PROBLEM: (MGO27076A, 62626) (PATCH ID: OSF445DX-001) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which the dxaccounts application does not allow users to be added to groups with Group ID lower than the default minimum specified in the General Options dialog. PROBLEM: (63284, 64762, 76823, 77740) (PATCH ID: OSF445DX-002) ******** This patch fixes the following cli/dxaccounts problems: - the error message displayed when Account Manager fails to start due to the detection of an Account Manager lock file (/etc/.AM_is_running) is not clear. - a command 'uermod -D' does not display the 'Expire' date when it is set. For example: #usermod -D -e 01/01/01 (this will set the 'Expire' date in the default file to 01/01/01) #usermod -D (this should display all defaults values, but the 'Expire' value is not shown) Distributed = 0 Local = 1 Administrative Lock Applied = 1 Next User id = 200 Minimum User id = 12 Maximum User id = 65535 Primary Group = users,15 Base Directory = /usr/users Skeleton Directory = /usr/skel Shell = /bin/sh Inactive (days) = 60 Expire (date) = - enabling to change root's login/uid through cli/dxaccounts utilities. PROBLEM: (TKTB10045, UVO90893, BCGMB1D0D, UTO52178A, MGO83278A, UTO57196A) (PATCH ID: OSF445DX-003) ******** This patch fixes a problem in which dxaccounts does not allow the system manager to add NIS users when the system is running enhanced security. PROBLEM: (UTO73283A) (PATCH ID: OSF445DX-004) ******** When a new user id is created and the option to create a home directory for that user is chosen the new home directory will be created with the date and time stamp of the /usr/skel directory.