PROBLEM: (81832) (PATCH ID: OSF510DX-001) ******** This patch fixes a security vulnerability (called the Brown Orifice) in Netscape Communicator Version 4.72 by updating Netscape Communicator to Version 4.75. The security vulnerability could potentially allow unauthorized users read-only access to your file system and exploits the Navigator components' ability to run programs written in the Java programming language. Compaq highly recommends that you upgrade all versions of Netscape Communicator on Tru64 UNIX prior to Version 4.75 to Netscape Communicator Version 4.75 or later to avoid this security vulnerability. PROBLEM: (82695, 83772, 83624) (PATCH ID: OSF510DX-017) ******** The default MIME types are not defined in the Netscape Communicator 4.75 web browser. The result of this defect is the web browser will process some file types in an incorrect way. For example, a file with the filename extension .HTM that normally might match the HyperText Document MIME type, may not get displayed in the web browser as an HTML document, but instead, may be displayed as a TEXT document. Whether or not this problem actually occurs depends on the contents of the file. This patch corrects the problem by upgrading the Netscape Communicator 4.75 web browser to Netscape Communicator 4.76. This version of Netscape Communicator has the correct default MIME types defined.