========================================== Microsoft Music Central 96 Content Updates ========================================== These updates are a new and exciting feature of the Music Central 96 CD-ROM. Don't live in the past - get 'em while they're hot. Each month, the latest reviews from Q, updated bios, and additions to the discographies will be available to download to your hard drive. When you run your Music Central 96 CD, the newly updated information on your hard drive is integrated seamlessly with the CD, keeping your copy of Music Central 96 as fresh as your mom's Tuna Surprise. ========== IMPORTANT! ========== 1. Music Central 96 runs on Windows 95, Windows NT or Macintosh only. 2. You must have Music Central 96 to use the updates. The updates will not work with previous versions of Music Central. ============================================== Instructions for updating your Windows CD-ROM: ============================================== 1. Select the Windows folder. 2. Select the CD-ROM content update file to download. (WinJan96.exe, for January 1996, for example) 3. Save the file in the following directory/folder: c:\Program Files\Microsoft Multimedia\Music Central (where "c:" is the drive letter of your hard drive.) 4. Double-click the .exe (i.e., WinJan96.exe) file in c:\Program Files\Microsoft Multimedia\Music Central 5. Rename the file to give it the proper extension after expanding the self-extracting exe. (WinJan96.msc96upd, for example.) 6. When you've finished downloading the updates you want, restart Music Central 96 to integrate the updates. If you are having problems with the update file, please be sure that the name of the file you saved is something in the format of "WinJan96.msc96upd", where the file extension is msc96upd. ================================================ Instructions for updating your Macintosh CD-ROM: ================================================ The update files for Macintosh are compressed into a self-extracting archive, and then converted to BinHex format for file transfer. 1. You will need one of the StuffIt products (StuffIt Expander, StuffIt Lite or StuffIt Deluxe) to expand the update file. You can download StuffIt Expander from the Aladdin Systems, Inc. Web page (http://www.aladdinsys.com/obstufex.htm). *See note below about visiting this site. 2. Select the Macintosh folder. 3. Select the CD-ROM content update file to download. (MacJan96.msc96upd.sit.hqx, for January 1996, for example) If the saved file ends in the letters "msc96upd", the file is ready to use. If the saved file ends in the letters "hqx" or "sit", use one of the StuffIt products to de-BinHex and expand the file. If you are using StuffIt Expander, you can simply drag the update file on top of the StuffIt Expander icon. 4. Move the update file into the Music Central Folder located in your System Folder's Preferences folder. 5. When you've finished downloading the updates you want, restart Music Central 96 to integrate the updates. Note: If the update file is damaged during the download, Music Central will not be able to restart. If you cannot restart Music Central, delete the update file and try starting Music Central again. If Music Central starts normally, the update file is damaged and must be downloaded again. (In some cases, connecting at a lower baud rate may reduce the risk of file damage during the download.) Please send comments or suggestions to mcentral@microsoft.com. *Notice: You should know that sites listed here are not under the control of Microsoft. Accordingly, Microsoft can make no representation concerning the content of these sites to you, nor can the fact that Microsoft has given you this listing serve as an endorsement by Microsoft of any of these sites. Microsoft is providing this list only as a convenience to you; this is to inform you that Microsoft has not tested any software found on these sites and therefore cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety or suitability of any software found there. There are inherent dangers in the use of any software found on the Internet, and Microsoft cautions you to make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any software on the Internet. (c) 1995 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Music Central and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Macintosh is a registered trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.