ftp.microsoft.com:/Developer/DRG/Tiger-info/itv-wp-1.zip This is "Interactive Television: From Vision to Reality", a 13-page document which gives some information on interactive television (ITV) technology. Itv-wp-1.zip contains itv-wp-1.doc, a Microsoft Word 6.0 document, and itv-wp-1.rtf, a Rich Text Format document. ftp.microsoft.com:/Developer/DRG/Tiger-info/tgr-data.zip This is "Microsoft Continuous-Media Server Technology", a 4-page document which gives an overview of the Microsoft continuous-media server software solution, codenamed "Tiger". Tgr-data.zip contains tgr-data.doc, a Microsoft Word 6.0 document, and tgr-data.rtf, a Rich Text Format document.