PROBLEM: (NONE) (Patch ID: OSF500X11-008) ******** This patch implements Xlocales definitions which allow X applications to run under the ISO8859-15 locales. Using ISO8859-15 locales allows users to enter and use newly defined ISO8859-based characters such as the Euro monetary symbol. See the Patch Summary and Release Notes for further information. PROBLEM: (77171) (PATCH ID: OSF500X11-013) ******** Several compose definitions were omitted in the original version of file en_US.ISO8859-15. This change allows users to use compose sequences documented in other (Latin-2) locales to generate the same character in the latin-9 locale. PROBLEM: (QAR77457) (PATCH ID: OSF500X11-014) ******** This patch fixes a problem where all the LATIN-9 characters except ASCII characters aren't drawn in LATIN-9 (ISO8859-15) locale. This can be seen by excuting the following steps: Log in under French (ISO8859-15) locale - invoke dtterm - you'll see only two meny entries in menu bar, where four meny entries should be seen