PROBLEM: (BCGMA1NFM, HPAQ11RSG, EVT0587933, GB_G01162) (PATCH ID: OSF510-174) ******** This patch fixes a problem where a race condition in NFS code could result in a kernel memory fault. A typical stack trace looks like: . . . 5 panic 6 trap 7 _XentMM 8 nfs3_getpage 9 rw3vp_cache 10 rw3vp 11 nfs3_rdwr 12 vn_read 13 rwuio 14 read PROBLEM: (HGO073056) (PATCH ID: OSF510-173) ******** This patch fixes a problem where threads can hang while renaming files on nfs mounted filesystems. This can occur when two threads are renaming files, one from directory "a" to directory "b" and the other from directory "b" to "a". A typical stack trace for a hung thread looks like: 0 thread_block 1 lock_write 2 nfs3_rename 3 rename 4 syscall