WOSA/XRT Samples and Documenation Version 1.01 RELEASE NOTES - October 24, 1994 Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved. ------------------------------------------------------------ Please read this file carefully. The following files are available on Compuseve in the WINEXT forum, Section 4 ("WOSA/XRT") and on Microsoft's FTP server at ftp.microsoft.com in the /developr/drg/OLE-Info/OLE-Industry-Solutions/WOSA-XRT/ directory. XRTSAM.ZIP: contains the WOSA/XRT version 1.01 sample code. XRTDOC.ZIP: contains the WOSA/XRT version 1.01 technical articles. XRTSPC.ZIP contains the WOSA/XRT Design Specification Version 1.01. To correctly expand the directory structures found in these ZIP files us the -d parameter to PKUNZIP (e.g: PKUNZIP -d XRTDOC.ZIP) In addition to the above files, if you do not have Microsoft Visual C++ 2.0 or Visual C++ 1.51 (That's 1.51, NOT 1.50) and you want to use the Win16 versions of the samples you must download OLE 2.02 and install it. You can find OLE 2.02 in the WINOBJ forum on Compuserve (OLE202.EXE) or on the FTP server in the developr/ole/ole202 directory. You will also have to rebuild the samples using Visual C++ 1.50 because the binary versions included were built with VC++ 1.51 and depend on new MFC DLLs. NEW REVISION OF THE WOSA/XRT DESIGN SPEC ---------------------------------------- The ZIP file XRTDOC.ZIP contains a new XRTSPEC.DOC. Version 1.01 of the WOSA/XRT Design Specification fixes several minor problems that were found in the original specification. The specification contains a new section titled "Version 1.01 Changes". NEW VERSION OF XRTFRAME ----------------------- The WOSA/XRT Data Object reference iplementation, XRTFrame has been upgraded to match version 1.01 of the design spec. In addition various bugs in the original version have been fixed. If you have an implementation of a Data Object that was derived from XRTFrame you should use the WinDiff utility that is part of the Win32 SDK (and VC++ 2.0) to compare the source from this new XRTFrame to your derived version. To help you find the changes that were made to XRTFrame any change that was made in order to fix a bug is tagged with "BUGFIX" and any change that was made to adhear to version 1.01 of the spec is tagged with "1.01". Search for "BUGFIX" or "1.01" across all of the XRTFrame source files and you will find all the changes. This new version of XRTFrame includes project files for both Visual C++ 1.5 and Visual C++ 2.0. Thus XRTFrame can be compiled as either a 16 bit or 32 bit application. XRTFRAME.MAK is the VC++ 1.5 project file and XRTFRM32.MAK is the VC++ 2.0 project file. NOTE: The 16 bit and 32 bit XRTFrame file formats are incompatible. Files saved with the 32 bit version cannot be read by the 16 bit version and vice-versa. See XRTFRAME.DOC in the XRTDOC.ZIP file for more details. NEW VERSION OF XRTVIEW ---------------------- XRTView has been updated to reflect the changes in 1.01 and can be compiled for either Win16 or Win32. XRTVIEW.MAK is the VC++ 1.5 compatible project file and XRTVW32.MAK is the VC++ 2.0 project file. XRTView is an Ole2View extension DLL. That is, it only works when called from Ole2View. It is suggested that you download the latest version of Ole2View (1.33 or higher) from Library 1 of the WINOBJ forum on Compuserve to ensure you have the latest version (the version on Compuserve is newer than the version contained in VC++ 2.0! See XRTVIEW.DOC in the XRTDOC.ZIP file for more details. THE WOSA/XRT EXCEL 5.0 ADDIN ---------------------------- Included is the first release of the WOSA/XRT Excel 5.0 AddIn sample! This release includes both the 16 bit and 32 bit versions! See the XRTXL5UG.DOC (Users Guide) for more details on how to use the AddIn. The AddIn Can be found in XRTSAM.ZIP in the XRTXL5 directory. Please note that the Addin is provide as sample code. It is not a supported product. THE WOSA/XRT OLE CONTROL SAMPLE (XRTTICK) ----------------------------------------- XRTTick is an OLE Control that acts as a WOSA/XRT Data User (client). It can connect up to any WOSA/XRT Data Object and displays the data in the fashion of a scrolling stock ticker. See the document XRTICK.DOC for complete details on this very cool control. The OLE Controls Development Kit (CDK) is required to use this sample. The CDK is available as part of the Visual C++ 2.0 product.