-------------------------------------------------------------------- | INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS DOCUMENT AND ANY SOFTWARE THAT MAY | | ACCOMPANY THIS DOCUMENT (collectively referred to as an | | Application Note) IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY | | KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO | | THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A | | PARTICULAR PURPOSE. The user assumes the entire risk as to the | | accuracy and the use of this Application Note. This Application | | Note may be copied and distributed subject to the following | | conditions: 1) All text must be copied without modification and | | all pages must be included; 2) If software is included, all files | | on the disk(s) must be copied without modification [the MS-DOS(R) | | utility DISKCOPY is appropriate for this purpose]; 3) All | | components of this Application Note must be distributed together; | | and 4) This Application Note may not be distributed for profit. | | | | Copyright 1990-1993 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. | | Microsoft, MS-DOS, and the Microsoft logo are registered | | trademarks and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. | -------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS IS A BETA VERSION OF THIS APPLICATION NOTE, please give us your suggestions and opinions. Date: 6/21/93 The purpose of this technote is to provide the capability for FORTRAN users to exchange information with PC ports. Files included in this sample: INOUT.ZIP: A compressed file made with PKZIP v2.04G that includes the files listed below. README.TXT: This file. INOUT.ASM: Assembler source for the INP & OUTP functions. INOUT.OBJ: Binary immage of INOUT.ASM build with MASM 6.10. INOUT.FI: The INTERFACE statement for the FORTRAN code. SPEAKER.FOR: A demonstration program which outputs a tone to the speaker. Additional Information: Two functions are provided in this tech note. INQQ and OUTQQ. See INOUT.FI for information on arguments. These functions provide access to assembler functions IN and OUT. They will write or read one byte of information at a time. To create the example: Just include the OBJ file with your FORTRAN source files in your build. For Example: FL32 speaker.for inout.obj ! Command line build. COMMENT: This code was written for a customer that wanted to be able to pole a hardware security device which is located on the printer port.