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HP Services Software Patches - osf325-320266_d
Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation 1996.  All rights reserved.

PRODUCT:    Digital UNIX [R]

COMPONENT:  rpc.pcnfsd

SOURCE:     Digital Equipment Corporation


     ECO Kit Name:  OSF325-320266
     ECO Kits Superseded by This ECO Kit:  N/A
     ECO Kit Approximate Size:  118 Blocks
                              60626 Bytes

     Kit Applies To:  Digital UNIX, Version 3.2b
     System/Cluster Reboot Necessary:  No


An ECO kit exists for Digital UNIX version 3.2b.  This kit addresses 
the following problem: 

  o  A potential security vulnerability has been discovered in the
     rpc.pcnfsd program, where under certain circumstances users may
     gain unauthorized access. Digital has corrected this potential
     vulnerability. All customers should install this patch.


This patch contains the following inventory:

/usr/sbin/rpc.pcnfsd            subset OSFNFS325
CHECKSUM: 01685     56  RCSfile: pcnfsd_misc.c   RCS:
                        RCSfile: pcnfsd_print.c  RCS:

The following instructions assume the OSF325-320266.d.tar.Z patch 
compressed tar file is in directory /tmp.

As superuser, do:

# cd /tmp
# uncompress -d OSF325-320266.d.tar.Z
# tar xpvf OSF325-320266.d.tar

Patch files and cover letter are in subdirectory /tmp/patches/OSF325-320266.

Shutdown the system to single-user mode.

kill rpc.pcnfsd if it is running.

# cd /usr/sbin
# cp -p rpc.pcnfsd rpc.pcnfsd.pre..OSF325-320266
# cp -p /tmp/patches/rpc.pcnfsd rpc.pcnfsd.new
# chmod 755 rpc.pcnfsd.new
# chown bin:bin rpc.pcnfsd.new
# ln rpc.pcnfsd rpc.pcnfsd.orig
# mv rpc.pcnfsd.new rpc.pcnfsd

restart rpc.pcnfsd as root.
# cd /usr/sbin
# rpc.pcnfsd &

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