============================================================================= Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit Systems Management Server Tools ============================================================================= This directory contains updates to the Alpha version of the NT Inventory File Collector application of the BackOffice Resource Kit. The Alpha version of this application was not available on the BackOffice Resource Kit CD because the installation instructions supplied in the Help file (SMSTOOLS.HLP) were incomplete. The instructions in the file INVCOLAL.DOC should be used instead for the installation of the NT Inventory File Collector. Directory contents: invcolal.doc - Instructions for installing and running the Alpha version of the NT Inventory file collector Pollinv.exe - The NT Inventory File Collector application Pollreg.exe - The application to register Pollinv.exe Remvpoll.exe - The application to deregister Pollinv.exe Usage information for the SMS utilities can be found in the Resource Kit Tools help file. (SMSTOOLS.HLP) ============================================================================= If you have problems with the patches or any of the utilities on the BackOffice Resource Kit, please send email to RKINPUT@MICROSOFT.COM Thank you, Microsoft BackOffice Resource Kit Team.