PROBLEM: (82204, SSRT0690U) (PATCH ID: OSF510-044) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (TKTRB0023) (PATCH ID: OSF510-115) ******** This patch fixes a multibyte character boundary condition handling bug in ksh. This problem happens only when MB_CUR_MAX of the multibyte locale is greater than 2 and a 2-byte character is divided into two parts on a 1024-byte block boundary. In this case, additional bytes may be skipped leading to incorrect execution of the ksh script. PROBLEM: (TKTBC0080, TKTB10082) (PATCH ID: OSF510-165) ******** This patch fixes two ksh problems. 1. ksh command line editing may not work correctly in emacs mode when the LANG environment variable is set to a multi-byte Asian locale. 2. ksh script may crash if the script changes the LANG environment variable to a multi-byte Asian locale.