File to update existing Windows 95 systems If your users are running Windows 95 from their hard disks (rather than from a network server), they can update their computers by double-clicking the Update file. Be sure to read the "Updating Multiple Computers Running Windows 95" section of the Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Administrators Guide (Download: 37K, self-extracting Word document, published: February 13, 1996). You can choose from two versions of the Update file, depending on the amount of user interaction required to install the Update: Prompted Update (see Setup.txt and Setup.exe) (Download: 1,235K, self-installing .exe file, published: February 13, 1996) Users must respond whether they would like to install the update. They are also reminded to restart their computers after the update has been installed. Silent Update (Download: 1,235K, self-installing .exe file, published: February 13, 1996) Users see the File Copy interface but are not prompted to restart their computers. The updates take effect after the users restart their computers.