PROBLEM: (82405) (PATCH ID: OSF510-093) ******** This patch prevents a panic on TurboLaser systems with a DE600 in pci slot 0. Mis-identification of the DE600 in pci slot 0 causes data structure corruption. This panic has been seen when starting up CPQ_MIBS, touching the corrupted data structure. The system panics with the following stack trace: crash> tf > 0 stop_secondary_cpu 1 panic 2 event_timeout 3 xcpu_puts 4 printf 5 panic 6 trap 7 _XentMM 8 strlen 9 hal_getsysinfo 10 getsysinfo 11 syscall 12 _Xsyscall A message similar to the following may also be seen in the messages file and the console: Set IRQ-1758682592 to edge-trigger not supported