About This Manual

This manual provides instructions for installing and removing patches for the Tru64 UNIX operating system, the Available Server Environment (ASE), and the TruCluster Software products. This manual also describes baselining techniques and provides other information for working with patches. For information about individual patches, see the Patch Summary and Release Notes document for the kit you are installing.


With the Version 4.0F release, the name of the operating system has been changed to Tru64 UNIX. In general, versions prior to 4.0F are still referred to as DIGITAL UNIX, while Version 4.0F and later versions are Tru64 UNIX. For technical reasons, however, 4.0F may sometimes be referred to as DIGITAL UNIX (for example in the product string, which is discussed in Section 2.7.3).


This manual is for the person who installs and removes patch kits and for anyone who manages patches after they are installed.


This manual is organized as follows:

Chapter 1 Provides an overview of the concepts and features of the patch kits.
Chapter 2 Introduces the dupatch utility and provides information to be aware of when installing patches.
Chapter 3 Describes the procedures for installing and removing patches.
Chapter 4 Provides samples for installing patches, viewing patch documentation, and setting a system baseline.
Chapter 5 Describes error messages you might see while installing, removing, or maintaining patches.
Chapter 6 Contains general Tru64 UNIX system upgrade information.

Related Documentation

In addition to this manual, you should be familiar with the concepts and mechanisms described in the following documents. Note that the TruCluster Software documents included in this list also provide information about the Available Server Environment (ASE):

Reader's Comments

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The Tru64 UNIX Publications group cannot respond to system problems or technical support inquiries. Please address technical questions to your local system vendor or to the appropriate Compaq technical support office. Information provided with the software media explains how to send problem reports to Compaq.