PROBLEM: (CLD TKTQ50260, QAR 71678) (Patch ID: OSF500-020) ******** The second byte of some 2-byte SJIS characters can contain a value that, as a single-byte character, has special meaning to the C shell. In the problem report being addressed by this patch, the user assigned a two-byte SJIS character to a shell variable through command substitution. The second byte of the SJIS character value was 0x60, which by itself represents the backquote (`) character. Because the C shell processed the 0x60 value as a backquote rather than as the second byte of a 2-byte character, the user received an "Unmatched `" error. This patch installs a revised C shell that correctly handles 2-byte Japanese characters. PROBLEM: (CLD TKT011546) (Patch ID: OSF500-076) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the C shell (csh) in which a segmentation fault will occur when the user defines an environmental variable which exceeds the 2048 character limitation. This limit has been lengthened to 8192 characters. PROBLEM: (TKTR71329) (PATCH ID: OSF500-218) ******** Some multibyte characters in the Japanese SJIS or Chinese BIG5 codeset do not display correctly if the C shell is being used and the characters are inside quotation marks. The problem occurs with characters for which the value of the second byte equates to a square bracket ( [ or ] ). This patch updates the C shell to fix this problem.