PC264SRM srm_fw PC264NT nt_fw PC264FSB fsb_fw DFXAA320 dfxaa_fw KZPSAA12 kzpsa_fw CIPCA420 cipca_fw CD393A0 fca_2354_fw HD191X6 fca_2384_fw TD191X6 fca_2684_fw DD393A0 kgpsa_8k_fw KG7320X7 kgpsa_7k_fw KZPDC356 kzpdc_fw ! This file is a list of all the firmware for the system. The exclamation point above is the file terminator, so anything below it will not be seen by the update utility. Anything above the exclamation point must adhere to the existing format. The first line will contain the directory and filename as it appears on the update media, without the extension and in upper case. The following line will contain the name of the file to which the image will be copied on the console's file system. Nothing else is allowed on either line and no lines should be skipped. For any new firmware images, there will be only two lines added to this file.