DOCUMENT:Q314220 23-APR-2002 [mspress] TITLE :Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step Comments and Corrections PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER:: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbdocfix kbdocerr ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - MSPRESS Microsoft Visual C#.NET Step by Step ISBN 0-7356-1289-7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors relating to the Microsoft Press book Microsoft Visual C# .NET Step by Step, ISBN 0-7356-1289-7. The following topics are covered: - Page 43: Error In Second Bullet Item - Page 60: "getInt" Should Be "readInt" - Page 51: Incorrect Text Regarding Variables - Page 128: Typographical Error - Page 140: Missing Statement Regarding Const Field - Page 141: 'public static field' Should Be 'public static method' - Page 161: Incorrect Graphic - Pages 184 & 185: Lines Incorrectly Formatted As Code - Pages 193 And 194: Correction To ArrayList Code Sample - Page 199: Image Incorrectly Shows 12 Cards Per Player - Page 202: Correction In Step 3 - Page 254: Incorrect Statement About Sealed Class - Page 268: Incorrect Statement About Initializing Properties - Page 275: "namespace Windows.Drawing" Should Be "namespace System.Windows.Drawing" - Page 282: Incorrect Use of Vertical Ellipses In Code Sample - Page 292: "Declare a read-only property" Should Be "Declare a read-only indexer" - Page 305: Error In 'important' Block - Page 319: Error In Struct Vs. Class Box - Page 323: Error In Code Sample - Pages 333 & 337: Screenshots Are Switched - Page 537: Correction In Step 7 MORE INFORMATION ================ Page 43: Error In Second Bullet Item ------------------------------------ On page 43, in the second bullet, Change: "If the 3 binds to the * operator, the result of the multiplication (3 * 4) forms the right hand operand of the / operator and the result of the whole expression is 2 / 12." To: "If the 3 binds to the * operator, the result of the multiplication (3 * 2) forms the right hand operand of the / operator and the result of the whole expression 4 / (3 * 2), which is 0 (again integer division)." Page 60: "getInt" Should Be "readInt" ------------------------------------- On page 60, in steps 8 and 11, Change: "getInt" To: "readInt" Page 51: Incorrect Text Regarding Variables ------------------------------------------- There is an error on page 51 regarding variables. Change: "Other statements in the method that come afterwards can use it when the method has finished, even though the variable disappears." To: "The variable is created at the statement that defines it, and other statements in the method that come afterwards can use it. Once the method has finished, though, the variable disappears." Page 128: Typographical Error ----------------------------- There is an error in the Abstract Data Types block. Change: "You cannot abstract these fields or methods..." To: "You cannot access these fields or methods..." Page 140: Missing Statement Regarding Const Field ------------------------------------------------- On page 140, the "Creating a Static Field..." section is missing a statement. Change: "... is nevertheless static. For example ..." To: "... is nevertheless static. However, for reasons beyond the scope of this book, you can only declare const field when the field is an enum, a primitive type, or a string. For example ..." Page 141: 'public static field' Should Be 'public static method' ---------------------------------------------------------------- There is an incorrect reference to a 'public static field' on page 141. Change: "Finally, you will write a public static field" To: "Finally, you will write a public static method" Page 161: Incorrect Graphic --------------------------- On page 161, the graphic at the top is missing some elements. The arrow leading to the "42" box should come from a square "@" box with the label "object o" (exactly like the box at the bottom of page 159). The arrow leading out of the "42" box should lead to a square "42" box with the label "int i" (exactly like the the box at the bottom of page 159). Pages 184 & 185: Lines Incorrectly Formatted As Code ---------------------------------------------------- The last line on page 184, and the first two lines on 185 are incorrectly formatted as code. These lines are not part of the code sample at the bottom of page 184. Pages 193 And 194: Correction To ArrayList Code Sample ------------------------------------------------------ On pages 193 and 194, in the code sample for ArrayList, Change: ArrayList countdown = new ArrayList(); ... countdown.Remove(7); ... countdown.RemoveAt(8); ... (the 4th element, index 5) ... the 7th element, index 8 To: ArrayList numbers = new ArrayList(); ... numbers.Remove(7); ... numbers.RemoveAt(8); ... (the 4th element, index 3) ... the 7th element, index 6 Page 199: Image Incorrectly Shows 12 Cards Per Player ----------------------------------------------------- The image on page 199 shows 12 cards per player. This image should show 13 cards per player. Page 202: Correction In Step 3 ------------------------------ On page 202, in step 3, Change: "A foreach statement is okay here because you do need..." To "A foreach statement is okay here because you do not need..." Page 254: Incorrect Statement About Sealed Class ------------------------------------------------ On page 254, in the first bulleted item under "Notice that:", change: "(The extension would also be valid if TextReader were a sealed class.)" To: "(The extension would also be invalid if TextReader were a sealed class.)" Page 268: Incorrect Statement About Initializing Properties ----------------------------------------------------------- On page 268, in the first bullet, Change: ?You can?t initialize a property through a set accessor..." To: ?You can?t initialize a property of a struct using a set accessor...? Page 275: "namespace Windows.Drawing" Should Be "namespace System.Windows.Drawing" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On page 275, in the code sample, Change: "namespace Windows.Drawing" To: "namespace System.Windows.Drawing" Page 282: Incorrect Use of Vertical Ellipses In Code Sample ----------------------------------------------------------- On page 282, the code sample incorrectly uses vertical ellipses. Change these two instances to horizontal ellipses (...). The code sample should appear as follows: { ... public bool this [ int index ] { get { ... } set { ... } } ... } Page 292: "Declare a read-only property" Should Be "Declare a read-only indexer" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On page 292, Change: "Declare a read-only property" To: "Declare a read-only indexer" Page 305: Error In 'important' Block ------------------------------------ There is an error in the 'important' block on page 305. Change: "when a delegate is attached to it by using the -=operator." To: "when a delegate is attached to it by using the +=operator." Page 319: Error In Struct Vs. Class Box --------------------------------------- On page 319, there is an error at the bottom of the Struct vs. Class box. The last line, "This is for efficiency reasons...", should be deleted entirely. Page 323: Error In Code Sample ------------------------------ There is an error in the code sample at the bottom of page 323. Change: public static implicit operator int (Hour from) { return from.value; } To: public static implicit operator Hour (int from) { return new Hour(from); } Pages 333 & 337: Screenshots Are Switched ----------------------------------------- The screenshot images on page 333 and 337 are switched. These two images should be swapped. Page 537: Correction In Step 7 ------------------------------ On page 537, in step 7, Change: "in the loginButtonClick method" To" "in the loginClick method" Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections. Additional query words: 0-7356-1289-7 SHARP JAGGER EUBOOK EUSBS VSTUDIO .NET VC ====================================================================== Keywords : kbdocfix kbdocerr Technology : kbMSPressSearch Version : : Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.