PROBLEM: (82812) (PATCH ID: TCR510-007) ******** RDG will stop sending messages even though there are messages in its send queue which are deliverable. This will cause the application to hang waiting for data. The following RDG counter values are indicative of this problem. They can be viewed by issuing the following command: "sysconfig -q rdg" snd_msg_attempts/snd_buf_attempts - at least one of these should be non-zero and noticibly increasing snd_blocks_cmplt - this should be non zero snd_msg_successes - should not increase snd_buf_successes - should not increase PROBLEM: (84035) (PATCH ID: TCR510-024) ******** This patch fixes an incorrect display of the following warning message at boot time: rdg: failed to start context rcvq scan thread