PROBLEM: (81534) (PATCH ID: OSF510-034) ******** This problem occurs when an IPv6 packet containing a Routing Header type 0 is processed by a Tru64 UNIX IPv6 router. The packet that causes this problem has more then 1 address in the IPv6 routing header and has a hop limit set to 1. The response to this packet is an ICMPv6 Time Limit Exceeded packet. When attempting to send this ICMP packet, the source interface can not be found because the rcvif pointer in the mbuf packet header is not set (possible NULL). PROBLEM: (82721) (PATCH ID: OSF510-067) ******** Under certain circumstances a Tru64 UNIX system configured with IPv6 can panic with a lock hierarchy violation. This panic can occur on any system running Tru64 UNIX with IPv6 enabled and configured.