DOCUMENT:Q280784 29-APR-2002 [mspress] TITLE :MCSE Readiness Review Exam 70-216 Windows 2000 Network Infrastru PRODUCT :Microsoft Press PROD/VER:: OPER/SYS: KEYWORDS:kbdocfix kbdocerr ====================================================================== ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The information in this article applies to: - MSPRESS MCSE Readiness Review Exam 70-216 Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure ISBN 0-7356-0950-0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMARY ======= This article contains comments, corrections, and information about known errors relating to the Microsoft Press book MCSE Readiness Review Exam 70-216 Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure, ISBN 0-7356-0950-0. The following topics are covered: - Page 72: Incorrect Answer To Question 70- - Page 72: Incorrect Answer To Question 70- - Page 89: Corrections To Question 70- - Page 92: Incorrect Answer For 70- - Page 112: Incorrect Description Of WINS Proxy Behavior - Page 115: Correction To Question 70-'s Answers - Page 180: Incorrect Answer For 70- MORE INFORMATION ================ Page 72: Incorrect Answer To Question 70- ------------------------------------------------------ On page 72, the answer for question 70- is incorrectly listed as E. The correct answer should be A: "On Tom's computer, change the default gateway to" Page 72: Incorrect Answer To Question 70- ------------------------------------------------------ On page 72, under question 70-, the correct answers should be A and B, not A. Change: "Correct Answers: A ... B. Incorrect: The correct option to set is Obtain An IP Address Automatically. When selected, this causes a DNS server to be assigned along with the other required TCP/IP values." To: "Correct Answers: A and B ... B. Correct: When you select the Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically option, the Windows client computers use DNS configuration information provided by the DHCP server." Page 89: Corrections To Question 70- ------------------------------------------------- On page 89, in the figure, change drive D of FileSrvr3 from NTFS to FAT. And, Change: "A. The PROCEDURES.DOC file exists on \\FilesSrvr2\ACCT in decrypted form, on \\FileSrvr3\ADM in decrypted form, and on the tape drive in encrypted form." To: "A. The PROCEDURES.DOC file exits on \\FileSrvr1\HR, \\FileSrvr2\ACCT, and \\FileSrvr3\ADM in decrypted form, and on the tape drive in encrypted form." Page 92: Incorrect Answer For 70- ---------------------------------------------- On page 92, the correct answer for 70- should be C and F, not C and E. Change the answers to: "Correct Answers: C and F A. Incorrect: Although the file will be left decrypted on both FileSrvr2 and FileSrvr3, the file remains encrypted on \\FileSrvr1\HR as well as the tape drive on FileSrvr1. C. Correct: The PROCEDURES.DOC file loses its encrypted status when copied to a nonencrypted file system, as are found on FileSrvr2 and FileSrvr3. The file maintains its encrypted status when backed up to the tape drive on FileSrvr1 because this server is using an EFS. E. Incorrect: When you copy or move a file to an EFS-enabled folder, the file is encrypted automatically. F. Correct: When you copy or move a file to an EFS-enabled fodler, the file is encrypted automatically. G. Incorrect: Because you moved the file from \\FileSrvr2\ACCT, it no longer resides on this share. Further, the file is saved in encrypted format on \\FileSrvr1\HR. H. Incorrect: Because you moved the file from \\FileSrvr2\ACCT, it no longer resides on this share." Page 112: Incorrect Description Of WINS Proxy Behavior ------------------------------------------------------ On page 112, in the third paragraph of question 70-, change: "You want all computers to be able to register their NetBIOS names with WINS." To: "You want all computers to be able to resolve NetBIOS name inquiries with WINS." Page 115: Correction To Question 70-'s Answers ----------------------------------------------------------- On page 115, under question 70-, the correct answer should be none, not A and B. Change: "Correct Answers: A and B A. Correct: Manually add the name and IP addresses of non-WINS computers to the WINS database of static maps. B. Correct: As an alternative to manually entering each non-WINS client, you can import the static map values from an LMHOSTS file. Ultimately, because the non-WINS client cannot register their information in the WINS database, you need to add this information as a static map." To: "Correct Answers: None A. Incorrect: Adding static mappings in WINS database enables WINS clients to resolve NetBIOS names of the non-WINS clients, but it does not resovle the issue of the non-WINS clients not able to communicating with the WINS server. B. Incorrect: Adding static mappings in the LMHOST file enables WINS clients to resolve NetBIOS names of the non-WINS clients, but it does not resolve the issue of the non-WINS clients not able to communicating with the WINS server." Page 180: Incorrect Answer For 70- ----------------------------------------------- On page 180, the correct answer for 70- should be C, not B. Change: Correct Answers: B A. Incorrect: The default subnet mask used by the DHCP allocator is B. Correct: The DHCP allocator uses as the default value for its subnet mask. C. Incorrect: The Correct default subnet mask value is D. Incorrect: When you are using the DHCP allocator with NAT, the default subnet mask is E. Incorrect: The DHCP allocator has a preset default subnet mask of To: Correct Answers: C A. Incorrect: The default subnet mask used by the DHCP allocator is B. Incorrect: The DHCP allocator uses as the default value for its subnet mask. C. Correct: The Correct default subnet mask value is D. Incorrect: When you are using the DHCP allocator with NAT, the default subnet mask is E. Incorrect: The DHCP allocator has a preset default subnet mask of Microsoft Press is committed to providing informative and accurate books. All comments and corrections listed above are ready for inclusion in future printings of this book. If you have a later printing of this book, it may already contain most or all of the above corrections. Additional query words: TKBOOK RRBOOK WIN2K 0-7356-0950-0 Perkovich 0-7356-1388-5 ====================================================================== Keywords : kbdocfix kbdocerr Technology : kbMSPressSearch Version : : Issue type : kbinfo ============================================================================= THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THE MICROSOFT KNOWLEDGE BASE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. MICROSOFT DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. IN NO EVENT SHALL MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES, EVEN IF MICROSOFT CORPORATION OR ITS SUPPLIERS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. SOME STATES DO NOT ALLOW THE EXCLUSION OR LIMITATION OF LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES SO THE FOREGOING LIMITATION MAY NOT APPLY. Copyright Microsoft Corporation 2002.