PROBLEM: (QAR 72712) (Patch ID: OSF500-061) ******** This patch fixes a problem in the kernel debugger, kdbx, where several commands, particularly list_action and slot, are broken. Other commands, such as mount-action and array_action, that rely on list_action will also fail. The following example uses mount_action to demonstrate the problem: (kdbx) mount_action p %c->m_nxt Couldn't get next cell: Couldn't parse address pid 108591 exited with status 1 (kdbx) PROBLEM: (78971) (PATCH ID: OSF500-224) ******** This patch fixes problems with the kdbx extensions mount and swap. The mount command features various information about file system mounts. Starting with v5.0, mount cannot display all the information correctly. The following display shows the failing output of the mount command: MOUNT MAJ MIN VNODE ROOTVP TYPE PATH FLAGS =========== ===== ===== ============ =========== ==== ================= ======== ===== k0x1e99b200 NULL k0x02766900 msfs / loc fs_name : Bad type - 14 k0x03b94900 k0x03b97200 k0x0cef2000 ??? /usr/crash/big ro nsu fs_name : Bad type - 14 The swap command shows the swap space on a system. The problem shown below is that swap cannot locate the name of the swap space: (kdbx) swap Swap device name Size In Use Free -------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- (null) 4056912k 8k 4056904k 507114p 1p 507113p -------------------------------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Total swap partitions: 1 4056912k 8k 4056904k 507114p 1p 507113p