PROBLEM: (GOZ24311B) (PATCH ID: OSF510-077) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which the system may panic with the panic string "Unaligned kernel space access from kernel mode". An example panic stack trace is: 0 thread_block 1 xpt_ccb_alloc 2 ccmn_get_ccb3 3 ccmn_io_ccb_bld3 4 cdisk_strategy 5 voliostart 6 volstrategy0 7 volstrategy 8 PRvolstrategy 9 spec_strategy 10 call_disk 11 bs_startio 12 bs_bflush 13 bs_bfdmn_flush_bfrs 14 msfs_mntflushbuf 15 mntflushbuf 16 boot 17 panic 18 afault_trap 19 _XentUna 20 simple_lock 21 csq_lateral 22 runq_run 23 netisr_thread