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HP Services Software Patches - ldbae16030_decladebug
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1995.
All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0,3.2

COMPONENT:  DECladebug Debugger Version 3.0-16

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  LDBAE16030
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  None
     ECO Kit Approximate Size: LDBAE16030.TAR 2304000 bytes


An ECO kit exists for DEC OSF/1 Version 3.0,3.2 DECladebug Debugger. 
Following is a brief description of the corrections provided.  Please
read the DECladebug Debugger Version 3.0-16 release notes for more details
about the corrections:

	- A correction in the DECladebug kit installation procedure,
          so that it no longer tries to send electronic mail to the 
          DECladebug development group at Digital.

	- An improvement in the debugger's handling of large numbers 
          of open files.

	- Several corrections pertaining to rerunning programs under 
          debugger control.

	- Several corrections to thread support.

	- Several corrections to attach/detach support.

	- Several corrections to load/unload support.

	- Several corrections to overload menus.

	- Several language-specific corrections, including corrections to
	  C, C++, COBOL, and FORTRAN language support.

	- Several other miscellaneous corrections.


This DECladebug kit may be installed on both OSF/1 V3.0 and V3.2.
The tar file name of the DECladebug kit is LDBAE16030.tar.
This tar file must be unpacked before using the system setld utility
to install the kit.

This DECladebug kit requires the C++ Class Library ECOkit #1, V3.0-6.  
The tar file name of the C++ library kit is CXXSHRDAE01306.tar.

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