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Tru64 UNIX Tru64 V4.0D ECO Summary
TITLE: Tru64 UNIX Tru64 V4.0D ECO Summary
New Kit Date     :  09-AUG-2001
Modification Date:  Not Applicable
Modification Type:  Updated Kit  Supersedes DUV40DAS0008-20001110

Copyright (c) Compaq Computer Corporation 2001.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    Tru64 UNIX [R] 4.0D
SOURCE:     Compaq Computer Corporation


     ECO Name:  DUV40DAS0009-20010724
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  91MB 
     Kit Applies To:  Tru64 UNIX 4.0D

Checksum (/bin/cksum) for DUV40DAS0009-20010724:
  2335503555 91402240 DUV40DAS0009-20010724.tar

MD5/SHA1 results for DUV40DAS0009-20010724:
  25aa3b686b90c1a89668b0a17bd0d6cc DUV40DAS0009-20010724.tar MD5
  7f3b5d91e31f9f9c8f8e84e6d008f78605d08365 DUV40DAS0009-20010724.tar SHA1


An update ECO kit exists for Tru64 UNIX 4.0D. This is the aggregate, 
setld-based, patch kit for Tru64 UNIX 4.0D. It is a cumulative patch kit 
that contains all patches that are currently available for distribution. The 
patch kit provides the ability to selectively install patches.  

The Patch Kit Installation Instructions document and the Patch Summary and
Release Notes document provide patch kit installation and removal instructions
and a summary of each patch. Please read through these documents prior to
installing patches on your system.


Install this kit with the dupatch utility that is included in the patch
kit. You may need to baseline your system if you have manually changed
system files on your system. The dupatch utility provides the baselining


This patch kit supersedes the following Tru64 UNIX patches:

  DUV40DAS0008-20001110.tar		! Previous Aggregate Patch Kit



[R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries 
licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.

Copyright Compaq Computer Corporation 2001.  All Rights reserved.

  This software is proprietary to and embodies the confidential technology
  of Compaq Computer Corporation.  Possession, use, or copying of this
  software and media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license
  from Compaq or an authorized sublicensor.

       This ECO has not been through an exhaustive field test process.
       Due to the experimental stage of this ECO/workaround, Compaq
       makes no representations regarding its use or performance. The
       customer shall have the sole responsibility for adequate protection
       and back-up data used in conjunction with this ECO/workaround.

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