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HP Services Software Patches - motdu_e04032c

Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:   Digital UNIX [R] 

COMPONENT: DECwindows Motif Toolkit

SOURCE:    Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  MOTDU_E04032C
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  N/A
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:     7747 Blocks

     Kit Applies To:  Digital UNIX V3.2C
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No

     NOTE:  The MOTDU_E04032C is an accumulative kit which supersedes
            the MOTDU_E03032C kit, which was released via other mechanisms
            prior to inclusion in this kit.


An ECO kit exists for Digital UNIX version 3.2C.  This kit addresses
the following problems:

    o Added RGB as a valid type for the color expression in the color table.

    o  Incorrect behavior of XmTextField in overstrike mode: in Motif 1.2.3, 
       InsertChar replaces two characters in overstrike mode.

    o  Corrects a corrupted pointer in Motif text field widgets.

    o  Corrects the window resize problem using the mouse after selecting
       Japanese language in Session Manager Options pulldown menu and
       pressing NumLock key.
    o  Corrects the memory leak in the Motif scrolled list widgets.


      Install this kit using the PATCH script found in the compressed
      tar file motdu_e04032c.tar.Z .  To unpack the kit, create an
      empty directory and extract the contents of motdu_e04032c.tar.Z
      into that directory.
      NOTE:  If this ECO is received on tape media, it will already
             be in an uncompressed .tar, motdu_e04032c.tar, format.

[R] UNIX is a registered trademark in the United States and other countries
    licensed exclusively through X/Open Company Limited.
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