PROBLEM: (QARS 71007) (Patch ID: OSF500-047) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which `ufs_fsck` can get blocked while attempting to flush nfs buffers for a service that has become suspended. PROBLEM: (CLD ZUO101615, QAR 71587) (Patch ID: OSF500-075) ******** This patch fixes a problem that was causing the csh globbing function to be extremely slow when accessing file information on NFS, AFS, or VMS file systems. PROBLEM: (BCSM807S5) (PATCH ID: OSF500-294) ******** Some applications assume that initial allocations of memory from the C run-time library's malloc() function will return zero-filled memory. The problem is that malloc() and free() often write into the first 16 bytes of the allocated memory. This change to malloc() zeros out the first 16 bytes in the allocated memory. The result is that memory allocated prior to any call to free() -- and prior to any other run-time library function that might call free -- should be zero filled. PROBLEM: (79876) (PATCH ID: OSF500-245) ******** If the "where" or "t" ladebug command does not show all the currently active functions, it may be because of this problem. The program being debugged had to have been built with "split procedures", which is done via options in the om and spike tools. For spike, split procedures are generated if profiling is specified. For om, split procedures are generated if profiling AND the -split_procedure option are specified. PROBLEM: (73690) (PATCH ID: OSF500-204) ******** If a code segment contained both gmtime() and localtime() calls, the time zone abbreviation set in the tm_zone member of the tm struct returned by a subsequent call to gmtime() could be incorrect (ie: something other than "GMT"). PROBLEM: (78744) (PATCH ID: OSF500-191) ******** The regular expression processing logic did not identify matches that involved expressions with multiple subexpressions and alternate patterns. This fix adds this functionality back to the regular expression code so that these patterns will generate accurate match results. PROBLEM: (80995) (PATCH ID: OSF500-280) ******** If you encounter a filename for a temporary file containing a '#' character, it is probably because of this problem. This would be a problem particularly if the name were used inside a shell script because the '#' character indicates the start of a comment. PROBLEM: (BCSM81KWR, 74875, 77761) (PATCH ID: OSF500-233) ******** This patch corrects the problem with /usr/bin/login in an NIS environment to better handle group information processing. PROBLEM: (SSRT0636U) (PATCH ID: OSF500-156) ******** A potential security vulnerability has been discovered, where under certain circumstances, system integrity may be compromised. This may be in the form of improper file or privilege management. Compaq has corrected this potential vulnerability. PROBLEM: (81106, 81262) (PATCH ID: OSF500-288) ******** If the TZ environment variable is set to ":" (as in TZ=:), either on the command line or via a putenv() call, the data for the default time zone (GMT) is supposed to be loaded and used when time-related libc functions (such as tzset(), mktime(), localtime(), etc) are called. However, due to this bug, the data is not loaded and time zone information will either be missing (as in empty time zone abbreviations) or erroneously consistent with a previous time zone used. It may also lead to incorrect errors from mktime() when valid input is given. PROBLEM: (79556) (PATCH ID: OSF500-242) ******** This patch adds functionality to terminate the resulting string from calls to swprintf().