PROBLEM: (QAR 54457) (Patch ID: OSF425DX-008) ******** When issuing a useradd -D or usermod -D command to view the account manager default values, the value for Inactive (days) would show the character 's' when the Inactive days status has been defeated with a -1 value. The field value should be blank instead of showing an 's'. PROBLEM: (QAR 63167) (Patch ID: OSF425DX-017) ******** This patch fixes the problem where usermod -g will lock the user account if it is unlocked. PROBLEM: (60897) (Patch ID: OSF425DX-013) ******** This patch fixes a problem where adding a NIS user via useradd required that the user's primary group exist in NIS as well. The primary group does not need to be in the NIS database when adding a NIS user.