has been cleared to the nearest value, normally anything that is drawn will be clipped out. Therefore it is necessary to set the depth function to allow drawing. // Render objects that are farther away than the Z-buffer // values. glDepthFunc( GL_GREATER ). 8. It is only necessary to render to the Z-buffer. The color planes can remain unchanged. // Turn of drawing to the color planes. glColorMask( 0, 0, 0, 0 ). 9. Render the mirror. The modelview matrix is set up normally. 10. Undo steps 7 and 8 with: glDepthFunc( GL_LESS ); glColorMask( 1, 1, 1, 1 ); 11. Reset the projection matrix so that it contains a normal projection. (i.e. remove the matrixMaxZ transformation.) 12. Render the reflected scene. 13. Render the mirror to fill the Z-buffer. 14. Render the scene normally. Section 4: Compositing the mirror into the scene ------------------------------------------------ Up to this point mirror reflections can be rendered into the mirror but the mirror itself cannot have any surface properties. This does not have to be the case. As previously described between rendering the reflected scene and rendering the scene normally the mirror is rendered into the Z-buffer and rendering of the mirror into the color buffer is inhibited. Instead of inhibiting rendering of the mirror to the color buffer it can be composited into the reflected image using alpha blending. The simplest way to do this is to setup OpenGL to simply add in the mirror. // Turn on blending glEnable( GL_BLEND ); // Simply combine what is to be rendered with what's already in // the color buffers. glBlendFunc( GL_ONE, GL_ONE ); Applications should experiment with how the mirror is blended into the scene and what material properties the mirror should have to get the best visual effects. A simple guide when simply adding in the mirror, as above, is to have little to no emission, ambient and diffuse color. The shininess component should be relatively large. A little creativity can produce some nice visual effects. Applying a marble texture to the mirror can enhance it's polished appearance. Using the alpha channel and texturing it is possible to vary the amount of reflection across the surface of the mirror. When using an environment map on a mirror it reflect's the geometry in the scene and the background provided by the environment map with the entire effect changing along with the view. -- -Tim Hall ( As an intellectual vibration, smack dab in the middle of the spectrum, Green can be a problem. -Ken Nordine