'************************************* '* Eximwiz README file '* '* last updated 21-July-1997 '************************************* SUMMARY ======= Eximwiz.exe converts Microsoft Exchange Bulk Export format (.csv) files to Microsoft Mail import format. After creating the output file, you can use the tool to interactively import addresses into a Microsoft Mail post office on the network, or you can e-mail the import file to external recipients. In addition, new functionality enables you to export from Microsoft Mail, and create a .csv file to add Microsoft Mail recipients as Microsoft Exchange custom recipients. Eximwiz is useful when directory synchronization between a Microsoft Exchange Server implementation and Microsoft Mail is not a viable option (if, for example, you are trying to populate a trading partner’s Microsoft Mail system with relevant addresses, such as purchasing agents, from your global address list). Eximwiz can also be used to manually perform directory synchronization between a Microsoft Exchange Server computer and a foreign mail switch that does not support the Microsoft Mail Dirsync protocol. MORE INFORMATION ================ For further information regarding the use of Eximwiz, please refer to the "Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit" volume 2 BackOffice Tools Help file. Please note that the Eximwiz tool supports the Windows 95 and Windows NT version 3.51 or later operating systems for x86 platforms only. Installation Instructions ------------------------- The following installation instructions should be used in place of the instructions provided by the BackOffice Tools Help file. NOTE: If you have already installed a previous version of Eximwiz, you must first uninstall it (using the Add/Remove Programs icon in the Control Panel) before installing the updated version. 1. Download the Eximwiz.exe self-extracting executable to an empty temporary directory (c:\temp\ for example). 2. Run (double-click) Eximwiz.exe in the temporary directory to expand the files needed to install Eximwiz. 3. Run (double-click) the Setup.exe file created by Eximwiz.exe and follow the setup instructions to install Eximwiz. 4. (optional) Delete or archive Eximwiz.exe and delete the temporary files created in the temporary directory. If you encounter problems with Eximwiz or the Eximwiz setup program, please check the Microsoft Press Support Web site at: http://mspress.microsoft.com/mspress/support/ Or e-mail RKINPUT@MICROSOFT.COM. Bug Fixes --------- This version corrects the following problems in the original Eximwiz that was shipped with the BackOffice Resource Kit Volume 2: - "expired control" error message problem - When "auto creation of the PO" is selected: "Fatal error [54] Server name has not been set" - When "delete all addresses of the default type" is selected: "Fatal error [27] Alias already exists"