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Compaq Y2K
Small Business Inspect

Think you'll be ready?

Are the PCs that run your business ready for the millennium?

Protect Your Personal Computing Environment

If you're unsure what to believe about the Year 2000 (Y2K) millennium bug, think about this. The bug impacts personal computing across the board - PC hardware, operating systems, application software, and data. While there is considerable awareness about Y2K, it is critical for PC users to recognize that hardware-level problems represent a small fraction of the potential Year 2000 issues facing PCs. A personal computer system is Year 2000 ready when all of its elements are ready. That's why Y2K Small Business Inspect, based on Greenwich Mean Time Check 2000(R) software and Compaq's award-winning service, is specifically designed for businesses that want to ensure that their PC environment is prepared for the millennium across the board - PC hardware, operating systems, application software, and data.

Confidence That comes From A Thorough Assessment

The only way to confidently ensure your business systems are Y2K ready is to test every PC down to cells in individual spreadsheets or databases. The Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect solution performs a comprehensive assessment of Year 2000 readiness, targeting all five at-risk layers in a PC.

Five-Layer Year 2000 Problem

5 Data sharing, OLE, vendor interface, data importing, data exporting

4 Shared data repositories, local data, database files

3 Commercial applications, including office automation software, electronic mail

2 DOS, Windows 3.X, Windows NT, Windows 95/98

1 Platform hardware and firmware

So Easy You Can Run The Tests Yourself

Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect is designed specifically for small business owners who want to thoroughly and effectively assess their systems for Y2K readiness without having to make a substantial IT investment.Y2K Small Business Inspect is user installable, and test results are presented in an intuitive, easyto-understand format.

At the conclusion of the system tests, Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect provides a detailed report of the software applications and data most at risk and outlines specific action you should take to reduce risk.You can rerun the program at any time and recheck your systems for readiness.

Support Just In Case

The Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect solution includes Technical and Advisory Telephone Support, which entitles you to telephone support in case you have questions or need assistance. When you call, you'll be connected to a Y2K specialist who can answer your questions, clarify the test results or give you advice on a recommended problem fix.

Additional support time is available should you require extended support.

Most Comprehensive Assessment

You depend on your PCs to help manage your business day to day. Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect is an affordable, easy-to-use tool for assessing the impact of the Year 2000 on your business systems.

Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect performs a comprehensive assessment using the software referred to as "the best of the lot" (December 14, 1998- PC World Magazine) and also offers the advisory and telephone support of Compaq Services.

For More Information

For more information about the Compaq Y2K Small Business Inspect solution, contact your authorized Compaq Reseller.

Technical Requirements

An IBM-compatible PC with one of the following Microsoft operating systems:

30 MB available hard disk space


Compaq believes the information in this publication is accurate as of its publication date. Such information is subject to change without notice. Compaq is not responsible for any inadvertent errors.

Windows NT, Windows 95 and Windows 98 are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Check 2000 is a trademark of Greenwich Mean Time.

©1999 Compaq Computer Corporation. All rights reserved. Compaq Registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Printed in U.S.A.

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