Index of Higher Education Area

Index of Higher Education Area

Below is a listing of all content contained in the higher education area of Microsoft's corporate web site as of Sunday, August 27, 1995. The symbols by each item provide more information at a glance. The word 
 "FTP" indicates that the file is downloadable as a Word 6 document. The letter R indicates that the file is especially useful for students. Lastly, a letter N indicates that the item has been added here in the past two weeks.

Awards and Grants
 Innovators in Education, 1995Win $5,000 by developing a great Microsoft solution!

Current and Upcoming Events
 Insights '95A workshop for managers of educational IT systems.
 EDUCOM '95Microsoft visits the 'COMDEX of the educational IT industry'
 CAUSE '95For managers and planners of information technology.

Outside Partners and Pages
 Windows on CampusBack issues of the popular campus magazine.
 Idaho State University Curriculum Development ProjectCurriculum development tools

 Starting a Web Site with EMWACwith EMWAC's software and Windows NT
 Microsoft Authorized Academic ResellersInfo on our Authorized Education Reseller program.
 True Stories: Solutions in ActionSuccess stories
Educational Textbook DirectoryA listing of textbooks on Microsoft products
Higher Education Solutions DirectoryA directory of third-party solutions
 Buying Microsoft Products in an Educational EnvironmentA guide to buying Microsoft products

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