The format of the and the has changed. We are confident you will find the changes to be beneficial in almost all aspects. In addition to the old techniques which have made the catalog easier to use - the new products listing, the Table of Contents listed both by company and type of application, the Field Service numbers, TURBOchannel Icons, Coming Attractions, Vendor Sales Locations - we have added Icons indicating architecture and Operating System, tables for improving product location and a generally more attractive catalog with fewer pages and more information. However, due to the additional icons and tables the catalog may take up to 45 minutes (in some cases even more) to print. If there are several people in your site who use the TRI/ADD Shippable Products Catalog, we advise that you print one copy and make additional copies from that one to distribute throughout the site. SPECIAL THANKS go out to Sonia Fahey for her dedication to this project. Without her peserveriance this task might never have been accomplished. THANX Sonia.