PROBLEM: (MGO88206A) (PATCH ID: OSF445-022) ******** This patch corrects a problem of the rsh command displaying a warning message instead of the rsh command output when C2 security is configured. An example of the warning message displayed is "Your password will expire on ..." PROBLEM: (BCGM812G1V, 76429) (PATCH ID: OSF445-032) ******** This patch fixes a problem with logins in a DCE/C2 environment. You could encounter an error "Bad priority setting" if there is a u_priority setting used in /etc/auth/system/default file. PROBLEM: (54550, 79314, ISO100580) (PATCH ID: OSF445-084) ******** This patch fixes a problem when a system is configured with DECnet, C2 and NIS. When invoking edauth(8) , the error: 'Must be on NIS master server to update entry for is returned. PROBLEM: (TKTR60015, 81049) (PATCH ID: OSF445-093) ******** This patch fixes a problem for Enhanced Security configurations where the Maximum Login Interval (u_max_login_intvl) field was being ignored for account templates.