HP Tru64 UNIX - SSRT080006: PostgreSQL 8.2.4 and Earlier Running on HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX, Multiple Vulnerabilities Copyright (c) Hewlett-Packard Company 2008. All rights reserved. PRODUCT: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX SOURCE: Hewlett-Packard Company ECO INFORMATION: ECO Name: POSTGRESQL_8.2.6-ES-20080320.tar.gz ECO Kit Approximate Size: 35MB Kit Applies To: HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.7 ECO Kit CHECKSUMS: /usr/bin/sum results: 49411 34225 /usr/bin/cksum results: 3736051194 35045563 MD5 results: 79e401ab98c1d642ffc559f81a0feece SHA1 results: c55ec89f72c8cd67f75933d037225728db0d1b9c ECO KIT SUMMARY: A setld-based patch kit exists for HP Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX 6.7 (IX) that contains solutions to the following problems: Multiple potential security vulnerabilities have been identified in PostgreSQL version 8.2.4 and earlier available with Internet Express for Tru64 UNIX (IX). The vulnerabilities could allow remote authenticated users to execute arbitrary code, gain elevated privilege, or cause a denial of service (DoS). The patches in this kit will also be available in the next mainstream patch kit - IX 6.8. Special Installation Instructions The kit "POSTGRESQL_8.2.6-ES-20080320.tar.gz" when untarred contains the following files: - README.txt (INSTALLATION instructions) - postgresql-8.2.6.bin.tar.gz (installable kit) - postgresql-8.2.6.src.tar.gz (postgresql sources) Installing the kit 1. Untar the POSTGRESQL_8.2.6-ES-20080320.tar.gz kit using the command #gunzip -c POSTGRESQL_8.2.6-ES-20080320.tar.gz | tar xf - 2. #cd POSTGRESQL_8.2.6-20080320 3. #ls README.txt postgresql-8.2.6.bin.tar.gz postgresql-8.2.6.src.tar.gz 4. To install the binaries, follow these steps: # gunzip -c postgresql-8.2.6.bin.tar.gz | tar xf - # ls postgresql-8.2.6.bin # cd postgresql-8.2.6.bin # ls -R IAE.image IAEPSQL672 INSTCTRL instctrl ./instctrl: IAE.image IAE672.comp IAEPSQL672.ctrl IAEPSQL672.inv IAEPSQL672.scp # setld -l . SUPERSEDE INFORMATION: None KNOWN PROBLEMS WITH THE PATCH KIT: None. This patch delivers the following files: IAE.image IAEPSQL672 INSTCTRL ./instctrl/IAE.image ./instctrl/IAE672.comp ./instctrl/IAEPSQL672.ctrl ./instctrl/IAEPSQL672.inv ./instctrl/IAEPSQL672.scp PostgreSQL v 8.2.6 souces and license [R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited. Copyright Hewlett-Packard Company 2008. All Rights reserved.