HP Tru64 UNIX - SSRT080132 Buffer overflow in the imageloadfont Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Company 2008. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX SOURCE: Hewlett-Packard Company ECO INFORMATION: ECO Name: SWS-681.tar.gz ECO Kit Approximate Size: 108MB Kit Applies To: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 ECO Kit CHECKSUMS: /usr/bin/sum results: 29532 105752 /usr/bin/cksum results: 705273346 108289825 MD5 results: e246c29f305cfdb526e20672b6c3b05f SHA1 results: 50a894ed8d8fd0e038ea569d787a9268dbb0e88a ECO KIT SUMMARY: A setld-based patch kit exists for HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 (IX) that contains solutions to the following problems: A potential security vulnerability has been reported on the HP Tru64 UNIX Operating System or Internet Express (IX) whereby a buffer overflow in the imageloadfont function in ext/gd/gd.c in PHP 4.4.x before 4.4.9 and PHP 5.2 before 5.2.6-r6 allows context-dependent attackers to cause a denial of service (crash) and possibly execute arbitrary code via a crafted font file. The patches in this kit will also be available in the next mainstream patch kit - IX 6.9. Special Installation Instructions The kit "SWS-681.tar.gz" when untarred contains the following directories: - doc (sws documentation) - kit (installable kit) - sources Installing the kit 1. gunzip SWS-681.tar.gz 2. tar xvf SWS-681.tar 3. cd sws-681/kit 4. ls -R IAE.image IAEAPAD681 IAEAPCH681 IAEAPDOC681 IAEHTTPD681 IAETOMCAT681 INSTCTRL instctrl ./instctrl: IAE.image IAEAPAD681.ctrl IAEAPAD681.scp IAEAPCH681.inv IAEAPDOC681.ctrl IAEAPDOC681.scp IAEHTTPD681.inv IAETOMCAT681.ctrl IAETOMCAT681.scp IAE681.comp IAEAPAD681.inv IAEAPCH681.ctrl IAEAPCH681.scp IAEAPDOC681.inv IAEHTTPD681.ctrl IAEHTTPD681.scp IAETOMCAT681.inv 5. # setld -l . SUPERSEDE INFORMATION: None KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH THE PATCH KIT: None. This patch delivers the following files: IAE.image IAEAPAD681 IAEAPCH681 IAEAPDOC681 IAEHTTPD681 IAETOMCAT681 INSTCTRL ./instctrl/IAE.image ./instctrl/IAEAPAD681.ctrl ./instctrl/IAEAPAD681.scp ./instctrl/IAEAPCH681.inv ./instctrl/IAEAPDOC681.ctrl ./instctrl/IAEAPDOC681.scp ./instctrl/IAEHTTPD681.inv ./instctrl/IAETOMCAT681.ctr ./instctrl/IAETOMCAT681.scp ./instctrl/IAE681.comp ./instctrl/IAEAPAD681.inv ./instctrl/IAEAPCH681.ctrl ./instctrl/IAEAPCH681.scp ./instctrl/IAEAPDOC681.inv ./instctrl/IAEHTTPD681.ctrl ./instctrl/IAEHTTPD681.scp ./instctrl/IAETOMCAT681.inv apache-tomcat-5.5.26, apache_1.3.39, httpd-2.2.6, php-4.4.9 sources and licenses [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2008. All Rights reserved.