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OpenVMS VMS721_SHADOWING-V0500 Alpha V7.2-1 Shadowing ECO Summary

TITLE: OpenVMS VMS721_SHADOWING-V0500 Alpha V7.2-1 Shadowing ECO Summary Modification Date: 24-JAN-2001 Modification Type: Updated Kit Supersedes VMS721_SHADOWING-V0400 NOTE: An OpenVMS saveset or PCSI installation file is stored on the Internet in a self-expanding compressed file. For OpenVMS savesets, the name of the compressed saveset file will be kit_name.a-dcx_vaxexe for OpenVMS VAX or kit_name.a-dcx_axpexe for OpenVMS Alpha. Once the OpenVMS saveset is copied to your system, expand the compressed saveset by typing RUN kitname.dcx_vaxexe or kitname.dcx_alpexe. For PCSI files, once the PCSI file is copied to your system, rename the PCSI file to kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi, then it can be expanded by typing RUN kitname-dcx_axpexe.pcsi. The resultant file will be the PCSI installation file which can be used to install the ECO. Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2000. All rights reserved. OP/SYS: OpenVMS Alpha COMPONENT: Volume Shadowing SOURCE: Compaq Computer Corporation ECO INFORMATION: ECO Kit Name: VMS721_SHADOWING-V0500 DEC-AXPVMS-VMS721_SHADOWING-V0500--4.PCSI ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit: VMS721_SHADOWING-V0400 VMS721_SHADOWING-V0300 VMS721_SHADOWING-V0200 VMS721_SHADOWING-V0100 ECO Kit Approximate Size: 5776 Blocks Kit Applies To: OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 System/Cluster Reboot Necessary: Yes Rolling Re-boot Supported: Yes Installation Rating: INSTALL_2 2 - To be installed on all systems running the listed version(s) of OpenVMS and using the following feature(s): SHADOWING Kit Dependencies: The following remedial kit(s) must be installed BEFORE installation of this kit: VMS721_UPDATE-V0100 VMS721_PCSI-V0100 In order to receive all the corrections listed in this kit, the following remedial kits should also be installed: None ECO KIT SUMMARY: An ECO kit exists for Shadowing on OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1. This kit addresses the following problems: Problems Addressed in VMS721_SHADOWING-V0500: o Correction for DCL SHOW display errors. After the VMS721_SHADOWING-V400 kit has been installed, a user-mode ACCVIO or formatting display errors may occur with various DCL SHOWs (e.g., SHOW DEVICE, SHOW MEMORY,SHOW TERMINAL, SHOW WORK, SHOW NET). Images Affected: [SYSMSG]CLIUTLMSG.EXE Problems Addressed in VMS721_SHADOWING-V0400: o The PCSI generation number on the SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE was missing a digit, causing the image to not install over the previous SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE image. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE New Functionality Included in the VMS721_SHADOWING-V0300 Kit: o This kit contains new command features intended for use in OpenVMS clusters that span multiple sites. An example of how to apply the new commands will be found after they are described. + DISMOUNT 1. /FORCE_REMOVAL ddcu: If connectivity to a device has been lost and the virtual unit is in mount verification, this switch causes the member to be expelled immediately from the shadow set. If you omit this qualifier, the device is not dismounted until mount verification completes. Note, that this qualifier cannot be used in conjunction with the /POLICY=MINICOPY (=OPTIONAL) qualifier. The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is mounted on this node. + SET DEVICE 1. /FORCE_REMOVAL ddcu: If connectivity to a device has been lost and the virtual unit is in mount verification, this qualifier causes the member to be expelled from the shadow set immediately. If the shadow set is not currently in mount verification, no immediate action is taken. If connectivity to a device has been lost but the virtual unit is not in mount verification, this qualifier lets you flag the member to be expelled from the shadow set, as soon as it does enter mount verification. The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is mounted on this node. 2. /MEMBER_TIMEOUT=xxxxxx ddcu: Specifies the time out value to be used for a member of a shadow set. The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the SYSGEN parameter SHADOW_MBR_TMO for this specific device. The value can be different for different members of the same shadow set. The valid range for xxxxxx is 1 to 16,777,215 seconds. The device specified must be a member of a shadow set that is mounted on this node. 3. /MVTIMEOUT=yyyyyy DSAnnnn: Specifies the mount verification time out value to be used for this virtual unit. The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the SYSGEN parameter MVTIMEOUT for this specific virtual unit. The valid range for yyyyyy is 1 to 16,777,215 seconds. The device specified must be a virtual unit that is mounted on this node. 4. /READ_COST=zzz ddcu: The valid range for zzz is 1 to 4,294,967,295 units. The device specified must be a member of a virtual unit that is mounted on this node. This qualifier allows you to modify the default 'cost' assigned to each member of a virtual unit, so that reads are biased or prioritized toward one member versus another. The shadowing driver assigns default READ_COST values to shadow set members when each member is initially mounted. The default value depends on the device type, and its configuration relative to the system mounting it. There are default values for a DECRAM device; a directly connected device in same physical location; a directly connected device in a remote location; a DECram served device; and for other served devices. The value supplied by this qualifier overrides the default assignment. The shadowing driver adds the current queue depth of the shadow set member to the READ_COST value and does the read operation to the member with the lowest value. Different systems in the cluster can assign different costs to each shadow set member. Reads requested for virtual units from a system at Site 1 are performed from a member that is also at Site 1. Reads requested for the same virtual unit from Site 2 can read from the member located at Site 2. If the /SITE command qualifier has been specified, the shadowing driver will take site values into account, when it assigns default READ_COST values. Note, that to have the shadowing driver determine if a device is in the category of "directly connected device in a remote location," the /SITE command qualifier must be have been applied to both the virtual unit and that device. 5. /SITE={nnn, logical_name} {ddcu: DSAnnnn:} Qualifier indicates to the shadowing driver the site location of the shadow set member or of the virtual unit. Prior to using this qualifier, you may define the site location in the SYLOGICALS.COM command procedure, to simplify its use. The valid range for nnn is 1 through 255. The following example shows the site locations defined, followed by the use of the /SITE qualifier: $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC ZKO 1 $ DEFINE/SYSTEM/EXEC LKG 2 $! $! At the ZKO site ... $ MOUNT/SYSTEM DSA0/SHAD=($1$DGA0:,$1$DGA1:) TEST $ SET DEVICE/SITE=ZKO DSA0: $! $! At the LKG site ... $ MOUNT/SYSTEM DSA0/SHAD=($1$DGA0,$1$DGA1) TEST $ SET DEVICE/SITE=LKG DSA0: $! $! At both sites, the following would be used: $ SET DEVICE/SITE=ZKO $1$DGA0: $ SET DEVICE/SITE=LKG $1$DGA1: 6. /COPY_SOURCE {ddcu:,DSAnnnn:} Controls whether one or both source members of a virtual unit are used as the source for read data during full copy operations, when a third member is added to the virtual unit. This only affects copy operations that do not use DCD operations. HSG80 controllers have a read-ahead cache, which significantly improves single disk read performance. Copy operations, normally alternate reads from the two source members, which effectively nullifies the benefits of the read-ahead cache. This qualifier lets you force all reads from a single source member for the copy operation. If the virtual unit is specified, then all reads for full copy operations will be performed from whichever disk is the current 'master' member, regardless of physical location of the disk. If a member of the virtual unit is specified, then that member will be used as the source of all copy operations. This allows you to choose a local source member, rather than a remote master member. 7. /ABORT_VIRTUAL_UNIT DSAnnnn: To use this qualifier, the virtual unit must be in mount verification. When you specify this qualifier, the virtual unit aborts mount verification immediately on the node from which the qualifier is issued. This qualifier is intended to abort mount verification when it is known that the unit cannot be recovered. Note, that after this command completes, that the virtual unit must still be dismounted using the following command: DISMOUNT/ABORT DSAnnnn o Use of the new DISMOUNT and SET command qualifiers. The following diagram depicts a typical multi-site cluster using fibre channel, and it will be used to illustrate what steps need to be taken to manually recover one site, when the site-to-site storage interconnect fails. Note that with current Fibre Channel support, neither site can use the MSCP server to regain a path to the DGA devices. To prevent the shadowing driver from automatically recovering virtual units, from connection-related failures, two steps must be taken prior to any failure occurring: 1. Every device that is a member of a multi-site shadow set must have its time out set to a very high value, using the $ SET DEVICE /MEMBER_TIMEOUT= x ddcu: command. Use of this command will override the SHADOW_MBR_TMO value, which would normally be used for a shadow set member. A value for x of 259200 would be a seventy-two hour wait time. 2. Every multi site virtual unit will also have to have its mount verification time out raised to a high value, using the $ SET DEVICE /MVTIMEOUT = y command. The "y" value should always be greater than the "x" value. Use of this command will override the MVTIMEOUT value, which would normally be used for the virtual unit. A value for y of 259260 would be a seventy-three hour wait time. 3. Every virtual unit and every shadow set member must have a site qualifier. As was noted above, doing so will ensure that the read cost is correctly set. The other critical factor in doing this involves three member shadow sets. When they are being used, the site qualifier will ensure that the master member of the shadow set will be properly maintained. In this example, DSA42 is made up of $1$DGA1000 and $1$DGA2000 <><><><><><><><><><><> LAN <><><><><><><><><><><> Site A Site B | | F.C. SWITCH <><><><> XYZZY <><><><> F.C. SWITCH | | HSG80 <><> HSG80 HSG80 <><> HSG80 | | $1$DGA1000 --------- DSA42 --------- $1$DGA2000 This diagram illustrates that systems at Site A or Site B have direct access to all devices at both sites via Fibre Channel connections. XYZZY is a theoretical point between the two sites. If that point were to break, each site could access different "local" members of DSA42 without error. For the purpose of this example, Site A will be the sole site chosen to retain access to the virtual unit. The following actions must be taken, as shown, to recover the virtual unit at that site. On Site A: $ DISMOUNT /FORCE_REMOVAL= $1$DGA2000: Once that command has completed, the virtual unit will be available for use at site A, only. On Site B: $ SET DEVICE /ABORT_VIRTUAL_UNIT DSA42: Once the command completes, the virtual unit status will be MntVerifyTimeout. Next, issue the following command to free up the virtual unit: $ DISMOUNT/ABORT DSA42: These steps need to be taken for all affected multi-site virtual units. Problems Addressed in VMS721_SHADOWING-V0300: o An INVEXCPETN crash occurs in SHIN$RESTORE_WLE_ENTRY when a write completes to a multi-member shadowset. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o A SHADDETICON occurs after removing or adding a shadowset member. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o The removal of the master member of a shadowset can cause data corruption. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o The system crashes when SS$_VALNOTVALID errors occur in MERGE_SIGNAL. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o SHOW LOGICAL returns a %LIB-F-INSVIRMEM error. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SHOW.EXE Problems Addressed in VMS721_SHADOWING-V0200: o Multipath secondary UCBs cannot be shadow set members. The multipath disk would be immediately removed from the shadow set and an OPCOM message would be issued. Since MOUNT retries this operation a number of times, even with /NOASSIST, the failure would be repeated a number of times. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o Disabling a FibreChannel cascade connection corrupts a shadowset member. When the cascade connection is broken, two nodes can only see their local FC device. They enter Mountverifaction. One node will throw out its remote member and continue using the last member. The other node will then throw out its remote member, i.e., the disk that has just been used by the first node. This causes the first node to have zero members and the second node continues with a member that did not get the last set of writes. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o Disabling a FibreChannel cascade connection results in an INVEXCPTN crash. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o The SHADOWSET goes MOUNTVERIFYTIMEOUT and cannot be remounted. The process attempting the remount hangs. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE o The Master Member SCB hangs until MVTIMEOUT expires. Images Affected: [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE Problems Addressed in VMS721_SHADOWING-V0100: o When a copy operation that interrupts a merge operation is terminating, it finds that there are no members marked for the merge and the thread crashes the system with a SHADDETINCON bug check. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o SHOW DEVICES shows zero percent merged status although the shadow set status does not indicate that a merge is required. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o Bit 16 in SHADOW_SYS_DISK can be set by the user to eliminate using remote members of the shadowset for reads. Occasionally, use of bit 16 fails to eliminate remote members from being used. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o A CPUSPINWAIT bug check can occur if the read of the SCB of a shadow set member cannot pass the checksum test. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o DCD (Disk Copy Data) will not always be initiated properly. During an assisted copy operation, if the source member was dismounted or otherwise removed from the shadow set, the connection to the controller would not clean up correctly. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o A full copy operation that is interrupted for a mini-merge will not complete the full copy operation correctly. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o Typing incorrect commands results in a system crash. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE o When two disks are added to a shadowset in the same mount command, the copies are done sequentially instead of in parallel. This causes the copies to take twice as long as they should. Images Affected: - [SYS$LDR]SYS$SHDRIVER.EXE - [SYSEXE]SHADOW_SERVER.EXE INSTALLATION NOTES: The images in this kit will not take effect until the system is rebooted. If there are other nodes in the VMScluster, they must also be rebooted in order to make use of the new image(s). If it is not possible or convenient to reboot the entire cluster at this time, a rolling re-boot may be performed. Install this kit with the POLYCENTER Software installation utility by logging into the SYSTEM account, and typing the following at the DCL prompt: PRODUCT INSTALL VMS721_SHADOWING /SOURCE=[location of Kit] The kit location may be a tape drive, CD, or a disk directory that contains the kit. Additional help on installing PCSI kits can be found by typing HELP PRODUCT INSTALL at the system prompt All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

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