PROBLEM: ('QAR 70152, QAR 72017, CLD MG0104072') (Patch ID: OSF500-072) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the KZPSA driver. A timer is not being canceled causing a panic with the following error message: xpt_callback: callback on freed CC The sample stack trace is listed below: 4 boot 5 panic 6 xpt_callback 7 spo_process_ccb 8 spo_process_rsp 9 pzaintr 10 intr_dispatch_post 11 _XentInt 12 idle_thread PROBLEM: (QAR 74263 QAR 70196) (Patch ID: OSF500-080) ******** This patch corrects a problem in which a system dong large amounts of I/O can panic with the following messages: panic (cpu 1): spo_ret_carrier:carrier not in use syncing disks... lock_write: interrupt level call The stack trace is as follows: 0 boot 1 panic 2 simple_lock_fault 3 simple_lock_hierarchy_violation 4 mntflushbuf 5 boot 6 panic 7 spo_ret_carrier 8 spo_misc_errors 9 spo_isr_thread PROBLEM: (CLD UVO30139, CLD BCGM90S8G, CLD DMO90586B, CLD MGO63356A, CLD ZUO101 627, CLD BCGM90FV0, CLD BCGM91KD1, CLD MGO57622A, CLD HPAQA1R8D, CLD VNO40593A, CLD UVO106437, CLD SQO100587, CLD UVO106521) (Patch ID: OSF500-088) ******** This patch fixes a problem where tmv2_notify_cbf messages are reported and flood the error log when running in a clustered environment with KZPSA adapters.