------ ATI Mach64 ISA configuration for OpenVMS. To support the ATI Mach64 ISA cards (Graphics Xpression) on EISA based OpenVMS systems, the board must be configured using the EISA Configuration Utility. A floppy labeled TBD containing the file ISA6400.CFG is included with the graphics card when purchased from DIGITAL, or may be placed onto a DOS (FAT) formatted diskette, or added to the ECU diskette. To add the card, select option 2 (add or remove a board) in the ECU, and follow the directions. If the file is on a seperate diskette, use the option to change diskettes. NOTES: 1) The ATI Mach64 requires a 4mb aperture in EISA Bus Memory space at physical address 4mb for OpenVMS operation. Any EISA or ISA cards that require extended bus memory windows cannot share this region. The ATI Mach64 will not function on the DECpc AXP 150 (DEC 2000-200 or 300) due to conflicts with this aperture and system memory space. 2) DIGITAL UNIX and Windows NT Alpha do not require the ECU for this option. --------------