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TMLNKS-WIN TMWE0425 TeamLinks Mail V2.5 for Windows ECO Summary

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: TeamLinks Mail for Windows Version 2.5 OP/SYS: MS-DOS Version 5.0 or later SOURCE: Digital Equipment Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: TMWE0425 ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: TMWE0325 TMWE0225 TMWE0125 (on hold) ECO Kit Approximate Size: TMWE0425.EXE - 7175 Blocks 3673600 Bytes Cover Letter - 78 Blocks 39936 Bytes ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for TeamLinks Mail V2.5 for Windows on MS-DOS V5.0 or later. Problems addressed in the TMWE0425 kit: o TeamLinks detects Powerpoint documents incorrectly as Excel documents. o Index files locked on cluster environment. o When opening a WPS-PLUS doc from MS-WORD 6, the user is not prompted to convert document. o A * does not stay in TeamLinks setup profile. o Cannot create WinWord macros when TeamLinks integration installed. o TeamLinks 2.5 ALL-IN-1 3.1 users with ALL-IN-1 usernames of more than 23 characters cannot send mail from TeamLinks. o Mass-11 problem with slash character. o Problem saving WordPerfect documents as Word documents in Information Manager. o Cannot create folder starting the folder name with a special character (mutated vowel). o The Simple MAPI call MAPIAddress will be unsupported with V2.5 because of a bug in the DDE code to the Message Addressing dialog. o Currently the MAPIlogon call will fail with Simple MAPI because of a bug in gfcdrawer.c. This prevents the Simple MAPI dll working with V2.5 of TeamLinks. o V2.5 users need to be able to easily view RTF cover memos sent by V2.7 users. o Powerpoint7 tag not defined in tlformat.ini o Microsoft Macro Virus Protection Tool (Scanprot) interferes with Word6 integration. The two sets of macros cannot work together. o Cannot print messages send via MRGATE with "BINARY or RMS" attachment. o If the CfcOpenProfile call is made a second time before a close profile call, an already open error is returned. If a get or set is tried after this error, an error is returned stating profile is not opened. o VIEW.DLL crash with long printer port names (network). o VIEW.DLL GPF, print with 2 windows up. o Crash in W4W01F.DLL viewing FGN attachment. Problems addressed in the TMWE0325 kit which are also included in this ECO kit: o Line wrap problem when viewing WordPerfect created documents. o WP5.2+ reservations and staging files being deleted. o Printing modified draft doesn't print modifications. The saved version is printed but not the current version. o Crash reading Macintosh word file. o Password expires/changes between A1MAIL$CONNECT and MUAS connect. o WPCORP DOS 5.1/WPSPLUS conversion problem. Error message when trying to remove the hard page NEWPAGE. o False Read Receipts being generated when running scripts against the DMW UNIX server. o TLSETUP.EXE fails. o Message auto-refilled incorrectly. o Stack fault in user.exe at TO: prompt. o Read Msg Attachment tagged (FGN) always launches application when reading. o Option for attachment file name instead of full specification. o Error saving doc into filecab using V2.5 ECO1/2 TeamLinks Integration for Word6. o Enable New Mail Notification, GPF in CFCX400 with long IP addresses. o WordPerfect viewer cannot handle tabs & columns. o Problem with blank pages/printer errors. o PAB lookup on dist list expansion. Nicknames added in distribution list do not function the same under TL2.5-002 as in TL2.5-005. o Adding a recipient via prompting hangs PC. o Missing page breaks between messages. o GPF in DECWRD26.DLL saving document with long title. o DX doc does not view 8-bit characters correctly. o Fix for GPF in ADLOOKUP.C o MS-Word 7 does not work with 2.5. o First Name Directory Search Match. Problems addressed in the TMWE0225 kit which are also included in this ECO kit: o Closing Word 6.0 with opened MS-Graph 5.0 object results in Word hanging. o Text search in local drawer work properly 50% of the time. o Memory leak when purging MailWorks drawer. o Saving inconsistency for non-Excel file with Application Integration 2.1b-004. o Excel 5.0 spreadsheet ReadOnly is randomly set. o Word 6.0/DK Converter list not complete when TeamLinks Application Integration is installed. o Drawer list not updated in Word when new drawers are added from TeamLinks. o Questions around printing from the viewers. o Excel 4.0A cannot save chart with a different name. o TeamLinks V2.5 Integrated Executables error with IOS drawers. o Word 6.0 document sniffs as TEXT. o WPS viewer jumbles text after scale change and scrolling. o Printing Lotus documents prints too many pages. o Application Integration causes DOS File Open to ignore password in Word files. o Printing .WPL files from TeamLinks, footers overwrite body text. o Windows password cache does not work for Windows 95. o Wrong document painted in viewer window when doing prints at same time. o Windows password cache does not work for Windows 95. o Questions around printing from the viewers. o Ctrl-S after Information Manager File-New does not place file into file cabinet, but File-Save does. o General Protection Fault trying to open a Borland spreadsheet. o General Protection Fault when viewing a MultiMate document. o General Protection Fault when viewing a WPS+ document. o The 2nd removal of a distribution list causes a General Protection Fault. o Exact match of First Name/Last Name does not work correctly. o General Protection Fault in VIEW.DLL when default printer not defined in Windows. o Using wildcards does not always work. o WPS+ convert cannot be read by viewer or VMS WPS-PLUS. o Context sensitive menu causes problems. o Questions around printing from the viewers. o WPS+ document causes General Protection Fault in W4W45F.DLL. o Stack fault in USER.EXE doing address validation. o Landscape pages not support on print - text is clipped. o Attach from DOS dialog only works the first time on Windows 95. o General Protect Fault when attempting to route a package after canceling a Save operation. o WPS+ decimal tabs do not line up properly. o Error printing Excel 4.0 file if more than 1 viewer window is displayed. INSTALLATION NOTES: The ECO Kit comes as 3 self-extracting archive files: DISK1.EXE DISK2.EXE DISK3.EXE The archive files listed above contain an installation procedure that will apply the patch when executed. INSTALLATION OVERVIEW: 1. Extract the contents of DISK1.EXE, DISK2.EXE and DISK3.EXE into a temporary directory by performing the following tasks. NOTE: If this ECO Kit has already been extracted into a shared area, skip to the 2nd step. a. Create a temporary directory (e.g. C:\TLPATCH). C:> MD TLPATCH b. Set your current directory to this temporary directory. C:> CD TLPATCH c. Insert the 1st patch diskette into a drive and execute the self-extracting archive file. Use the /D qualifier to create the sub-directories. C:\TLPATCH> A:\DISK1 /D Insert the 2nd patch diskette into a drive and execute the self-extracting archive file. Use the /D qualifier to create the sub-directories. C:\TLPATCH> A:\DISK2 /D Insert the 3rd patch diskette into a drive and execute the self-extracting archive file. Use the /D qualifier to create the sub-directories. C:\TLPATCH> A:\DISK3 /D The patch installation kit will be created in sub-directories called DISK1, DISK2 and DISK3 in the current directory. 2. Execute the patch installation from Windows. Setup will determine if TeamLinks is installed as a Network Shared Copy or as a Local Copy and will patch the necessary files accordingly. In the case of a Network Shared Copy, once the network files have been updated, each client must then run the normal SETUP.EXE file located in the SETUP directory of the Network Shared Copy. a. Enter Windows. C:\TLPATCH> WIN b. Prior to running the patch installation, shut down ALL applications, except for the Program Manager, that may be loaded. NOTE: If you have the TeamLinks Message Notification application being loaded when Windows is started, remove the application from your StartUp group or from the Run line in WIN.INI file and restart Windows. c. Select the Run option from the File pulldown menu. d. Run the SETUP.EXE program located in the temporary directory. Command Line: C:\TLPATCH\DISK1\SETUP.EXE

This patch can be found at any of these sites:

Colorado Site
Georgia Site

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