Encarta 96 Encyclopedia FTP Site, PSS\US\MAC directory readme.txt Some users have reported recurring problems downloading and integrating the Yearbook Builder files for Encarta 96 Encyclopedia. On some computer configurations, the .eyb files are getting corrupted during the download process, and Encarta cannot successfully integrate the files. The corrupt files are usually the same size as the originals, but portions of the files differ. We are working to isolate the exact cause of the problem. In the interim, we have determined that most Macintosh users can successfully download the files in the form of BinHex (.hqx) encoded, StuffIt compressed files. This directory contains BinHex (.hqx) encoded, StuffIt compressed versions of the update files for Macintosh Encarta 96 Encyclopedia owners. You will need one of the StuffIt products (StuffIt Expander, StuffIt Lite, or StuffIt Deluxe) to expand the update file. You can download StuffIt Expander from the Aladdin Systems, Inc. Web page: http://www.aladdinsys.com/obstufex.htm To download and integrate the files: 1. Use FTP to download the desired file to your hard disk (e.g., nov95a.hqx). 2. Compare the update file size listed on the FTP server with the update file size that appears on your hard drive. If the file size differs, the update file has been corrupted during the download process. Go back to step 1. If the file size is the same, continue to step 3. 3. Use one of the StuffIt products to de-BinHex and expand the .hqx file. If you are using StuffIt Expander, you can simply drag the update file on top of the StuffIt Expander icon. 4. You should now have a file that ends in ".eyb". 5. Move the update file (.eyb) into the Yearbook Files folder inside the Encarta 96 Encyclopedia folder on your hard drive. 6. Run Encarta Encyclopedia, and click on the Integrate button in the Add New Months screen in the Yearbook Builder feature. After you click the Integrate button, .eyb files are automatically removed. Contact Information For more information about the files in this directory, send e-mail to encweb@microsoft.com