PROBLEM: (MGO103513, TKTR70340) (Patch ID: OSF425-400) ******** This patch fixes a problem that can cause a panic with the message: rm_failover_self This panic occurs in a virtual hub environment when the member with VH1 is powered off. This patch also contains general fixes for handling MEMORY CHANNEL errors. A typical stack trace for the panic might look like: 0 boot() 1 panic("thread_block: interrupt level call") 2 thread_block() 3 thread_preempt() 4 boot() 5 panic("rm_failover_self") 6 rm_panic() 7 rm_failover_self() 8 rm_failover_all() 9 rmerror_state_change() 10 mchan_stchg_ctlr_offline() 11 mchan_handle_stchg_intr() 12 Mchan_isr() 14 _XentInt() PROBLEM: (QAR 63871) (Patch ID: OSF425-421) ******** The current mchan driver (mchan.mod) and primitive rm layer (rm.mod) does not support the memory channel 2 controller. This patch is needed if you plan on using the memory channel 2 controller in your system. This patch is not needed for memory channel 1 controllers.