TITLE : HP Tru64 UNIX - SSRT090194 : Cyrus IMAP Vulnerability Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Company 2009. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX SOURCE: Hewlett-Packard Company ECO INFORMATION: ECO Name: T64V51B-IX691-CYRUSIMAP2315-SSRT172-20091124.tar.gz ECO Kit Approximate Size: 69.38 MB Kit Applies To: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.9 ECO Kit CHECKSUMS: /usr/bin/sum results: 53344 71049 /usr/bin/cksum results: 1880660993 72753928 MD5 results: 7b4d8d07324134d79443063ca7479abb SHA1 results: c5e4d16bb6219a8bb290d89d12b9835683a9e9c0 ECO KIT SUMMARY: A setld-based patch kit exists for HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.9 (IX) that contains solution to the following problem: A Potential security vulnerability has been reported on Cyrus IMAP running on the HP Tru64 UNIX Operating System. The vulnerability could be exploited to gain unauthorized privileged access Special Installation Instructions The kit "T64V51B-IX691-CYRUSIMAP2315-SSRT172-20091124.tar.gz" when untarred contains the following : - IAE691-CYRUSIMAP-SSRT172.tar.gz (Installable Kit) - cyrus-imapd-2.3.15.tar.Z (sources) Installing the kit 1. gunzip T64V51B-IX691-CYRUSIMAP2315-SSRT172-20091124.tar.gz 2. tar xvf T64V51B-IX691-CYRUSIMAP2315-SSRT172-20091124.tar 3. gunzip IAE691-CYRUSIMAP-SSRT172.tar.gz 4. tar xvf IAE691-CYRUSIMAP-SSRT172.tar 5. cd cyrusimap_kit 6. ls -R IAE.image IAECYRIMAP691 IAECYRSASL691 IAEPERL691 INSTCTRL instctrl ./instctrl: IAE.image IAECYRIMAP691.ctrl IAECYRIMAP691.scp IAECYRSASL691.inv IAEPERL691.ctrl IAEPERL691.scp IAE691.comp IAECYRIMAP691.inv IAECYRSASL691.ctrl IAECYRSASL691.scp IAEPERL691.inv 7. setld -l . SUPERSEDE INFORMATION: Please note that this IX Cyrus-Imap ERP being delivered, contains the subset IAECYRIMAP691 and the IX 6.9 kit will have the subset IAECYRIMAP690. Hence, IX 6.9 Cyrus-Imap will not be allowed to overwrite binary delivered by this ERP. All the features present in IX 6.9 Cyrus-Imap are available in this ERP. KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH THE PATCH KIT: None. [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2009. All Rights reserved. This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology of Hewlett-Packard Company. Possession, use, or copying of this software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Hewlett-Packard or an authorized sublicensor. This ECO has not been through an exhaustive field test process. Due to the experimental stage of this ECO/workaround, Hewlett-Packard makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection and back-up data used in conjunction with this ECO/workaround.