Innovators In Higher Education

Fall 1995

As seen in Windows On Campus

Thank you for your interest in Microsoft's Innovators in Higher Education Program. We've compiled a short list of questions and answers that relate to the program:

What is Innovators In Higher Education?

The Innovators In Higher Education Award program offers higher education institutions the opportunity to showcase their administrative or academic innovations. Microsoft invites administrators, faculty and staff who are currently using, or plan to use Microsoft BackOffice (Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5, SQL Server 4.21, SNA Server 2.1, Systems Management Server 1.0 and Mail Server 3.2) in their organization. This will allow Microsoft to recognize and support the most innovative use of Microsoft BackOffice in higher education today. Awards will be given to five (5) higher educators who are integrating Microsoft BackOffice products . Award applicants must submit a 250 word (or less) essay describing their curriculum project. The essays will be judged by a select panel and the five Awards will be given based on (a) size and scale of project, (b) number of students the project influences, and (c) the creativity of the project. Again, there will be a total of five awards awarded each for the amount of $5,000.

The award application will be placed in the Windows On Campus September/October publication, and is availiable online.

Who Should Apply?

All Institutions of Higher Education, (ie. Universities and Colleges) faculty, staff, adminstrators who are applying or planning to use Microsoft BackOffice (Microsoft Windows NT Server 3.5, SQL Server 4.21, SNA Server 2.1, Systems Management Server 1.0 and Mail Server 3.2) in their organization.

Why a Innovators In Higher Education award?

  1. To promote Microsoft development tools within higher education
  2. To drive curriculum conversion toward Microsoft technology
  3. To recognize creative development with Microsoft technology, both with recognition and monetary awards

Key Dates

Entries will be begin to be accepted on September 5th, 1995. The most important date to remember is December 30th, 1995. That is the day all submissions to Microsoft must be received. The electronic form will disappear December 29, 1995.

Award recipients will be announced no later than January 31st, 1996.

Who should I contact with questions?

You may send email to with any specfic questions. If you do not have access to an email account, you may send inquiries to:

Innovators In Education
Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

How do I apply for the award?

You can apply for the award by filling out this online form. If your Internet browser does not support forms, you can request an application from the address above.

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