Welcome to Music Central on ftp.microsoft.com! The files on this server are CD-ROM content updates, which are a new and exciting feature of the Music Central 96 CD-ROM. IMPORTANT! 1. Music Central 96 runs on Windows 95, Windows NT or Macintosh only. 2. You must have Music Central 96 to use the updates. The updates will not work with previous versions of Music Central. 3. Please refer to the readme.txt file for additional information. ============== =========================================== File Description ============== =========================================== ~ftpsvc~.ckm FTP client banner. disclaimer.txt Microsoft Disclaimer. index.txt This file. Macintosh Macintosh CD-ROM content updates folder. readme.txt ReadMe file for information about this area. Windows Windows CD-ROM content updates folder. The Macintosh and Windows folders contain the content update files. ftp.microsoft.com/deskapps/mmapps/public/musiccentral/Windows/ WinOct95.exe (747,644 bytes) WinNov95.exe (800,567 bytes) WinDec95.exe (487,652 bytes) WinJan96.exe (236,594 bytes) WinFeb96.exe (512,632 bytes) WinMar96.exe (973,617 bytes) WinApr96.exe (490,082 bytes) WinMay96.exe (498,999 bytes) WinJun96.exe (733,948 bytes) WinJul96.exe (761,902 bytes) WinAug96.exe (672,875 bytes) ftp.microsoft.com/deskapps/mmapps/public/musiccentral/Macintosh/ MacOct95.msc96upd.sit.hqx (1,032,244 bytes) MacNov95.msc96upd.sit.hqx (1,104,630 bytes) MacDec95.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 665,817 bytes) MacJan96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 307,452 bytes) MacFeb96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 691,366 bytes) MacMar96.msc96upd.sit.hqx (1,334,133 bytes) MacApr96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 654,471 bytes) MacMay96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 666,765 bytes) MacJun96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 993,102 bytes) MacJul96.msc96upd.sit.hqx (1,031,573 bytes) MacAug96.msc96upd.sit.hqx ( 908,570 bytes) (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Music Central and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.