Compaq Tru64 UNIX Patch Kit Installation Instructions This manual provides instructions for installing and removing patches using the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility, which is included with Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Server Software patch kits. It also describes baselining techniques and provides other information for working with patches. For information about individual patches, see the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document for the kit you are installing. This document might contain lines too long to fit on an ordinary page; these lines will be truncated if the document is printed in portrait mode. Print this document using the _l_p_r command with its -_O_l_a_n_d_s_c_a_p_e option. __________________________________________________ Compaq Computer Corporation Houston, Texas Copyright 2000 Compaq Computer Corporation COMPAQ, the Compaq logo, and the Digital logo are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Alpha, AlphaServer, NonStop, TruCluster, and Tru64 are trademarks of Compaq Computer Corporation. Microsoft and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Intel, Pentium, and Intel Inside are registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark and The Open Group is a trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Other product names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective companies. Possession, use, or copying of the software described in this publication is authorized only pursuant to a valid written license from Compaq Computer Corporation or an authorized sublicensor. Compaq Computer Corporation shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. 10/20 Contents About This Manual Audience ............................................ viii Organization ........................................ viii Related Documentation ............................... ix Reader's Comments ................................... x Conventions ......................................... x 1 Introduction 1.1 Overview ...................................... 1-1 1.2 Types of Patches .............................. 1-2 1.3 Patch Kit Distribution and Naming ............. 1-2 1.3.1 Release Patch Kits ....................... 1-3 1.3.2 Customer-Specific Patch Kits ............. 1-5 2 Patch Management Utility 2.1 Overview of dupatch ........................... 2-1 2.2 Patch Installation and Removal ................ 2-2 2.2.1 Patch Applicability ...................... 2-3 2.2.2 Patch Dependency Management .............. 2-3 2.2.3 Patch Reversibility ...................... 2-4 2.2.4 Patch Installation and Removal Event Log . 2-5 2.3 Viewing the Patch Documentation ............... 2-6 2.4 Viewing Patch Tracking Information ............ 2-8 2.5 Handling Manually Installed System Files with Baselining .................................... 2-16 2.5.1 Phase 1 - System Evaluation .............. 2-17 2.5.2 Phase 2 - Patch Layered Product Conflicts 2-18 2.5.3 Phase 3 - Identifying Manually Installed Patches .................................... 2-18 2.5.4 Phase 4 - Handling Missing or Unknown Files on Your System ............................. 2-18 Manually Installed Customer-Specific Patches ................................ 2-19 Manually Installed Release Patches . 2-19 User Customized Commands and Utilities .............................. 2-20 2.5.5 Phase 5 - Enabling dupatch to Overwrite Changed System Files ....................... 2-20 2.6 Command Line User Interface ................... 2-21 2.6.1 Using Command Line Options ............... 2-21 2.6.2 Restriction on Loading New dupatch Tools from the Command Line ...................... 2-21 2.6.3 Command Line Interface Options ........... 2-22 3 Issues and Restrictions 3.1 When Single-User Mode Is Recommended .......... 3-1 3.2 Impact on System Upgrades to Later Versions of Tru64 UNIX .................................... 3-1 3.3 Patching a System Prior to Creating a Cluster . 3-1 3.4 No RIS or DMS Installation of Patches ......... 3-2 3.5 Direct setld Installation and Removal of Patch Subsets Is Not Allowed ........................ 3-2 3.6 Limitation for /var/adm/patch/backup Directory Handling ...................................... 3-2 3.7 Do Not Enter Ctrl/c During Installation Phase . 3-2 3.8 Removing Patches Containing Customized Files .. 3-2 iv Contents 3.9 Release Patches Do Not Automatically Supersede CSPs .......................................... 3-3 4 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4.1 Summary of Steps for Using Patch Kits ......... 4-1 4.2 Preparing to Install Patches .................. 4-2 4.3 Making the Patch Distribution Available ....... 4-2 4.4 Loading New Patch Tools ....................... 4-3 4.5 Invoking the Main dupatch Menu ................ 4-4 4.6 Performing Patch Preinstallation Check Instructions .................................. 4-4 4.7 Setting the System Patch Baseline ............. 4-8 4.8 Installing and Enabling Patches ............... 4-11 4.8.1 Choosing Single-User or Multiuser Mode ... 4-11 Installing Patches from Single-User Mode ................................... 4-12 Installing Patches from Multiuser Mode ................................... 4-13 4.8.2 Common Installation Steps ................ 4-15 4.9 Rebuilding the Kernel ......................... 4-17 4.10 Rebooting the System ......................... 4-17 4.10.1 In Single-User Mode ..................... 4-18 4.10.2 In Multiuser Mode ....................... 4-18 4.11 Removing Patches ............................. 4-18 5 Rolling Upgrade 5.1 Overview ...................................... 5-1 5.1.1 Tagged Files ............................. 5-2 Contents v 5.1.2 Version Switch ........................... 5-4 5.2 Rolling Upgrade Stages ........................ 5-4 5.2.1 Preparation Stage ........................ 5-5 5.2.2 Setup Stage .............................. 5-7 5.2.3 Preinstall Stage ......................... 5-8 5.2.4 Install Stage ............................ 5-9 5.2.5 Postinstallation Stage ................... 5-10 5.2.6 Roll Stage ............................... 5-10 5.2.7 Switch Stage ............................. 5-11 5.2.8 Clean Stage .............................. 5-11 5.3 Rolling Upgrade Procedure ..................... 5-12 5.4 Displaying the Status of a Rolling Upgrade .... 5-19 5.5 Undoing a Stage ............................... 5-20 5.6 Removing Patches Installed During a Rolling Upgrade ....................................... 5-22 6 Sample Patch Kit Installation 6.1 Typical Patch Kit Installation ................ 6-1 6.2 TruCluster Patch Installation in Rolling Upgrade..6-26 6.3 Gathering Baseline Information ................ 6-60 6.4 Removing Patches .............................. 6-64 7 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7.1 Patch Preinstallation Check and Installation Messages ...................................... 7-1 7.1.1 Patch Installation Blocked by Unknown System File ................................ 7-1 7.1.2 Patch Installation Blocked by Missing System File ................................ 7-2 7.1.3 Installation Blocked by Layered Product Collision .................................. 7-3 7.1.4 Patch Installation Blocked by Dependencies on Other Patches ........................... 7-4 vi Contents 7.1.5 Patch Installation Blocked by Missing Product Subset ............................. 7-5 7.1.6 Patch Installation Blocked by Disk Space . 7-6 7.1.7 Patch Installation Blocked by Installed Patch or Subset ............................ 7-6 7.1.8 Patch Installation Blocked by an Existing CSP ........................................ 7-7 7.1.9 dupatch Tools Are Outdated ............... 7-8 7.1.10 Some Patches Must Be Made Reversible .... 7-8 7.2 Patch Removal Messages ........................ 7-9 7.2.1 Patch Removal Blocked by Missing Patch Backup Files ............................... 7-9 7.2.2 Patch Removal Blocked by Dependencies on Other Patches .............................. 7-10 7.2.3 No Original Files Restored When Patch Is Removed .................................... 7-10 7.3 TruCluster-Specific dupatch Messages .......... 7-11 7.3.1 System Not Adequately Prepared ........... 7-11 7.3.2 Rolling Upgrade in Progress (Installation) . 7-11 7.3.3 Rolling Upgrade in Progress (Baselining) . 7-12 Version 5.0 Wave 4 Cluster is Unsupported ............................ 7-12 7.4 Messages Specific to the Rolling Patch Procedure..7-12 7.4.1 Insufficient Free Space (File System Full) . 7-12 A System Upgrade Information Glossary Contents vii About This Manual This manual provides instructions for installing and removing patches that are provided by Compaq Computer Corporation in its Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Software Products (TCR) patch kits. It also describes baselining techniques and provides other information for working with patches. The information provided here deals with patches installed on Versions 4.0D and higher and 5.0 and higher, including both official and customer-specific (CSP) patches. The differences in dealing with the different product versions and patch-kit types are minimal; this manual alerts you to those differences during process discussions and step-by-step instructions. The process for installing and removing patches using the rolling upgrade procedure introduced in Version 5.0A release of the TruCluster Server Software, is discussed in Chapter 5. For information about individual patches, see the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document for the kit you are installing. _N_o_t_e In most instances, this manual uses the name Tru64 UNIX for all versions of the operating system, including those that were originally released as DIGITAL UNIX. In general, the terms _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _P_r_o_d_u_c_t_s and _T_C_R are used throughout this manual to refer to all releases of Compaq's TruCluster products. _A_u_d_i_e_n_c_e This manual is for the person who installs and removes patch kits and for anyone who manages patches after they are installed. _O_r_g_a_n_i_z_a_t_i_o_n The first two chapters describe the concepts of the patching process and provide an overview of the patch management utility, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. Chapter 3 lists issues and restrictions you should be aware of before you begin to work with the patch kits following the step-by-step procedures in Chapter 4. This manual is organized as follows: ______________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Provides an overview of the concepts and features of the patch kits. Chapter 2 Introduces the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility and describes its features. Chapter 3 Provides information you must be aware of when installing and removing patches. Chapter 4 Describes the procedures for installing and removing patches. Chapter 5 Describes the "rolling upgrade" process for patching a cluster running TruCluster Server Version 5.0A or higher while the cluster is in operation. This process is also used for upgrading to a new version of the TruCluster software software or for doing an upgrade and a patch together. Chapter 6 Provides examples of a typical patch installation, a TruCluster patch installation in a rolling upgrade, a baselining process, and a patch removal process. Chapter 7 Describes error messages you might see while installing, removing, or maintaining patches. Appendix A Provides Tru64 UNIX system upgrade information. ______________________________________________________________________________ _R_e_l_a_t_e_d _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n In addition to this manual, you should be familiar with the concepts and mechanisms described in the following documents: +o _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document for the patch kit you are working with +o Tru64 UNIX _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e +o Tru64 UNIX _S_y_s_t_e_m _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual +o TruCluster _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n manual +o TruCluster Software Products _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual +o Any release-specific installation documentation About This Manual ix _R_e_a_d_e_r'_s _C_o_m_m_e_n_t_s Compaq welcomes any comments and suggestions you have on this and other Tru64 UNIX manuals. You can send your comments in the following ways: +o Fax: 603-884-0120 Attn: UBPG Publications, ZKO3-3/Y32 +o Internet electronic mail: rrrreeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss____ccccoooommmmmmmmeeeennnntttt@@@@zzzzkkkk3333....ddddeeeecccc....ccccoooommmm A Reader's Comment form is located on your system in the following location: ////uuuussssrrrr////ddddoooocccc////rrrreeeeaaaaddddeeeerrrrssss____ccccoooommmmmmmmeeeennnntttt....ttttxxxxtttt +o Mail: Compaq Computer Corporation UBPG Publications Manager ZKO3-3/Y32 110 Spit Brook Road Nashua, NH 03062-2698 Please include the following information along with your comments: +o The full title of the book and the order number. (The order number is printed on the title page of this book and on its back cover.) +o The section numbers and page numbers of the information on which you are commenting. +o The version of Tru64 UNIX that you are using. +o If known, the type of processor that is running the Tru64 UNIX software. The Tru64 UNIX Publications group cannot respond to system problems or technical support inquiries. Please address technical questions to your local system vendor or to the appropriate Compaq technical support office. Information provided with the software media explains how to send problem reports to Compaq. _C_o_n_v_e_n_t_i_o_n_s This guide uses the following conventions: _f_i_l_e x About This Manual Italic (slanted) type indicates variable values, placeholders, and function argument names. [[[[CCCCttttrrrrllll////_x] This symbol indicates that you hold down the first named key while pressing the key or mouse button that follows the slash. In examples, this key combination is enclosed in a box (for example, [[[[CCCCttttrrrrllll////CCCC]]]] ). %%%% ccccaaaatttt Boldface type in interactive examples indicates typed user input. device names Operating system versions before Version 5.0 use different names than those of Version 5.0 and higher. In general, this manual uses the Version 5.0 names. For example, where a partition name is represented by ////ddddeeeevvvv////ddddiiiisssskkkk////ddddsssskkkk3333gggg, the Version 4.0n name might be ////ddddeeeevvvv////rrrrzzzz3333gggg.... Glossary Terms In the online version of this document, various terms are linked to the Glossary. By clicking on the term, you will be taken to its definition. You can easily return to the place you were reading by clicking on your browser's Back button. About This Manual xi Introduction 1 This chapter provides an overview of the concepts and features of the patch kits for the Tru64 UNIX operating system and TruCluster Software (TCR) products. _1._1 _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w A patch is a collection of files that contain fixes to problems. When possible, patches are merged together, into one patch, if they have intersecting files or codependencies. A patch may correct one or more problems. The Tru64 UNIX and TCR patch kits contain patches for critical problems for those software products. These kits, which are distributed as needed, provide interim maintenance that prevents the occurrence of known critical problems. The patch kits contain the following elements: +o Version-specific patches and patch-specific documentation +o The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh patch-management utility, which you use to install, view, remove, and manage patches Patch kits are not intended to provide general maintenance and new functions; applying them to your system does not obviate the need to upgrade to later versions of Tru64 UNIX and TCR. Patches are applicable to a specific version of the software products, unless stated otherwise in the patch kit release notes. You cannot install version- specific kits on other software versions. Compaq recommends that you install all of the patches included in the kits and that you update the TCR products (if applicable) at the same time you update your operating system. To install Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches, your system must meet the following requirements: +o Be running the appropriate version of Tru64 UNIX and TCR. +o Contain the necessary temporary and permanent storage space described in the Patch Summary and Release Notes document for the kit you are installing After you install the patches, the following items are left on the system: +o The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility +o Patch-specific documentation that you can view with dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh +o Optionally, the archived system files that were updated by the installed patches _1._2 _T_y_p_e_s _o_f _P_a_t_c_h_e_s Compaq provides two kinds of patches for its Tru64 UNIX and TCR software products -- release kits and customer-specific kits: +o Release patchess These patches provide interim maintenance that prevents the occurrence of known critical problems. Release patches (sometimes referred to as _o_f_f_i_c_i_a_l _p_a_t_c_h_e_s) are provided in kits, grouped by software product versions. The following are features of release patch kits: - Provide selective patch installation and removal - Use dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh for installing, viewing, removing, and managing patches - Are provided on the Internet or CD-ROM +o Customer-specific patches (CSPs) These patches are provided by your service provider in response to Tru64 UNIX or TCR problems that are specific to your own system's hardware and software configuration. CSP kits have the following features: - Generally use the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility for installing, viewing, removing, and managing patches - May contain patches for one or more software products. For example, a single tar file may contain patches for DIGITAL UNIX 4.0F, Tru64 UNIX 5.0, TCR1.5, and TCR1.6 - May require release patches but do not contain any release patches _1._3 _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _D_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _N_a_m_i_n_g Tru64 UNIX patches for specific operating system and TCR releases and 1-2 Introduction customer-specific patches are packaged together in tar files. Each patch kit contains the following components: +o Patch management utility (dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh) and other patch management tools. Installs, removes, and manages patches for Tru64 UNIX and TCR. This utility is installed and left on the system through the successful installation of a patch kit. +o Patch subsets for the operating system and TruCluster software products. +o Documentation Packaged with release patch kits is a document called _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s, which summaries the problems that the patches in that kit correct and provides any information you may need to know about specific patches. The information in this document also exists in separate files that you can access using the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. (See Section 2.3.) Release patch kits also contain the _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s (the manual you are reading), which is common to all patch kits. Both of these manuals are provided in PDF and HTML formats. The PDF version is easy to view and print using Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is provided on the Documentation CD-ROM that ships with Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0E and higher, and is also available at the Adobe Web site (hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....aaaaddddoooobbbbeeee....ccccoooommmm////). The HTML version is viewed with your Internet browser, such as Netscape. The contents of the tar file varies, depending on the type of kit. For example a CSP kit might contain patches for several operating system versions, while release patch kits always contain patches for only one operating system version. Also, the tar file may or may not contain TCR patches. However, the structure of the tar file is the same for each type of kit. Figure 1-1 illustrates the contents of a patch tar file. _F_i_g_u_r_e _1-_1: _S_t_r_u_c_t_u_r_e _o_f _a _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _T_a_r _F_i_l_e The following sections describe release and customer-specific patch kits. _1._3._1 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t_s Tru64 UNIX and TCR release patch kits are available from the Internet and on CD-ROM. +o Patch Kits on the Internet Patch kits are available publicly on the Internet through the Compaq Services Web page located at: Introduction 1-3 hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....ssssuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttt....ccccoooommmmppppaaaaqqqq....ccccoooommmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss Release patches distributed over the Internet are provided in a tar file that you must unpack on your system or on an NFS-mountable file system. The tar file for each operating system version will contain patch kits for that version of the operating system and patch kits for the applicable TruCluster Software Products. When you obtain a patch kit from the Internet, the kit is provided in a single tar file, which you must expand to install. The _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X _P_a_t_c_h _C_D-_R_O_M provides patch kits for several versions of the operating system, and each kit is already expanded. +o Patch kits on CD-ROM The Tru64 UNIX Patch CD-ROM contains all of the latest patch kits for the supported versions of Tru64 UNIX and TCR. The patch kits on the CD-ROM are provided in an expanded form (rather than a tar file) so they can be installed directly from the disk. The _0_0-_R_E_A_D-_M_E-_F_I_R_S_T file on the CD-ROM lists the contents of the disk and provides other information. You can order a Patch CD-ROM in the United States by calling 1-800-344-4825 (1-800-ATCOMPAQ); customers in other countries should contact your local Compaq sales office or authorized reseller for pricing and availability. The order number is QA-MT4AW-H8. Release patch kit names have the following syntax: OOOOSSSS PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt||||VVVVeeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn||||----KKKKiiiittttTTTTyyyyppppeeee||||KKKKiiiitttt####||||----MMMMffffggggDDDDaaaatttteeee||||....FFFFiiiilllleeeeTTTTyyyyppppeeee For example, a file named DDDDUUUUVVVV4444----FFFFAAAASSSS0000000000001111----11119999999999990000666600009999....ttttaaaarrrr contains Patch Kit 1 for Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0F and TruCluster software Version 1.6, manufactured on June 9, 1999. The following list describes the attributes currently used in patch kit names: OOOOSSSS PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt DU = DIGITAL UNIX T64 = Tru64 UNIX (some versions of Tru64 UNIX may have the DU label) TC = TruCluster VVVVeeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn V51 V50A V50 V40G 1-4 Introduction V40F V40D KKKKiiiittttTTTTyyyyppppeeee AS = Aggregate Selective installation patch kit SS = A patch kit containing a single patch KKKKiiiitttt#### The numeric identifier that Compaq uses to track the kit contents ----MMMMffffggggDDDDaaaatttteeee This is the year, month, and day the kit was built and is in the form of YYYYMMDD ....FFFFiiiilllleeeeTTTTyyyyppppeeee _1._3._2 _C_u_s_t_o_m_e_r-_S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t_s Customer-specific patch kits provide interim patches for a specific customer's problem and computing environment. customer-specific patch kit names have the following syntax: PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt||||VVVVeeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn||||BBBBLLLL||||----CCCC||||PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhIIIIDDDD||||----UUUUnnnniiiiqqqquuuueeeeIIIIDDDD||||----MMMMffffggggDDDDaaaatttteeee||||....FFFFiiiilllleeeeTTTTyyyyppppeeee For example, a file named DDDDUUUUVVVV44440000FFFF11113333----CCCC0000000022222222333300000000----1111888877775555----22220000000000000000999922220000....ttttaaaarrrr contains a customer-specific patch distribution for DIGITAL UNIX 4.0D of BL13 containing patch 223.00 from the unique kit 1875 which was built on September 20, 2000. \&. The following list describes the attributes currently used in patch kit names: PPPPrrrroooodddduuuucccctttt DU = DIGITAL UNIX T64 = Tru64 UNIX TC = TruCluster VVVVeeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn V51 V50A Introduction 1-5 V50 V40G V40F V40D BBBBLLLL The release patch base level the customer-specific patch is built against. For example, 13. This field is used by the service provider. CCCC Indicates a customer-specific patch. PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhIIIIDDDD The numeric identifier used to track patches that are relative to the product version patch kit. Patch identifiers have the following format: MMMMaaaajjjjoooorrrrIIIIDDDD Five numeric digits, for example 00223. MMMMiiiinnnnoooorrrrIIIIDDDD Two numeric digits, starting at 0. For example, 00. UUUUnnnniiiiqqqquuuueeeeIIIIDDDD The 4-8 place unique kitting ID for that patch. For example, 1875. ----MMMMffffggggDDDDaaaatttteeee The year, month, and day the kit was built and is in the form of YYYYMMDD. ....FFFFiiiilllleeeeTTTTyyyyppppeeee 1-6 Introduction Patch Management Utility 2 This chapter introduces you to the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility for installing, removing, and managing patches. It also provides information you must be aware of when installing patches. See Chapter 4 for instructions on installing and removing patches from the Tru64 UNIX operating system and the TruCluster Software Products (TCR) _2._1 _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w _o_f _d_u_p_a_t_c_h All official Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches are installed, removed, and managed through the sssseeeettttlllldddd-based patch management utility dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. Because dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh manages patch interdependencies, direct sssseeeettttlllldddd installations and deinstallations (sssseeeettttlllldddd -l -d) are disabled. _N_o_t_e For clustered systems running TruCluster Server Version 5.0A or higher, the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility is run in conjunction with the rolling upgrade procedure described in Chapter 5. Directions for enabling or disabling patches are provided after the successful installation or removal of all selected patches (for example, kernel rebuild and system reboot). The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility is a command line interface that provides you with menus that step you though the various tasks. With dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, you can perform the following actions: +o Install and remove all or selected patches. +o View the patch-specific documentation. +o View patch tracking and management information. +o Establish a baseline for systems that had manually installed system files placed on them. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility captures patching activities in the following log files: +o ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg Every time you run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh it creates a session log that captures dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh activities. The sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg files from the previous 25 sessions are saved. The order is first in, first out -- with sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg....22225555 as the oldest file. +o ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////DDDDuuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh____llllooooaaaadddd_____D_a_t_e.log When you run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh from the newly untarred kit or from the mounted Tru64 UNIX Patch CD-ROM, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh determines if the patch distribution contains new patch tools, and loads them if necessary. This log file would have a name similar to this: DDDDuuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh____llllooooaaaadddd____2222000000000000JJJJuuuullll1111::::11115555::::44443333::::33335555....lllloooogggg +o ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////bbbbaaaasssseeeelllliiiinnnneeee....lllloooogggg When you run the system baselining feature, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh creates a baseline log. The sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg files from the previous 25 sessions are saved. The order is first in, first out -- with bbbbaaaasssseeeelllliiiinnnneeee....lllloooogggg....22225555 as the oldest file. +o When patches are installed or removed, an event log that captures installation and removal information is created. It is located in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////eeeevvvveeeennnntttt....lllloooogggg. Only one copy of the file is updated each time patches are installed or removed. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility also manages the system inventory for Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches. This enables patch tracking and management of patch activity such as: +o Tracking current dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh-installed patches. +o Ensuring correct handling of customized system configuration files so that customizations are not lost (for example, ccccoooonnnnffff....cccc). These files are also referred to as system-protected files (.new..). +o Validating patch applicability to existing system files (collision detection). _2._2 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _R_e_m_o_v_a_l Patch installation and removal is accomplished through the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. For patch installation and removal dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh manages the following: 2-2 Patch Management Utility +o Patch applicability +o Patch dependencies +o Patch reversibility +o System inventory changes for patches +o Capturing patch activities in log files _2._2._1 _P_a_t_c_h _A_p_p_l_i_c_a_b_i_l_i_t_y Patch applicability to the existing system files is done on a file-by-file basis for each patch. This ensures that the installation of a patch will not degrade or crash the system. The installation of a patch is blocked if any system files to be replaced by a patch are not valid predecessors of the patch files. Patch applicability also enables consistency checking and reporting for the installation of Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches. In all cases where a patch is blocked, informative messages are provided to assist you in determining how to proceed. Chapter 7 lists common error messages and suggested corrective actions. The installation of a patch is blocked if any of the following conditions exist: +o The underlying software product subset is not installed. For example if the applicable Tru64 UNIX or TCR release subset is not installed. +o The sssseeeettttlllldddd inventory is inconsistent with the existing system files. This occurs when an operating system or TCR sssseeeettttlllldddd subset is installed and individual operating system files that are part of that subset are moved, deleted, or replaced. +o Any of the existing system files (files that are targeted to be updated by a patch) have changed and cannot be related to previous versions of the patch. This ensures that operating system files that change due to other explicit system administrator action (for example, layered product patches or non-dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh installed CSP installations) are not inadvertently overwritten. You must take special action, through the baseline feature, to enable patch installation in this situation. _2._2._2 _P_a_t_c_h _D_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_y _M_a_n_a_g_e_m_e_n_t Selective patch installation and removal is allowed in the Tru64 UNIX and TCR Patch Management Utility 2-3 patch kits. When patches are selectively chosen, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh provides warning messages regarding other dependent patches requiring installation or removal for correct system operation. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility manages the dependencies between patches within each product patch kit and across product patch kits. For example, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh manages the following kinds of dependencies when patches on systems where both Version 4.0F and TCR1.6 are installed or removed: +o Patch dependencies within a product patch kit If, for example, you choose to install Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 1.00 and it depends upon Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 5.00, which is not already installed or chosen for installation, the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check will warn you of the dependency and prevent the installation of Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 1.00. If the patch selections are reversed, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh will warn you and prevent installation of the chosen patch. +o Patch dependencies across product patch kits If, for example, you choose to install Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 1.00 and it depends upon TruCluster 1.6 Patch 17.00, which is not already installed or chosen for installation, the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check will warn you of the dependency and prevent the installation of the Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 1.00. If the patch selections are reversed, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh will warn you and prevent installation of the chosen patch. _N_o_t_e Even though selective patch installation capabilities exist, Compaq recommends that you install all patches in each kit for Tru64 UNIX and TCR to prevent the occurrence of known and corrected software problems. _2._2._3 _P_a_t_c_h _R_e_v_e_r_s_i_b_i_l_i_t_y Enabling patch reversibility during patch installation allows you to revert the system to its state prior to the installation of a particular patch. By default, the reversibility installation option is set to enable reversibility for patches. If you choose to make patch subsets nonreversible, then those patches will become nonremovable upon the successful installation of those patches. _N_o_t_e Customer-Specific-Patches are forced to be reversible when the CSP kit is 2-4 Patch Management Utility manufactured. This forced reversiblity overrides the reversibility option provided by dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh during installation. Patch reversibility is dependent upon saving the existing system files that will be updated by the patch. Saving these files requires the availability of adequate storage space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp, which can be a mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mount point, or a symbolic link to another file system. This allows you to configure your system to reduce the impact on system disk space for the ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, and ////vvvvaaaarrrr partitions. To further reduce the storage space required to save existing system files, the patch kits for Tru64 UNIX and TCR use the ggggzzzziiiipppp utility to save each patch file in a compressed tar image. This results in a file with a name like _f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e....ttttaaaarrrr....ggggzzzz. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility checks for the required storage space prior to patch installation. Patch installation is prevented if adequate backup space is unavailable. _2._2._4 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _R_e_m_o_v_a_l _E_v_e_n_t _L_o_g Patch installation and removal activities are logged in the patch event log located in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////eeeevvvveeeennnntttt....lllloooogggg. The information in the patch event log is not yet available through the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh user interface. However, the file is plain text and can be viewed manually. The following list describes the types of information an event log provides, although the format and content are subject to change. Example 2-1 shows a typical event log. ______________________________________________________________________________ DUPATCH_REV> The revision of dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh being used TYPE> The type of action that was taken; either install or remove NAME> The name entered by user through a dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh query USER> the name of the user performing the action NOTES> Notes that were entered by the user through a dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh query KITLOC> The directory from which the patch kit was installed KITNAME> The name of the patch kit that was installed REVERT> The choice made on whether or not the patch installation is reversible Patch Management Utility 2-5 BACKUP_DIRECTORY> A pointer to the directory that contains the original files before they were patched BACKUP_SETUP> A plain directory; not a mount point or a symbolic link SUCCEED> A list of patches for which the action succeeded FAIL> A list of patches for which the action failed ______________________________________________________________________________ _E_x_a_m_p_l_e _2-_1: _S_a_m_p_l_e _E_v_e_n_t _L_o_g DUPATCH_REV>27-04 TYPE>install NAME>msstone USER>mstone DATE>Mon Jul 3 13:03:33 EST 2000 NOTES>Install BL13 patches from CD-ROM > KITLOC>/cdrom/DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F/patch_kit/DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F/kit KITNAME> OSF440 REVERT>Y BACKUP_DIRECTORY>//var/adm/patch/backup BACKUP_SETUP> SUCCEED>OSFPAT00001900440 _2._3 _V_i_e_w_i_n_g _t_h_e _P_a_t_c_h _D_o_c_u_m_e_n_t_a_t_i_o_n When you select the Patch Documentation item of the main menu, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh returns a menu that gives you access to different information: +o Problem summaries Provide brief descriptions of the problems corrected by the patches. You can view the problems corrected by installed patches or by patches available from a specific kit. +o Full descriptions Provide complete descriptions of the problems corrected by the individual patches. You can view the problem descriptions for installed patches or for patches available from a specific kit. +o Special Instructions These files describe special instructions you need to be aware of for 2-6 Patch Management Utility individual patches. You can view the instructions for installed patches or for patches available from a specific kit. +o Report identifiers +o Revision control strings The following output shows the Patch Documentation menu and a typical session with it: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Documentation Menu: ------------------------ Installed patches on the system 1) View problem summaries 2) View full descriptions 3) View special instructions 4) View Problem Report Identifiers 5) View Revision Control Strings Patches in the patch kit 6) View problem summaries 7) View full descriptions 8) View special instructions 9) View Problem Report Identifiers 10) View Revision Control Strings All (installed and non-installed) patches 11) View patch problem summaries 12) View patch full descriptions 13) View patch special instructions 14) View Problem Report Identifiers 15) View Revision Control Strings b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 6666 Patch Documentation Selection Menu: ----------------------------------- 1) List Release problem summaries 2) List Customer Specific problem summaries 3) List All problem summaries b) Back to Documentation Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Patch Management Utility 2-7 Enter path to the top of the patch distribution, or enter "q" to get back to the menu [/mnt/PatchKit/kit2/patch_kit]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] There may be more patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are examined. - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: 1) Patch 00090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade 2) Patch 00186.00 - Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: 3) Patch 00015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales 4) Patch 00019 000 The patch description information and special instructions are conveniently organized in the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document that is packaged with each kit. _2._4 _V_i_e_w_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h _T_r_a_c_k_i_n_g _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility allows you to view the following patch installation and removal information: _L_i_s_t _o_f _d_u_p_a_t_c_h-_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _p_a_t_c_h_e_s _o_n _t_h_e _s_y_s_t_e_m The following sample log shows how you can list the installed dupatch-based customer-specific patches: DIGITAL UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Tracking Menu: ------------------- 1) List installed patches 2) List installed patch files 3) List patch kit information for installed patches 4) Show Patch History for selected patches 5) Show System Patch History b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Patch Tracking Selection Menu: ------------------------------ 1) List Release Patches 2-8 Patch Management Utility 2) List Customer Specific Patches 3) List All Patches b) Back to Tracking Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time Patches installed on the system: ------------------------------- (depending upon the number of patches you installed, this may take a while) - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch C 00045.00 - Fix for QAR 61365 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches: Patch C 00043.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U Patch C 00052.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / X11 Patches: Patch C 00044.00 - Fix for QAR 57198 Press RETURN to get back to the Patch Tracking Menu... _L_i_s_t _o_f _p_a_t_c_h_e_d _f_i_l_e_s _o_n _t_h_e _s_y_s_t_e_m The following show how you can list the installed patch files for customer- specific patches: DIGITAL UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Tracking Menu: ------------------- 1) List installed patches 2) List installed patch files 3) List patch kit information for installed patches 4) Show Patch History for selected patches 5) Show System Patch History b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 Patch Tracking Selection Menu: Patch Management Utility 2-9 ------------------------------ 1) List Release Files 2) List Customer Specific Files 3) List All Files b) Back to Tracking Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time The list of all patched files on your system: -------------------------------------------- (depending upon the number of patches you installed, this may take a while) \&./usr/bin/X11/dxpause (DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 00044.00) \&./usr/dt/bin/dtappintegrate (DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 00043.00) \&./usr/dt/bin/dtappintegrate (DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 00052.00) \&./usr/sbin/quotaoff (DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 00045.00) \&./usr/sbin/quotaon (DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F Patch C 00045.00) Press RETURN to get back to the Patch Tracking Menu... _L_i_s_t _o_f _p_a_t_c_h _k_i_t _i_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n _o_n _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _p_a_t_c_h_e_s The following shows how you can list the patch kits for the installed patches on your system: DIGITAL UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Tracking Menu: ------------------- 1) List installed patches 2) List installed patch files 3) List patch kit information for installed patches 4) Show Patch History for selected patches 5) Show System Patch History b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 3333 Patch Tracking Selection Menu: ------------------------------ 2-10 Patch Management Utility 1) List Release kit information 2) List Customer Specific kit information 3) List All kit information b) Back to Tracking Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 3 Gathering details of relevant patches, this may take a bit of time Patches installed on the system came from following patch kits: -------------------------------------------------------------- - DUV40F1-C0004300-1367-19991104 OSF440 - DUV40F1-C0004400-1372-19991105 OSF440 - DUV40F1-C0004500-1373-19991105 OSF440 - DUV40F1-C0005200-1377-19991105 OSF440 - DUV40FAS0001-19990609 OSF440 NOTE When a patch kit is listed, it does not necessarily mean all patches on that kit are installed on your system. Press RETURN to get back to the Patch Tracking Menu... If no patches are installed on the system, you will receive a message similar to the following: There are no patches installed on your system. _L_i_s_t _h_i_s_t_o_r_y _f_o_r _s_e_l_e_c_t_e_d _p_a_t_c_h_e_s The following shows you how to show the patch history for selected patches: DIGITAL UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Tracking Menu: ------------------- 1) List installed patches 2) List installed patch files 3) List patch kit information for installed patches Patch Management Utility 2-11 4) Show Patch History for selected patches 5) Show System Patch History b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 4444 Patch Tracking Selection Menu: ------------------------------ 1) List Release Patch History for selected patches 2) List Customer Specific Patch History for selected patches 3) List All Patch History for selected patches b) Back to Tracking Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 3333 There may be more patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are listed. - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: 1) Patch 00020.00 - Cannot Use ipcs Cmd On System Not Booted With vmunix 2) Patch 00025.00 - Fix For ksh, file, tail, nawk, awk, And pax 3) Patch 00032.00 - mkdir -p Not Returning Error 4) Patch 00038.00 - quotaon Returns Incorrect Error Status 5) Patch 00040.00 - binmail Delivers Only Partial Messages 6) Patch 00041.00 - Fix For nroff Y2K Problem 7) Patch 00045.00 - Fix For sort -i Abort Problem 8) Patch 00047.00 - vi Puts Server Port INTO PASSALL MODE 9) Patch C 00045.00 - Fix for QAR 61365 10) Patch C 00046.00 - Fix for TLAQ90041 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: 11) Patch 00005.00 - dtfile May Leave Defunct Processes - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Filesystem Patches: 12) Patch 00039.00 - System Panic When Accessing ISO9660 Format CDROM 13) Patch 00054.00 - AdvFS volumes Not Setting I/O Byte Transfer Size - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Hardware Configuration Patches: 14) Patch 00018.00 - Resolves Corrupt EV6 Binary Error Log Entries 15) Patch 00072.00 - Updates FORE ATM (lfa) driver to Rev. V1.0.14 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / I/O Device Handling Patches: 16) Patch 00053.00 - Fix For spo_process_rsp Panic 17) Patch 00056.00 - KZPCA Host Bus Adapter May Hang 18) Patch 00058.00 - Additional Error Detection for FC Driver 19) Patch 00060.00 - Fix For spo_misc_errors errlog Entries 20) Patch 00073.00 - Problems With Driver Support For ELSA Gloria Synergy 2-12 Patch Management Utility - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Kernel Patches: 21) Patch 00016.00 - Fixes Kernel Memory Fault Caused By SMP Race 22) Patch 00034.00 - Fix For kio Subsystem Panic 23) Patch 00044.00 - Fix For Kernel Memory Fault 24) Patch 00055.00 - New Functionality To Detect Unlinked Reference Files - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches: 25) Patch 00046.00 - Shared Library Fix For curses-based Applications 26) Patch 00048.00 - DECthreads Library Fix - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Network Patches: 27) Patch 00008.00 - Fix For POP Mail Handler 28) Patch 00017.00 - Fix For BIND Server 29) Patch 00021.00 - Fix For XTI And DECnet/OSI 30) Patch 00022.00 - automount Daemon Hangs 31) Patch 00043.00 - Fix For XTI Over TCP/IP 32) Patch 00057.00 - Fixes Several NFS Problems 33) Patch 00059.00 - Characters Randomly Repeated Using tip - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches: 34) Patch 00002.00 - Security (SSRT0571U) 35) Patch 00003.00 - Security (SSRT0585U) 36) Patch 00004.00 - Security (SSRT0580U) 37) Patch 00006.00 - Security (SSRT0600U) 38) Patch 00011.00 - Security (SSRT0596U) 39) Patch 00012.00 - Security (SSRT0567U) 40) Patch 00028.00 - Security (SSRT0556U) 41) Patch 00031.00 - Security (SSRT0563U) 42) Patch C 00043.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U 43) Patch C 00052.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / X11 Patches: 44) Patch 00007.00 - dxcalendar Reminder Displays Through dxpause Screen 45) Patch 00062.00 - Fix For Motif Drag-and-Drop 46) Patch 00063.00 - xfs Fails With Segmentation Fault 47) Patch 00074.00 - Fix For ELSA Gloria Synergy Graphics Board 48) Patch C 00044.00 - Fix for QAR 57198 Or you may choose one of the following options: 49) ALL of the above 50) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 51) EXIT without listing any patches Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 44449999 You are listing the following patches: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 00020.00 - Cannot Use ipcs Cmd On System Not Booted With vmunix Patch 00025.00 - Fix For ksh, file, tail, nawk, awk, And pax Patch Management Utility 2-13 Patch 00032.00 - mkdir -p Not Returning Error Patch 00038.00 - quotaon Returns Incorrect Error Status Patch 00040.00 - binmail Delivers Only Partial Messages Patch 00041.00 - Fix For nroff Y2K Problem Patch 00045.00 - Fix For sort -i Abort Problem Patch 00047.00 - vi Puts Server Port INTO PASSALL MODE Patch C 00045.00 - Fix for QAR 61365 Patch C 00046.00 - Fix for TLAQ90041 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 00005.00 - dtfile May Leave Defunct Processes - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Filesystem Patches: Patch 00039.00 - System Panic When Accessing ISO9660 Format CDROM Patch 00054.00 - AdvFS volumes Not Setting I/O Byte Transfer Size - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Hardware Configuration Patches: Patch 00018.00 - Resolves Corrupt EV6 Binary Error Log Entries Patch 00072.00 - Updates FORE ATM (lfa) driver to Rev. V1.0.14 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / I/O Device Handling Patches: Patch 00053.00 - Fix For spo_process_rsp Panic Patch 00056.00 - KZPCA Host Bus Adapter May Hang Patch 00058.00 - Additional Error Detection for FC Driver Patch 00060.00 - Fix For spo_misc_errors errlog Entries Patch 00073.00 - Problems With Driver Support For ELSA Gloria Synergy - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Kernel Patches: Patch 00016.00 - Fixes Kernel Memory Fault Caused By SMP Race Patch 00034.00 - Fix For kio Subsystem Panic Patch 00044.00 - Fix For Kernel Memory Fault Patch 00055.00 - New Functionality To Detect Unlinked Reference Files - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches: Patch 00046.00 - Shared Library Fix For curses-based Applications Patch 00048.00 - DECthreads Library Fix - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Network Patches: Patch 00008.00 - Fix For POP Mail Handler Patch 00017.00 - Fix For BIND Server Patch 00021.00 - Fix For XTI And DECnet/OSI Patch 00022.00 - automount Daemon Hangs Patch 00043.00 - Fix For XTI Over TCP/IP Patch 00057.00 - Fixes Several NFS Problems Patch 00059.00 - Characters Randomly Repeated Using tip - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches: Patch 00002.00 - Security (SSRT0571U) Patch 00003.00 - Security (SSRT0585U) Patch 00004.00 - Security (SSRT0580U) Patch 00006.00 - Security (SSRT0600U) Patch 00011.00 - Security (SSRT0596U) Patch 00012.00 - Security (SSRT0567U) Patch 00028.00 - Security (SSRT0556U) 2-14 Patch Management Utility Patch 00031.00 - Security (SSRT0563U) Patch C 00043.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U Patch C 00052.00 - Fix for SSRT0585U - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / X11 Patches: Patch 00007.00 - dxcalendar Reminder Displays Through dxpause Screen Patch 00062.00 - Fix For Motif Drag-and-Drop Patch 00063.00 - xfs Fails With Segmentation Fault Patch 00074.00 - Fix For ELSA Gloria Synergy Graphics Board Patch C 00044.00 - Fix for QAR 57198 Is this correct? (y/n): y Patch History for selected patches Date Time Prd Patch Operation KitName ---- ---- ___ _____ _________ _______ 1999/11/05 13:13 DU Patch C 00052.00 Installed DUV40F1-C0005200-1377-19991105 1999/11/05 12:56 DU Patch C 00046.00 Removed 1999/11/05 10:53 DU Patch C 00046.00 Installed DUV40F1-C0004600-1374-19991105 1999/11/05 10:50 DU Patch C 00045.00 Installed DUV40F1-C0004500-1373-19991105 1999/11/05 10:48 DU Patch C 00044.00 Installed DUV40F1-C0004400-1372-19991105 1999/11/05 10:43 DU Patch C 00043.00 Installed DUV40F1-C0004300-1367-19991104 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00074.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00073.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00072.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00063.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00062.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00060.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00059.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00058.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00057.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00056.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00055.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00054.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00053.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00048.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00047.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00046.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00045.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00044.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00043.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00041.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00040.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00039.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00038.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00034.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00032.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00031.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00028.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00025.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00022.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00021.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00020.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00018.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 Patch Management Utility 2-15 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00017.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00016.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00012.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00011.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00008.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00007.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00006.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00005.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00004.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00003.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 1999/11/04 10:11 DU Patch 00002.00 Installed DUV40FAS0001-19990609 Press RETURN to get back to the Patch Tracking Menu... _2._5 _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g _M_a_n_u_a_l_l_y _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _S_y_s_t_e_m _F_i_l_e_s _w_i_t_h _B_a_s_e_l_i_n_i_n_g A dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh feature called baselining looks at the files installed on a system, compares them to the files it expects to find, and prevents the installation of any patch files that might cause an incompatibility among system files. This section provides an overview of the baselining process. See Section 4.7 for instructions on setting a baseline. Unknown system files occur when the files are replaced through non-standard system file installation methods such as the following: +o The manual installation of system files such as system administration customizations or manually installed patches +o Using the sssseeeettttlllldddd utility to install system files from user-derived sssseeeettttlllldddd subsets +o Using the sssseeeettttlllldddd utility to install files for layered software products +o Changes that result from weak system control programs (usually named _f_i_l_e....ssssccccpppp) Missing system files result from a root user manually deleting system files that were installed during a standard full or update installation procedure or with the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. The file is removed but the system inventory records are still in place. Unknown and missing system files will block patch installations until you take corrective action. However, before taking any action, it is important that you understand the origin of the unknown system files or why missing files are no longer present on your system. Changing the system without this knowledge could render your operating system or layered product software environment in an inconsistent and nonoperational state. 2-16 Patch Management Utility For example, a file whose origin is unknown that is blocking the installation of a release patch, could be part of a manually installed customer-specific patch that is not contained in the release patch. Removing that one file will disrupt the operation of your CSP and possibly the operation of the system. When you run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh system baseline feature, a baseline log file is captured in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////bbbbaaaasssseeeelllliiiinnnneeee....lllloooogggg. The sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg files from the previous 25 sessions are saved. The order is first in, first out -- with bbbbaaaasssseeeelllliiiinnnneeee....lllloooogggg....22225555 as the oldest file. You may need to set the patch baseline for your system if you have manually installed system files or if dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh informs you that patch installation is blocked by system files that are missing or unknown. _W_a_r_n_i_n_g Misusing the baselining feature can cause serious problems with your system. It is important to be aware of the following potential problems: +o Enabling baselining to override its applicability checking could render your operating system or layered product software environment in an inconsistent and nonoperational state. +o Enabling baselining to update your system sets a new baseline for your operating system or TCR software environments. You will not be able to revert to the previous system state for manually installed patches that were marked as installed by baselining. Compaq recommends that you backup your ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, and ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems before enabling system updates through dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh baselining. Baselining is divided into five phases that provide system information and optionally allow you to take actions that change the patch baseline of your system. You can run through all phases of baselining to get the system analysis without enabling changes to your system. You can run baselining in multiuser mode when you are the root user. _2._5._1 _P_h_a_s_e _1 - _S_y_s_t_e_m _E_v_a_l_u_a_t_i_o_n The primary goal of Phase 1 is to evaluate your system relative to the patch kit that is being installed. However, the baselining feature will report all missing and unknown files to assist you in better understanding the state of the changed files on the system. The rest of the baselining phases use the information gathered in Phase 1 to inform you of any installation conflicts for patches contained in the patch kit. The amount of time needed to evaluate the state of the system varies greatly depending on the size of the patch kit, the version of the software product, and the performance of the system. Patch Management Utility 2-17 _2._5._2 _P_h_a_s_e _2 - _P_a_t_c_h _L_a_y_e_r_e_d _P_r_o_d_u_c_t _C_o_n_f_l_i_c_t_s Phase 2 reports information for patches whose installation is blocked by system files that were installed by layered products. Baselining will not override layered product patch installation collision detection mechanisms as it is likely that the layered product or application customizations are not contained in the patch. Installation of the patch in this situation would render the layered product or application nonoperational. To resolve this situation contact your layered product or application Customer Services or Compaq Services if you have purchased Business Critical Services. _2._5._3 _P_h_a_s_e _3 - _I_d_e_n_t_i_f_y_i_n_g _M_a_n_u_a_l_l_y _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _P_a_t_c_h_e_s Phase 3 reports patches that exactly match existing files on your system that are not marked as _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d by the system inventory. For example, in earlier kits, TCR release patches were installed manually. This phase will report any manually installed release patch files that exactly match a patch contained in the current dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh-based TCR patch kit. You can optionally enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to mark these patches as _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d, which involves copying valid sssseeeettttlllldddd database information to your system. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility will copy the appropriate _p_a_t_c_h__s_u_b_s_e_t.inv, _p_a_t_c_h__s_u_b_s_e_t.scp, and _p_a_t_c_h__s_u_b_s_e_t....ccccttttrrrrllll files into place for these patches. If you do not want to enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to mark these patches as installed, you must manually remove the patched system files so the normal dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh installation can install the affected patches. _2._5._4 _P_h_a_s_e _4 - _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _o_r _U_n_k_n_o_w_n _F_i_l_e_s _o_n _Y_o_u_r _S_y_s_t_e_m Phase 4 reports information about any unknown and missing system files. These files should be considered as intentional customizations which are important to correct system operation. As such, care should be taken to understand why system files have been customized. Before enabling any patch installations in Phase 5, review the information reported in Phase 4 against your log of manual system changes to ensure you understand why the system was intentionally customized and to determine how to proceed. In some cases you may need to remove customizations to ensure proper system operation. To assist you in identifying the origin of changed system files, baselining now reports all missing or unknown system files. The following sections provide general guidance for some of the normal situations where system files are intentionally customized manually. 2-18 Patch Management Utility _2._5._4._1 _M_a_n_u_a_l_l_y _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _C_u_s_t_o_m_e_r-_S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _P_a_t_c_h_e_s In response to a problem report, you may receive a manually installable customer-specific patch from your service provider. Customer-specific patches are a set of compatible files that deliver fixes to the problems you reported. Additionally the patch may include instrumentation necessary for debugging purposes. If your system was customized through a manual installation of customer- specific patches, you must ensure that the fixes delivered by the customer- specific patches are included in the current release patch kit before enabling dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to overwrite any unknown or missing system files. _W_a_r_n_i_n_g If you are unsure if the customer-specific patch is included in the official patch kit, do not enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to overwrite the manually installed customer-specific patch. If you must install the official patch being blocked by a customer-specific patch, contact your service provider for assistance. If the unknown or missing files are attributable to manually installed customer-specific patches that are included in a release patch kit, perform one of the following steps: +o If all customer-specific patch files are overwritten by the patches noted in Phase 5, you can safely enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to overwrite applicable missing or unknown system files. +o If some of the customer-specific patch files are not overwritten by the patches noted in Phase 5, contact your service provider for assistance. To determine if your customer-specific patch is included in the release patch kit, refer to the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s for the release patch kit, the Compaq Services Web-based patch search engine (hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....sssseeeerrrrvvvviiiicccceeee....ddddiiiiggggiiiittttaaaallll....ccccoooommmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss////iiiinnnnddddeeeexxxx....hhhhttttmmmmllll), your service provider. _2._5._4._2 _M_a_n_u_a_l_l_y _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _P_a_t_c_h_e_s For some software products, manual installation has been the practiced method for patch installation. For example, until recently, patches for TCR had been manually installed. You must determine whether the fixes delivered by the manually installed release patches are included in the current dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh-based release patch kit before enabling dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to overwrite any unknown or missing system files. Once you have made this determination, proceed as follows: +o If the unknown or missing system files are attributable to the manual installation of release patches and those patches are included in the current dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh-based releasel patch kit, you can safely enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to Patch Management Utility 2-19 overwrite applicable missing or unknown system files. +o If the unknown or missing system files are not attributable to manual installation, you must understand the origin of the unknown or missing system files by reviewing the information reported in Phase 4 against your log of manual system changes to ensure you understand why the system was intentionally customized, and to determine how to proceed. _2._5._4._3 _U_s_e_r _C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_e_d _C_o_m_m_a_n_d_s _a_n_d _U_t_i_l_i_t_i_e_s Periodically system administrators of production computing environments replace Tru64 UNIX commands or utilities with freeware or their own customized version of the command or utility. In this situation you must ensure the unknown or missing files are attributable to intentional replacement of commands, utilities, or other system files. If the unknown or missing system files are attributable to the replacement of commands, utilities, or other system files with customized versions for the computing environment, do not enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to overwrite the manually installed customized files. Instead, determine the reason for the customization and then decide how to proceed. _2._5._5 _P_h_a_s_e _5 - _E_n_a_b_l_i_n_g _d_u_p_a_t_c_h _t_o _O_v_e_r_w_r_i_t_e _C_h_a_n_g_e_d _S_y_s_t_e_m _F_i_l_e_s The fifth phase reports patches that are blocked due to missing or unknown system files, and optionally allows you to override the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh conflict management mechanism so the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh-based patch may be installed. For each patch that is blocked by a missing or unknown system file you are presented with the following information: +o Software product identifier +o Patch category +o Patch identifier +o Patch subset description +o The list of unknown and missing files that block the patch installation +o The origin of all other files contained in the patch Optionally, you can enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to override the collision detection mechanisms and install any of these patches. Use the missing and unknown file information presented in Phase 4 and your system administration log of manual system changes to make Phase 5 patch installation enabling decisions. 2-20 Patch Management Utility _W_a_r_n_i_n_g Do not enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to install patches over missing or unknown system files for which you do not know the origin. Doing so may cause your operating system and TCR software environment to be in an inconsistent and nonoperational state. _2._6 _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _L_i_n_e _U_s_e_r _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility provides a command line interface that allows dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to be called by other programs. You can use the command line to invoke all functions except for baselining. The functions have the same operation and definition as the menu-driven interface. The following example shows the use of the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command and several of its options to install Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 8.01: ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ----kkkkiiiitttt ////vvvvaaaarrrr////bbbbllll11115555////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____kkkkiiiitttt ----nnnnaaaammmmeeee MMMMiiiikkkkeeee ----nnnnooootttteeee \\\\ """"iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ppppaaaattttcccchhhh"""" ----pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt TTTTRRRRUUUU66664444____UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX____VVVV5555....0000 ----ppppaaaattttcccchhhh 00008888....00001111 The following example shows the use of the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command and several of its options to remove Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 8.01: ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----ddddeeeelllleeeetttteeee ----nnnnaaaammmmeeee MMMMiiiikkkkeeee ----nnnnooootttteeee """"ddddeeeelllleeeetttteeee ppppaaaattttcccchhhh"""" \\\\ ----pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt TTTTRRRRUUUU66664444____UUUUNNNNIIIIXXXX____VVVV5555....0000 ----ppppaaaattttcccchhhh 00008888....00001111 _2._6._1 _U_s_i_n_g _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _L_i_n_e _O_p_t_i_o_n_s You must specify all mandatory options on the command line or in the ddddaaaattttaaaa____ffffiiiilllleeee file. If any mandatory option is missing, the command will fail with an appropriate error message; it will not prompt you for the missing option and information. Remember, there is no reason to remove old official patches on your system before installing the new official patches. _2._6._2 _R_e_s_t_r_i_c_t_i_o_n _o_n _L_o_a_d_i_n_g _N_e_w _d_u_p_a_t_c_h _T_o_o_l_s _f_r_o_m _t_h_e _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _L_i_n_e The new patch tools cannot be loaded using the ddddeeeelllleeeetttteeee command on the command line. Doing that will cause the following error to be displayed: product_map does not exist or is empty, Cannot continue. If you want to use ddddeeeelllleeeetttteeee from the command line, you can first load the new tools, without impacting the system, by issuing the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command with the -precheck_only option. This will load the tools and not cause changes to your system. Patch Management Utility 2-21 _2._6._3 _C_o_m_m_a_n_d _L_i_n_e _I_n_t_e_r_f_a_c_e _O_p_t_i_o_n_s The following list shows all of the command line interface options (typing dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----hhhheeeellllpppp provides the same information): dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----ddddeeeelllleeeetttteeee [Mandatory] ----nnnnaaaammmmeeee _u_s_e_r__n_a_m_e ----nnnnooootttteeee _u_s_e_r__n_o_t_e ----ppppaaaattttcccchhhh _a_l_l | _p_a_t_c_h__i_d{_p_a_t_c_h__i_d...] [Optional] ----ddddaaaattttaaaa _d_a_t_a__f_i_l_e ----nnnnoooolllloooogggg (No session logging) ----pppprrrroooocccceeeeeeeedddd ( Proceed with patches that passed predeletion check) ----pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt _a_l_l | _p_r_o_d_u_c_t__i_d* ----rrrrooooooootttt _r_o_o_t__p_a_t_h *Mandatory when more than one product is available for operation dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----hhhheeeellllpppp [Optional ] ----ddddaaaattttaaaa____ffffiiiilllleeee (Specifies_d_a_t_a__f_i_l_e to use) ----kkkkiiiitttt _k_i_t__l_o_c_a_t_i_o_n ----ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____iiiidddd ( Specifies_p_a_t_c_h__i_d to use) ----rrrreeeevvvv (Lists dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh version) ----pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt____iiiidddd (Specifies_p_r_o_d_u_c_t__i_d to use) dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll [Mandatory ] ----kkkkiiiitttt _k_i_t__l_o_c_a_t_i_o_n ----nnnnaaaammmmeeee _u_s_e_r__n_a_m_e* ----nnnnooootttteeee _u_s_e_r__n_o_t_e* ----ppppaaaattttcccchhhh _a_l_l | _p_a_t_c_h__i_d[_p_a_t_c_h__i_d...] *Optional when -precheck_only is specified [Optional ] ----ssssiiiinnnngggglllleeee____uuuusssseeeerrrr (Bring system from multiuser to single-user mode) ----ddddaaaattttaaaa _d_a_t_a__f_i_l_e ----nnnnoooobbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp ----nnnnoooolllloooogggg (No session logging) ----pppprrrreeeecccchhhheeeecccckkkk____oooonnnnllllyyyy (Check patch applicability without installing) ----pppprrrroooocccceeeeeeeedddd (Proceed with patches that passed preinstallation check) ----pppprrrroooodddduuuucccctttt _a_l_l | _p_r_o_d_u_c_t__i_d* ----rrrrooooooootttt _r_o_o_t__p_a_t_h *Mandatory when more that one product is available for operation. ----ccccffffggggffffiiiilllleeee_c_o_n_f_i_g__f_i_l_e (Configuration file for kernel rebuild) dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh ----ttttrrrraaaacccckkkk 2-22 Patch Management Utility [Mandatory] ----ttttyyyyppppeeee _f_i_l_e | _f_i_l_e | _p_a_t_c_h (Use _f_i_l_e to list all patched files.) (Use _k_i_t to list installed patch kits.) (Use _p_a_t_c_h to list installed patches.) [Optional ] ----ddddaaaattttaaaa_d_a_t_a__f_i_l_e ----nnnnoooolllloooogggg (No session logging.) ----rrrrooooooootttt_r_o_o_t__p_a_t_h _S_p_e_c_i_f_y_i_n_g _a _D_a_t_a _F_i_l_e When using the -data option, you must specify a data file, which is a file path that contains specifications with the following format: switch1=value switch2=value . . . switch3 For example: kit = /mnt name = John Doe note = install April patch kit patch = all precheck_only nobackup The following list describes characteristics of a data file: +o Blank lines and comments (preceded with #) are allowed. +o Line continuation (\) is required if a specification spans multiple lines. +o When a option is specified both on the command line and in the data file, the value specified on the command line overrides that specified in the data file. Patch Management Utility 2-23 _S_p_e_c_i_f_y_i_n_g _a _P_a_t_c_h _I_D The following list describes the characteristics of a patch ID: +o A valid patch ID specification has the following format: all xxxx[.yy] For example: 15 200.11 10.2 00111.02 +o Both xxxx and yy are numeric values; leading zeros can be omitted. +o Patch revision (yy), when left unspecified, maps to wildcarded "??" +o Multiple patch_id specifications are separated by white space. +o The keyword aaaallllllll cannot be combined with other patch IDs. _S_p_e_c_i_f_y_i_n_g _a _P_r_o_d_u_c_t _I_D The following list describes the characteristics of a product ID. _N_o_t_e When using the command line, the -product option must preceed the -patch option. +o A valid product ID has the following format: all description_version where _d_e_s_c_r_i_p_t_i_o_n is the product description, and _v_e_r_s_i_o_n is the product version. For example: DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F TruCluster_V1.6 +o Product ID specifications are case insensitive. +o Wildcards are not allowed in product ID specifications. 2-24 Patch Management Utility +o Multiple product ID specifications are separated by white space. +o The keyword aaaallllllll cannot be combined with other product IDs. _S_p_e_c_i_f_y_i_n_g _a _R_o_o_t _P_a_t_h The following list describes the characteristics of a root path: +o The -root option, which is similar to the -D option of sssseeeettttlllldddd, specifies an alternative root for the specified operation. +o The root path must be the root of a complete Tru64 UNIX file system. +o The default root path is //// for all operations. +o If -root is the only argument on the command line, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh will proceed in interactive mode; this is an exception to the command line rule previously mentioned. _S_p_e_c_i_f_y_i_n_g _P_r_o_d_u_c_t _S_t_r_i_n_g_s The following list provides valid Tru64 UNIX product strings: TRU64_UNIX_V5.0A TRU64_UNIX_V5.0 TRU64_UNIX_V4.0G DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0D TruCluster_V5.0A TruCluster_V1.6 TruCluster_V1.5 The following list describes characteristics of product strings: +o A product string specification only applies to the patch ID specifications that follow it and ends when another product string is specified. +o A product-string specification is not necessary when the system being patched has only one product installed. For example, Tru64 UNIX Version 4.0F with no TCR. +o Because the purpose of the product-string is to clarify the patch ID specification, its specification must precede that of the patch ID. The following example shows a product string: dupatch -install -product DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F -patch 1.1 -product TruCluster_V1.6 -patch 35 \ Patch Management Utility 2-25 -name Mike -note "installing patch 1.1" -kit 2-26 Patch Management Utility Issues and Restrictions 3 This chapter provides information you must be aware of when installing or removing patches. Be sure to check the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document of the kit you are installing for any issues and restrictions that pertain to that installation. _3._1 _W_h_e_n _S_i_n_g_l_e-_U_s_e_r _M_o_d_e _I_s _R_e_c_o_m_m_e_n_d_e_d Although you can install patches in multiuser mode, Compaq recommends that you bring down your system to single-user mode when installing patches that affect the operation of the Tru64 UNIX operating system or the product you are patching. If your system must remain in multiuser mode, it is recommended that you apply the patches when the system is as lightly loaded as possible. There are no restrictions on performing patch selection and preinstallation checking in multiuser mode. _3._2 _I_m_p_a_c_t _o_n _S_y_s_t_e_m _U_p_g_r_a_d_e_s _t_o _L_a_t_e_r _V_e_r_s_i_o_n_s _o_f _T_r_u_6_4 _U_N_I_X In the presence of patches or layered products, certain procedures used to upgrade a system to a later version of Tru64 UNIX can lead to an inconsistency among operating system and layered product objects. For more information see Appendix A for general Tru64 UNIX system upgrade information. _N_o_t_e After successfully installing a new version of Tru64 UNIX, you should obtain and install the latest patch kit that is applicable to that version of Tru64 UNIX. _3._3 _P_a_t_c_h_i_n_g _a _S_y_s_t_e_m _P_r_i_o_r _t_o _C_r_e_a_t_i_n_g _a _C_l_u_s_t_e_r If you have not yet created your cluster, you can save time by patching your system first. The sequence of events when patching the initial installation of Tru64 UNIX are as follows: 1. Install and configure the Tru64 UNIX operating system. 2. Use the sssseeeettttlllldddd command to install the TruCluster software kit. If the TruCluster software kit is not loaded before the patch operation, patches for TruCluster software software will not be loaded. 3. Patch the system. 4. Use the cccclllluuuu____ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee command to create the single-member cluster. See the Tru64 UNIX _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for information about installing the operating system and the TruCluster Server _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n manual for information about creating your cluster. _3._4 _N_o _R_I_S _o_r _D_M_S _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _o_f _P_a_t_c_h_e_s Remote Installation Services (RIS) and Dataless Management Services (DMS) installations of patches are not supported. However, the patch kit installation mechanism does support network installation via NFS. _3._5 _D_i_r_e_c_t _s_e_t_l_d _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _a_n_d _R_e_m_o_v_a_l _o_f _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_b_s_e_t_s _I_s _N_o_t _A_l_l_o_w_e_d You can install and remove Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches only through dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. You cannot directly install or reinstall the patch subsets with sssseeeettttlllldddd. This ensures that patch tracking and management is not compromised. _3._6 _L_i_m_i_t_a_t_i_o_n _f_o_r /_v_a_r/_a_d_m/_p_a_t_c_h/_b_a_c_k_u_p _D_i_r_e_c_t_o_r_y _H_a_n_d_l_i_n_g The patch management utility assumes there is one ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp directory per system. It does not handle placement of archived original files for multiple systems in one directory. _3._7 _D_o _N_o_t _E_n_t_e_r _C_t_r_l/_c _D_u_r_i_n_g _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _P_h_a_s_e Do not enter a Ctrl/c command during the installation phase of the patch kit. _C_a_u_t_i_o_n As with any system update, entering a Ctrl/c during this phase will leave the operating system software environment in an inconsistent and nonrecoverable state. _3._8 _R_e_m_o_v_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _C_o_n_t_a_i_n_i_n_g _C_u_s_t_o_m_i_z_e_d _F_i_l_e_s If you use dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to remove a patch containing a customized file, messages similar to the following may appear in the session log file, ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg: Customization found in //filename Before the backup was restored, we had saved a copy of this file in: //filename.PreDel_OSFPATyyy 3-2 Issues and Restrictions Please compare //filename with this saved copy. If there are extra customizations you want to keep, you would need to merge them into /filename manually. //filename.PreDel_OSFPATyyy can be removed afterwards. In this message, ////////ffffiiiilllleeeennnnaaaammmmeeee is the full path of the customized file being replaced, and yyyyyyyyyyyy is the patch subset ID number. This message warns you to examine the removed patch for any customized files it may contain. In order to keep those customizations, you will have to manually add them. The following are examples of such customized files: +o ////uuuussssrrrr////vvvvaaaarrrr////ssssppppoooooooollll////ccccrrrroooonnnn////ccccrrrroooonnnnttttaaaabbbbssss////rrrrooooooootttt +o ////eeeettttcccc////ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiiggggttttaaaabbbb +o ////uuuussssrrrr////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////sssseeeennnnddddmmmmaaaaiiiillll////sssseeeennnnddddmmmmaaaaiiiillll....ccccffff _3._9 _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _D_o _N_o_t _A_u_t_o_m_a_t_i_c_a_l_l_y _S_u_p_e_r_s_e_d_e _C_S_P_s Currently, release patches cannot automatically supersede dupatch-based customer-specific patches (CSPs). Any release patch blocked by a CSP will result in a dupatch message. See Section 7.1.7 for more information. Issues and Restrictions 3-3 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4 This chapter provides instructions for installing and removing patches from the Tru64 UNIX operating system and the TruCluster Software Products (TCR). _N_o_t_e Chapter 5 describes the procedure for patching a TruCluser Server Version 5.0A or higher cluster using the rolling upgrade function. If you are patching your system with that process, follow the steps described in Chapter 5, and then return to this chapter for help in running the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. If you have not yet created your cluster, follow the steps in Section 3.3. _4._1 _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _o_f _S_t_e_p_s _f_o_r _U_s_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t_s The following list summarizes the steps necessary to install patches on your system. The referenced sections provide the full details. Compaq recommends that you familiarize yourself with these steps before attempting to install Tru64 UNIX or TCR patch kits. 1. Review the list of issues and restrictions in Chapter 3 and in the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s document that came with your patch kit. 2. Prepare your system for patch installation (Section 4.2). 3. Make the patch distribution available to your system (Section 4.3). 4. Load any new patch tools provided with the new patch distribution (Section 4.4). 5. Set the patch baseline if system files have been changed manually Section 4.7). 6. Perform patch preinstallation check (Section 4.6). 7. Install patches mode (Section 4.8). 8. Rebuild the kernel and reboot the system (Section 4.9). _4._2 _P_r_e_p_a_r_i_n_g _t_o _I_n_s_t_a_l_l _P_a_t_c_h_e_s Before using the latest Tru64 UNIX or TCR patch distribution, make sure that your system meets the required criteria and that you perform certain preinstallation tasks, as described in the following list: +o Make sure you have the correct software You must have the appropriate versions of Tru64 UNIX and TCR installed on your system to install patch kits. There are separate patch kits for each version of the Tru64 UNIX and TCR products. The patch kits will not install on any other version of those products. For example, the Tru64 UNIX 5.0 patch kit will only install on Tru64 UNIX Version 5.0. +o Back up your system It is recommended that you backup your ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, and ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems prior to installing patches or baselining your system. +o Make sure you have enough storage space Refer to the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s for the required storage space. _4._3 _M_a_k_i_n_g _t_h_e _P_a_t_c_h _D_i_s_t_r_i_b_u_t_i_o_n _A_v_a_i_l_a_b_l_e Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches are available from the Compaq Services Web page or the Tru64 UNIX Patch CD-ROM. Once you have obtained the patch distributions use the following instructions to make the patch kits available to the system targeted for update: 1. Ensure the installation prerequisites described in Section 4.2 are met. 2. If you are using patch tar files obtained via the Internet from the Compaq Services Web page, you must expand the tar file to access the patch kits. The tar file can be expanded on any NFS mountable file system. _N_o_t_e It is recommended that the file system not exist in ////uuuussssrrrr or ////vvvvaaaarrrr of the system that will be patched. For example: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////mmmmoooouuuunnnntttt ////ddddeeeevvvv////ddddiiiisssskkkk////ddddsssskkkk3333gggg ////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss #### ccccdddd ////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss #### mmmmkkkkddddiiiirrrr kkkkiiiitttt2222 Copy or ftp the patch kit to ////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss////kkkkiiiitttt2222. For example: 4-2 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions #### ccccpppp TTTT66664444VVVV55550000AAAASSSS0000000000002222----22220000000000000000333322224444....ttttaaaarrrr ////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss////kkkkiiiitttt2222 #### ssssccccrrrriiiipppptttt uuuunnnnttttaaaarrrr....lllloooogggg #### ttttaaaarrrr ----xxxxppppvvvvffff TTTT66664444VVVV55550000AAAASSSS0000000000002222----22220000000000000000333322224444....ttttaaaarrrr #### [[[[CCCCttttrrrrllll////dddd]]]] Or alternatively: #### eeeexxxxiiiitttt View the uuuunnnnttttaaaarrrr....lllloooogggg for errors or failures untarring the file. Once the tar file has been expanded, make the file system containing the patch kits available to the system being patched. For example, on the system you are patching do the following: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////mmmmoooouuuunnnntttt ////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss////kkkkiiiitttt2222@@@@hhhhoooossssttttnnnnaaaammmmeeee ////mmmmnnnntttt 3. If you are using the Tru64 UNIX Patch CD-ROM you need only mount the CD- ROM, as the information on the CD-ROM is already expanded. For example: #### uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////mmmmoooouuuunnnntttt ----rrrr ////ddddeeeevvvv////ddddiiiisssskkkk////ccccddddrrrroooommmm0000cccc ////mmmmnnnntttt _4._4 _L_o_a_d_i_n_g _N_e_w _P_a_t_c_h _T_o_o_l_s The patch kits deliver updated patch tools to your system. It is important that you run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility located in the ////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____kkkkiiiitttt directory every time you obtain new patch tar files or a new Tru64 UNIX Patch CD-ROM. After you have made the patch kits available to the system being patched, run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh as follows: #### ////_m_n_t/PatchKits/kit2/patch_kit/dupatch If new patch tools are available they will be loaded and you will see messages similar to the following: * A new version of patch tools required for patch management is now being installed on your system. * Tools updated, invoking the updated Patch Utility... The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility saves information on the tools that have been loaded to the log file ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////DDDDuuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh____llllooooaaaadddd_____d_a_t_e.log. For example: ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////DDDDuuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh____llllooooaaaadddd____SSSSeeeepppp11119999::::11116666::::11114444::::22221111....lllloooogggg Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-3 _4._5 _I_n_v_o_k_i_n_g _t_h_e _M_a_i_n _d_u_p_a_t_c_h _M_e_n_u Once the new tools have been loaded, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh prompts you for the path to the patch kit files. After you specify the path (or press Return if the patch kit is your current directory) you will see the main menu. For example: Enter path to the top of the patch distribution, or enter "q" to get back to the menu : ////mmmmnnnntttt////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiitttt////kkkkiiiitttt2222////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____kkkkiiiitttt Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: _4._6 _P_e_r_f_o_r_m_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h _P_r_e_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _C_h_e_c_k _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s To minimize system down time, you can perform the preinstallation check on a system running in multiuser mode, even if you will perform the actual installation in single-user mode. Note that the menu you see differs slightly, depending upon whether you log in from a psuedo-terminal or a system console. The following steps assume you logged in from a psuedo-terminal. 1. Log in as root. 2. From the main dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh menu, enter 1111 at the "Enter your choice" prompt: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 4-4 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 3. The program responds with the Patch Installation Menu. Enter 1111 at the "Enter your choice" prompt: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ------------------------ 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install in single-user mode w/ network services 3) Check and Install in Multi-User mode b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Checking patch kit for transmission errors during download... Finished Checking patch kit checksums Gathering patch information... (depending upon the size of the patch kit, this may take awhile) *** Start of Special Instructions *** *** There are NO Special Instructions *** Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-5 Press RETURN to proceed... 4. You have the option to make the patches reversible so you can revert the system to its state prior to the installation of a patch. The dupatch utility lists the following information. Press Return at the prompt to make the patches reversible. This is the recommended action. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Make Patches Reversible - PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: - You have the option to make the patches reversible so you can revert the system to its state prior to the installation of a patch. - Reversibility is achieved by compressing and saving a copy of the files being replaced by the patches. These files would be restored to the system if you choose to delete a patch. - If you choose to make patches NON-reversible, then the system cannot be restored to the state prior to the installation of a patch; you will not be able to delete the patches later. - This patch kit may force a small set of patches to be reversible to ensure your upgrades to future versions of Tru64 UNIX are successful. The Patch Utility will make those patches reversible automatically. Refer to the Release Notes / Installation Instructions provided with this patch kit. Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] By default, the backup copies of the installed patches will be saved in "/var/adm/patch/backup". If you have limited space in /var, you may want to make the backup directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system. You must ensure the backup directory is configured the same way during any patch removal operations. Your current setup of "/var/adm/patch/backup" is: * A plain directory (not a mount point or a symbolic link) Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] By default, the backup copies of the installed patches will be saved in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp. If you have limited space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr, you may want to make the backup directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system. 4-6 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 5. Answer yes when asked if you want to perform the preinstallation check with this setup: Do you want to proceed with the pre-installation check with this setup? [y]: 6. The program then lists the patches that apply to your system. Compaq recommends that you install all of these patches. For example: The patches listed below are optional: There may be more optional patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are installed. - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: 1) Patch 00090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade 2) Patch 00186.00 - Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: 3) Patch 00015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales 4) Patch 00019.00 - Fixes a problem with the grep command 00004) Patch 00152.00 - Memory leak when creating and destroying widgets 95) Patch 00174.00 - Fix for memory leaks in Xlib 96) Patch 00176.00 - Memory leaks occur when creating widgets 97) Patch 00180.00 - Fixes memory leak in libXm 98) Patch 00182.00 - libXm memory leak when creating widgets Or you may choose one of the following options: 99) ALL of the above 100) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 101) EXIT without installing any patches Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 99999999 You are installing the following optional patches: The program lists the patches you have selected, asks you to conform the selction, and runs the preinstallation check if you answer yes: Is this correct? (y/n): yyyy Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take awhile) Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-7 *** You have selected 98 patches *** Checking system space needed for patch installation and backup...  ************************************************************** Pre-Installation Check COMPLETED with the following results: 98 patches passed Pre-Installation Check 0 patches failed Pre-Installation Check **************************************************************  Press RETURN to continue... 7. The program lists any patches that fail the prerequisite and applicability checks, and asks how you want to proceed. You are presented with the following choices: Select the action you'd like to take: 1) proceed with the patches that passed the check 2) select patches again 3) go back to the previous menu If the patches are prevented from being installed because of missing or unknown system files, set the system patch baseline, as described in Section 4.7. If patches are prevented from being installed because dependent patches were not selected, choose the "select patches again" item and add the required patches that are missing. Otherwise, proceed to the installation phase, as described in Section 4.8. _4._7 _S_e_t_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _S_y_s_t_e_m _P_a_t_c_h _B_a_s_e_l_i_n_e If your system was customized as a result of the manual installation of any system files, you will need to set the patch baseline for your system. If you do not need to set the patch baseline for your system, proceed to Section 4.8. _N_o_t_e 4-8 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions You will need to be familiar with the concepts of baselining in Section 2.5 before preforming the steps in this section. You can set the patch baseline in multiuser mode, thereby minimizing system down time. The following steps show you how to set a patch baseline. 1. Log in as root. 2. Run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh and enter 5555 in response to "Enter your choice" prompt of the Main Menu: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 5555 A summary of the patch baselining phases will be displayed on the screen. 3. Answer yyyy or nnnn when asked if you want to proceed with setting the patch baseline (you must provide an answer; there is no default answer): Do you want to proceed with the analysis and adjustment? [y/n]: yyyy If you answer yes, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh asks you to enter the location of the patch distribution as follows: Enter path to the top of the patch distribution, or enter "q" to get back to the menu : ////mmmmnnnntttt////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiitttt////kkkkiiiitttt2222////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____kkkkiiiitttt The summary of the patch baselining phases provides the following information: Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-9 +o Baselining Phase 1 evaluates your system relative to the patch kit. +o Baselining Phase 2 reports information for patches whose installation is blocked by system files that were installed by layered products. You cannot enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to install patches that replace system files installed by layered products. You must contact your layered product customer services or Compaq Services if you have purchased Business Critical Services. +o Baselining Phase 3 reports on patches that match existing files on your system, but are not marked as _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d by the system inventory. You can tell dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to mark these patches as _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d. This involves copying valid sssseeeettttlllldddd database information to your system. If exact matches are found you will be asked the following question: Do you want to mark these patches as installed ? [y/n] You must provide an answer; there is no default answer. +o Baselining Phase 4 reports information about any unknown or missing system files. This information is provided to assist you in understanding the state of files that may prevent patch installation. Consider this information carefully when making decisions to override patch-installation checks for patches noted in Phase 5. +o Phase 5 reports patches that do not pass installation applicability tests due to the current state of your system. The installation of these patches is prevented by missing or unknown system files. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility reports the known information about the files contained in each patch and asks if you want to enable the installation: Do you want to enable the installation of any of these patches? [y/n]: You must provide an answer; there is no default answer. Answer nnnn, until you know the origin of the files that are preventing the patch installation. The changed system files that are preventing the official patch installation may be part of a manually installed customer- specific patch or an intentionally customized utility or file. If, for example, the file that is preventing the installation of an official patch is one of many files that are part of a customer-specific patch, you must determine how to proceed. For more information, see Section and Section 2.5.5. If you answer yyyy to this question, you can selectively enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to install patches that are prevented from being installed by missing or unknown files. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility will present the list of patches so you can optionally enable installation. It then asks you how to proceed. 4-10 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions If you select patches for installation, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh asks you to confirm your selections and then enables installation of the selected patches. Perform the patch installation as described in Section 4.8. _C_a_u_t_i_o_n Do not enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to install patches over missing or unknown system files for which you do not know the origin. To do so might cause your operating system or TCR software environments to be in an inconsistent or nonoperational state. _4._8 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _a_n_d _E_n_a_b_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s Patch installation is performed through dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. The -l of the sssseeeettttlllldddd command is disabled for patch subsets. Before beginning the installation, make sure that you have completed all of the preliminary steps: +o Make sure you have met the installation prerequisites described in Section 4.2. +o Make sure you made the patch distribution available to your system, as described in Section 4.3. +o Make sure you loaded any new patch tools, as described in Section 4.4. +o Make sure that you performed the patch preinstallation check, as described in Section 4.6. +o If needed, make sure that system patch baseline has been set, as described in Section 4.7. The following sections provide step-by-step instructions for installing and enabling patches. _N_o_t_e If you are installing patches on a cluster, see Chapter 5 before you begin the patching process. _4._8._1 _C_h_o_o_s_i_n_g _S_i_n_g_l_e-_U_s_e_r _o_r _M_u_l_t_i_u_s_e_r _M_o_d_e You can install patches from either single-user or multiuser modes. See Section 3.1 for information about selecting one of these modes. Section describes the process from single-user mode and Section describes the process from multiuser mode. Section 4.8.2 describes the Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-11 remaining steps, which are common to installations from single-user and multiuser modes. _4._8._1._1 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _f_r_o_m _S_i_n_g_l_e-_U_s_e_r _M_o_d_e The following steps describe the steps you take and the type of output you will see when you install patches from single-user mode. 1. Shut down the system to single-user mode. For example: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn ++++5555 """"AAAAppppppppllllyyyyiiiinnnngggg 5555....0000AAAA aaaannnndddd TTTTCCCCRRRR PPPPaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss"""" 2. Reboot to single-user mode from the console prompt, using a command like the following: >>>>>>>>>>>>bbbbooooooootttt ----ffffllll ssss 3. If you are using the Logical Storage Manager, enter the llllssssmmmmbbbbssssttttaaaarrrrttttuuuupppp command: #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////llllssssmmmmbbbbssssttttaaaarrrrttttuuuupppp 4. After the system shuts down and reboots to single-user mode, mount the file system that contains the ////uuuussssrrrr and ////vvvvaaaarrrr directories. Use the bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc command to check and mount all the UFS and AdvFS file systems, then issue the uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command and activate your swap partition with sssswwwwaaaappppoooonnnn: #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssswwwwaaaappppoooonnnn ----aaaa 5. If you need access to the network, enter the rrrrcccciiiinnnneeeetttt command to enable the network: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrcccciiiinnnneeeetttt Informational messages will appear on the screen. 6. Run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. (This step assumes that the patch kit is available to your system, as described in Section 4.3, and that the new patch tools have been loaded, as described in Section 4.4). Enter 1111 at the "Enter your choice" prompt to the invoke the patch installation session: #### dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: 4-12 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 7. When the patch installation menu is displayed. Enter 2222, at the "Enter your choice" prompt: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install patches in Single-User Mode b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 _4._8._1._2 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _f_r_o_m _M_u_l_t_i_u_s_e_r _M_o_d_e The follow steps describe the steps you take and the type of output you will see when you install patches from multiuser mode. 1. Run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. (This step assumes that the patch kit is available to your system, as described in Section 4.3, and that the new patch tools have been loaded, as described in Section 4.4). Enter 1111 at the "Enter your choice" prompt to the invoke the patch installation session: Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-13 #### dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 2. When the patch installation menu is displayed. Enter 3333, at the "Enter your choice" prompt: Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install in single-user mode w/ network services 3) Check and Install in Multi-User mode b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 3333 *** Installation Warning *** You have chosen to install patches onto this system while it is running in Multi-User mode. Some patches may directly affect core operating system operations. To insure the proper operation of all applications, it is strongly suggested that you install these patches while the system is in Single-User mode. If this cannot be done, install these patches when the system is as lightly loaded as possible (i.e. not running production environments, no users logged on, etc.). 4-14 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]: _4._8._2 _C_o_m_m_o_n _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _S_t_e_p_s The following steps provide instructions for continuing the installation of Tru64 UNIX and TCR patches after you have selected either single-user or multiuser mode. 1. You have the option to make patches reversible so you can return the system to its state prior to the installation of a patch. Enter yyyy or press Return to make the patches reversible. For example: Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]: By default, backup copies of the installed patches are saved in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp. If you have limited space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr, you may want to make the backup directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system. If you answer no to this question, the existing system files will not be saved and the installed patches will not be reversible. Compaq recommends that you install patches so they are reversible. 2. The program describes your backup setup and asks you if you want to proceed: Do you want to proceed with the installation with this setup? [y]: 3. You are asked to record your name as the person installing the patches and to add any comments you would like stored for future reference. For example: Your name: MMMMiiiikkkkeeee SSSSttttoooonnnneeee Enter any notes about this operation that you would like stored for future reference. To end your input, enter a period (.) and press Return. :::: RRRReeeemmmmoooovvvviiiinnnngggg ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss 6666....00000000,,,, 11112222....00000000,,,, aaaannnndddd 22222222....00000000 uuuunnnnttttiiiillll tttthhhheeee :::: ffffiiiirrrrmmmmwwwwaaaarrrreeee ccccaaaannnn bbbbeeee uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo tttthhhheeee pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrr rrrreeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn.... : .... [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 4. The program lists the patches available for installation on your system. This list may be different from system to system because dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh does not Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-15 display available patches that are already installed on your system. You can install all patches (as recommended by Compaq) or selectively choose patches for installation. You can also cancel selections and redisplay menus, or exit without installing any patches. The following is an example of the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh output: Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6) : 000030) Patch 0381.00 - Motif Toolkit Correction 131) Patch 0384.00 - Various X11 Server Corrections Or you may choose one of the following options: 134) ALL of the above 133) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 134) EXIT without installing any patches Selecting CANCEL cancels your patch selections and returns to the patch list and selection menus so you can reselect patches for installation. Selecting EXIT returns you to the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh installation menu. _N_o_t_e When installing customer-specific patches, you do not have the option of selecting individual patches; you must install them all. You can, however, remove individual CSPs after the installation process is completed and the system has been rebooted. 5. The preinstallation check verifies that the patches will install. If the preinstallation check is successful, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh proceeds with the installation. If the preinstallation check fails, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh lists the specific patches that fail and asks how you want to proceed: Select the action you'd like to take: 1) proceed with the patches that passed the check 2) select patches again 3) go back to the previous menu If you choose to proceed with patches that passed the preinstallation check, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh will start installing those patches and provide informational messages on the screen. The entire dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh session is logged to ensure you can view any messages that may scroll off the screen. If patch installation is blocked due to missing or unknown system files, refer to Section 4.7. 6. Review the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh session log, ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg, to ensure that the installation was successful. Note any special patch instructions, 4-16 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions informational messages, and error messages. 7. Assuming patch installation was successful, rebuild the kernel (vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx), save the existing kernel, move the new kernel into place, and reboot the system. For more information, see the Tru64 UNIX _S_y_s_t_e_m _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual. In general the following steps are necessary: 1. Configure a new vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx. For example: #### ddddooooccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg ----cccc _H_O_S_T_N_A_M_E 2. Save the existing vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx. For example: #### ccccpppp ////vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx ////uuuussssrrrr////vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx....pppprrrreeeekkkkiiiitttt11111111---- 3. Install the newly built kernel (vvvvmmmmuuuunnnniiiixxxx). For example: #### mmmmvvvv ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssyyyyssss////_H_O_S_T_N_A_M_E/vmunix /vmunix 4. Reboot the system. For example: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn ----rrrr ++++5555 """"RRRReeeebbbbooooooootttt aaaa wwwwiiiitttthhhh nnnneeeewwwwllllyyyy iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllleeeedddd ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss"""" _4._9 _R_e_b_u_i_l_d_i_n_g _t_h_e _K_e_r_n_e_l The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility determines whether the installation or removal of patches requires that the kernel be rebuilt and the system rebooted. This action is then performed automatically or manually, depending upon the method you used to install the patches: +o When using the command line, the kernel is built automatically with the ddddooooccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg utility, using the -a option. It also uses the -c option of the -cfgfile command line option if it was used. +o When using the menu-based interface, the kernel build occurs as if ddddooooccccoooonnnnffffiiiigggg was entered from the command line. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility asks if your system has a custom configuration file and if you want to change it. _4._1_0 _R_e_b_o_o_t_i_n_g _t_h_e _S_y_s_t_e_m The action that dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh takes to reboot your system depends upon whether you used the command-line or menu-based interface or performed the action in single-user or multiuser mode. Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-17 _4._1_0._1 _I_n _S_i_n_g_l_e-_U_s_e_r _M_o_d_e When performing a patch installation or removal in single-user mode from the command line, the system automatically reboots after the command line operation is completed. When performing a patch installation or removal in single-user mode using the menu-based interface, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh asks if you want to reboot the system after the patch installation or removal is completed: +o If you answer _y_e_s, the system reboots immediately. +o If you answer _n_o, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh returns to the appropriate menu -- either installation or removal, depending on the operation. _4._1_0._2 _I_n _M_u_l_t_i_u_s_e_r _M_o_d_e When installing patches in multiuser mode from the command line, you are given a message informing you that a reboot is necessary to complete the patch installation. However, the system does not reboot itself. When installing patches in multiuser mode using the menu-based interface, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh gives you three options if a reboot is necessary: +o Reboot now +o Schedule a reboot for a later time +o Do nothing _4._1_1 _R_e_m_o_v_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s To remove patches from your system you use the Patch Deletion option of the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Main Menu. The system must be in single-user mode to remove patches. Note that the -d option to the sssseeeettttlllldddd command is disabled for patch subsets. The following steps show how to remove patches: _C_a_u_t_i_o_n The Patch Deletion menu lists every sssseeeettttlllldddd-based patch on your system, regardless of which patch kit installed them. Therefore, if you select the "ALL of the above" menu item, it will remove all sssseeeettttlllldddd-based patches from your system. For example, if you chose the "ALL of the above" menu item when installing 4-18 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions Patch Kit-0003 and then decided to remove those patches, you would have to specify the patch ID of all Patch Kit-0003 patches in the Delete Patch menu. If, instead, you select the "ALL of the above" menu item, then all sssseeeettttlllldddd-based patches that were installed on your system would be removed, not just those from Patch Kit-0003. 1. Shut down the system to single-user mode. For example: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn ++++5555 """"RRRReeeemmmmoooovvvviiiinnnngggg PPPPaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss"""" 2. After the system shuts down to single-user mode, mount the file system that contains the ////uuuussssrrrr and ////vvvvaaaarrrr directories. Use the bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc command to check and mount all the UFS and AdvFS file systems. Then issue the uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command and activate your swap partition with sssswwwwaaaappppoooonnnn: #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////sssswwwwaaaappppoooonnnn ----aaaa If you are using the Logical Storage Manager, run llllssssmmmmbbbbssssttttaaaarrrrttttuuuupppp: #### ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////llllssssmmmmbbbbssssttttaaaarrrrttttuuuupppp 3. If you need access to the network, use the following command to start the network: #### ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////rrrrcccciiiinnnneeeetttt ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt Informational messages will appear on the screen. 4. Run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, select 2222 for patch removal: #### dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility ========================== (This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log) Main Menu: ---------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions 4-19 5. You are asked to record your name as the person removing the patches and to add any comments you would like stored for future reference. For example: Your name: MMMMiiiikkkkeeee SSSSttttoooonnnneeee Enter any notes about this operation that you would like stored for future reference. To end your input, enter a period (.) and press Return. :::: RRRReeeemmmmoooovvvviiiinnnngggg ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss 6666....00000000,,,, 11112222....00000000,,,, aaaannnndddd 22222222....00000000 uuuunnnnttttiiiillll tttthhhheeee :::: ffffiiiirrrrmmmmwwwwaaaarrrreeee ccccaaaannnn bbbbeeee uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeeedddd ttttoooo tttthhhheeee pppprrrrooooppppeeeerrrr rrrreeeevvvviiiissssiiiioooonnnn.... : .... [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 6. Select and verify the patches to remove through the patch selection menus. Once the patch selection is done, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh removes the selected patches and provides informational messages on the screen. The dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh session is logged to ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////lllloooogggg////sssseeeessssssssiiiioooonnnn....lllloooogggg. _N_o_t_e When removing patches after incremental installations, you may see Special Instructions from previously installed patches that have since been superseded. You should ignore these instructions, and instead, follow any Special Instructions relating to the most current patch. 7. Review the session log to ensure the removal was successful. Note any special patch instructions, informational messages, and error messages. 8. If there are no error messages, follow the instructions for disabling the patches that are listed in the session log. Depending on the removed patches, you may need to rebuild the kernel or reboot the system. 4-20 Patch Installation and Removal Instructions Rolling Upgrade 5 TruCluster software Version 5.0A and higher provides the infrastructure that makes a rolling upgrade possible. For more detailed information about using the rolling upgrade process to install a new operating system or TCR version, see the Version 5.1 or higher TruCluster software _S_o_f_t_w_a_r_e _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n manual. _N_o_t_e If you have not yet created your cluster, Compaq recommends that you patch your system first. See Section 3.3 for this time-saving procedure. This chapter provides the following information: +o An overview of the rolling upgrade process. (Section 5.1) +o A description of the rolling upgrade stages. (Section 5.2) +o The step-by-step procedure for performing a rolling upgrade on your cluster. (Section 5.3) +o How to display the status of a rolling upgrade. (Section 5.4) +o How to undo a stage. (Section 5.5) +o How to remove patches installed during a rolling upgrade. (Section 5.6) _5._1 _O_v_e_r_v_i_e_w A rolling upgrade is a software upgrade of a cluster that is performed while the cluster is in operation. One member at a time is rolled and returned to operation while the cluster transparently maintains a mixed-version environment for the base operating system, cluster, and Worldwide Language Support (WSL) software. Clients accessing services are not aware that a rolling upgrade is in progress. When performing a rolling upgrade, the same procedure is used for patching your system as for upgrading to a new operating system or TruCluster version. The only difference is that for a rolling patch you use the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility and for a rolling upgrade you use the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee utility during the install stage. _N_o_t_e See Chapter 2 for an overview of the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility and Chapter 4 for step- by-step instructions for using dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. A roll consists of a series of stages (described in Section 5.2) that must be performed in a fixed order. When patching a cluster, the commands that control a rolling upgrade to enforce this order are cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee and dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. You can perform only one rolling upgrade at a time. You cannot start another roll until the first roll is completed. However, as shown in Figure 5-1, you can follow an update installation with a patch of the new software in the same roll. _N_o_t_e A rolling upgrade updates the file systems and disks that the cluster currently uses; it does not update the disk or disks that contain the Tru64 UNIX operating system that were used to create the cluster (the operating system on which you ran cccclllluuuu____ccccrrrreeeeaaaatttteeee). Although you can boot the original operating system in an emergency, remember that the differences between the current cluster and the original operating system increase with each roll. _5._1._1 _T_a_g_g_e_d _F_i_l_e_s A rolling upgrade updates the software on one cluster member at a time so that you can test the new software without disrupting critical services. In order to support two versions of software in the cluster during a roll, cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee creates a set of ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd ffffiiiilllleeeessss in the setup stage. These tagged files are copies of current files with ....OOOOlllldddd........ prepended to the filename. For example, the tagged file for the vvvvdddduuuummmmpppp command is ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////....OOOOlllldddd........vvvvdddduuuummmmpppp. Tagged files are created in the same file system as the original files. Each tagged file has an AdvFS property, DDDDEEEECCCC____VVVVEEEERRRRSSSSIIIIOOOONNNN____TTTTAAAAGGGG, set on it. If a member's ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiiggggttttaaaabbbb rrrroooollllllllssss____vvvveeeerrrr____llllooooooookkkkuuuupppp attribute is set to 1111, pathname resolution includes determining whether a specified filename has a ....OOOOlllldddd........_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e copy and whether the copy has the DDDDEEEECCCC____VVVVEEEERRRRSSSSIIIIOOOONNNN____TTTTAAAAGGGG property set on it. If both conditions are met, the requested file operation is transparently diverted to use the ....OOOOlllldddd........_f_i_l_e_n_a_m_e version of the file. Note that file system operations on directories are not bound by this ....OOOOlllldddd........ restraint. For example, you will see both versions of a file listed when you issue the llllssss command of a directory on any cluster member during a rolling upgrade. The upgrade commands control when a member runs on tagged files by setting that member's ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiiggggttttaaaabbbb rrrroooollllllllssss____vvvveeeerrrr____llllooooooookkkkuuuupppp variable. The commands set the value to 1111 when the member must run on tagged files, and to 0000 when the member must not run on tagged files. The only member that never runs on tagged files is the lead member (the first member to roll). 5-2 Rolling Upgrade The following rules determine which files have tagged files automatically created for them in the setup stage: +o Tagged files are created for the following product codes: base operating system (OOOOSSSSFFFF), TruCluster software (TTTTCCCCRRRR), and Worldwide Language Support (IIIIOOOOSSSS). The subsets for each product use that product's three-letter product code as a prefix for each subset name. For example, TruCluster software subset names start with the TruCluster software three-letter product code: TTTTCCCCRRRRBBBBAAAASSSSEEEE555500005555, TTTTCCCCRRRRMMMMAAAANNNN555500005555, and TTTTCCCCRRRRMMMMIIIIGGGGRRRRAAAATTTTEEEE555500005555. +o By default, files that are associated with other layered products do not have tagged files created for them. Tagged files are created only for layered products that have been modified to support tagged files during a rolling upgrade. _C_a_u_t_i_o_n Unless a layered product's documentation specifically states that you can install a newer version of the product on the first rolled member, and that the layered product knows what actions to take in a mixed-version cluster, we strongly recommend that you do nnnnooootttt install either a new layered product or a new version of a currently installed layered product during a rolling upgrade. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command provides several command options to manipulate tagged files: cccchhhheeeecccckkkk, aaaadddddddd, rrrreeeemmmmoooovvvveeee, eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee, and ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee. When dealing with tagged files, take the following into consideration: +o During a normal rolling upgrade you do not have to manually add or remove tagged files. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command calls the ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd commands as needed to control the creation and removal of tagged files. +o The target for a cccchhhheeeecccckkkk, aaaadddddddd, or rrrreeeemmmmoooovvvveeee tagged file operation is a product code that represents an entire product. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd commands operate on all files in the specified product or products. For example, the following command verifies the correctness of all the tagged files created for the TTTTCCCCRRRR kernel layered product (the TruCluster software subsets): # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd cccchhhheeeecccckkkk TTTTCCCCRRRR If you inadvertently remove a ....OOOOlllldddd........ copy of a file, you must create tagged files for the entire layered product to re-create that one file. For example, the vvvvdddduuuummmmpppp command is in the OOOOSSSSFFFFAAAADDDDVVVVFFFFSSSS_n_n_n subset, which is part of the OOOOSSSSFFFF product. If you mistakenly remove ////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////....OOOOlllldddd........vvvvdddduuuummmmpppp, run the following command to re-create tagged files for the entire layered product: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd aaaadddddddd OOOOSSSSFFFF Rolling Upgrade 5-3 +o The eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee and ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee commands enable or disable the use of tagged files by a cluster member. You do not have to use eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee or ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee during a normal rolling upgrade. The ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee command is useful if you have to undo the setup stage. Because no members can be running with tagged files when undoing the setup stage, you can use the ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee command to disable tagged files on any cluster member that is currently running on tagged files. For example, to disable tagged files for a member whose ID is 3: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee 3333 The eeeennnnaaaabbbblllleeee command is provided in case you make a mistake with the ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee command. _5._1._2 _V_e_r_s_i_o_n _S_w_i_t_c_h A version switch manages the transition of the aaaaccccttttiiiivvvveeee vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn to the nnnneeeewwww vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn of an operating system. The active version is the one that is currently in use. The purpose of a version switch in a cluster is to prevent the introduction of potentially incompatible new features until all members have been updated. For example, if a new version introduces a change to a kernel structure that is incompatible with the current structure, you do not want cluster members to use that new feature until all members have updated to the version that supports the new features. At the start of a rolling upgrade, all members' active versions are the same as their new versions. During a roll, each member's new version is updated when it rolls. After all members have rolled, the switch stage sets the active version to the new version on all members. At the completion of the upgrade, all members' active versions are once again the same as their new versions. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command uses the vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww command (described in vvvveeeerrrrsssswwww(8)) to manage version transitions. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command manages all the version switch activity when rolling individual members. In the switch stage, after all members have rolled, run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh command to complete the transition to the new software. _5._2 _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _S_t_a_g_e_s This section takes a closer look at each of the rolling upgrade stages. Figure 5-1 provides a flow chart of the tasks and stages that are required to perform a rolling upgrade. (See Section 5.3 for the rolling upgrade procedure.) _F_i_g_u_r_e _5-_1: _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _F_l_o_w _C_h_a_r_t The stages are performed in the following order: 5-4 Rolling Upgrade 1. Preparation stage (Section 5.2.1) 2. Setup stage (Section 5.2.2) 3. Preinstall stage (Section 5.2.3) 4. Install stage (Section 5.2.4) 5. Postinstallation stage (Section 5.2.5) 6. Roll stage (Section 5.2.6) 7. Switch stage (Section 5.2.7) 8. Clean stage (Section 5.2.8) _5._2._1 _P_r_e_p_a_r_a_t_i_o_n _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk any member multiuser mode sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d ______________________________________________________________________________ During the preparation stage, you back up all important cluster data and verify that the cluster is ready for a roll. Before beginning a rolling upgrade, do the following: 1. Back up the clusterwide root (////), ////uuuussssrrrr, and ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems. The backups should include all member-specific files in these file systems. If the cluster has a separate iiii11118888nnnn file system, back up that file system. In addition, back up any other file systems that contain critical user or application data. _N_o_t_e If you perform an incremental or full backup of the cluster dddduuuurrrriiiinnnngggg a rolling upgrade, make sure to perform the backup on a member that is not running on tagged files. If you back up from a member that is using tagged files, you will back up the contents of the ....OOOOlllldddd........ files. Because the lead member never uses tagged files, you can back up the cluster from the lead member (or any other member that has rolled) during a rolling upgrade. Rolling Upgrade 5-5 Most sites have automated backup procedures. If you know that an automatic backup will take place while the cluster is in the middle of a rolling upgrade, make sure that backups are done on the lead member or on a member that has rolled. 2. Choose one member of the cluster as the first member to roll. This member, known as the lllleeeeaaaadddd mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr, must have direct access to the root (////), ////uuuussssrrrr, ////vvvvaaaarrrr, and if used, iiii11118888nnnn file systems. Make sure that the lead member can run any critical applications. You can test these applications after you update this member during the install stage, but before you roll any other members. If there is a problem, you can try to resolve it on this member before you continue. If there is a problem that you cannot resolve, you can undo the rolling upgrade and return the cluster to its pre-roll state. (Section 5.5 describes how to undo rolling upgrade stages.) 3. Run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command, which verifies that: - No rolling upgrade is in progress. - All members are running the same versions of the base operating system and cluster software. - No members are running on tagged files. _N_o_t_e The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command may check some -- but not all -- file systems for adequate space. Make sure that you manually check that your system meets the disk space requirements described later in this section. A cluster can continue to operate during a rolling upgrade or a patch because there are two copies of almost every file. (There is only one copy of some configuration files so that changes made by any member are visible to all members.) This approach makes it possible to run two different versions of the base operating system and the cluster software at the same time in the same cluster. The trade-off is that, before you start an upgrade or patch, you must make sure that there is adequate free space in each of the clusterwide root (////), ////uuuussssrrrr, ////vvvvaaaarrrr, and, if there is a separate domain for the Worldwide Language Support (WLS) subsets, iiii11118888nnnn file systems. A rolling upgrade has the following disk space requirements: +o At least 50 percent free space in root (////), cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt####rrrrooooooootttt. +o At least 50 percent free space in ////uuuussssrrrr, cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____uuuussssrrrr####uuuussssrrrr. 5-6 Rolling Upgrade +o At least 50 percent free space in ////vvvvaaaarrrr, cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____vvvvaaaarrrr####vvvvaaaarrrr, plus an additional 425 MB to hold the subsets for the new version of the base operating system. +o If there is a separate iiii11118888nnnn domain, at least 50 percent free space in that file system. +o See the _P_a_t_c_h _S_u_m_m_a_r_y _a_n_d _R_e_l_e_a_s_e _N_o_t_e_s included with this patch kit to find out the amount of space you will need to install the patch kit. If a file system needs more free space, use AdvFS utilities such as aaaaddddddddvvvvoooollll to add volumes to domains as needed. For information on managing AdvFS domains, see the _A_d_v_F_S _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual. Note that you can expand the clusterwide root (////) domain. _5._2._2 _S_e_t_u_p _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp any member multiuser mode _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d ______________________________________________________________________________ The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command performs the following tasks: _C_a_u_t_i_o_n Make sure your system meets the space requirements described in Section 5.2.1 before issuing the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp command. +o Makes the ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp tests listed in Section 5.2.1. +o Asks whether you are going to patch (run dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh) or update (run iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee) your cluster. +o Creates the log file ////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////aaaaddddmmmmiiiinnnn////cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee....lllloooogggg. +o Makes on-disk backup copies of the lead member's member-specific files. +o Creates the mandatory set of tagged files (copies of existing files, but with ....OOOOlllldddd........ prepended to the file name) for the OOOOSSSSFFFF (base), TTTTCCCCRRRR (cluster), and IIIIOOOOSSSS (Worldwide Language Support) products. _C_a_u_t_i_o_n Rolling Upgrade 5-7 If, for any reason, during an upgrade you need to create ....OOOOlllldddd........ files for a layered product, see Section 5.1.1. +o Sets the ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiiggggttttaaaabbbb variable rrrroooollllllllssss____vvvveeeerrrr____llllooooooookkkkuuuupppp====1111 on all members except the lead member. When rrrroooollllllllssss____vvvveeeerrrr____llllooooooookkkkuuuupppp====1111, a member uses the tagged files. As a result, the lead member can upgrade while the remaining members run on the ....OOOOlllldddd........ files from the current release. +o Prompts you to reboot all cluster members except the lead member. When the sssseeeettttuuuupppp command completes, reboot these members (one at a time so that the cluster can maintain quorum). This reboot is required for each member that uses tagged files in the mixed-version cluster. When the reboots complete, all members except the lead member use tagged files. _5._2._3 _P_r_e_i_n_s_t_a_l_l _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll lead member multiuser mode ______________________________________________________________________________ The purpose of the preinstall stage is to verify that the cluster is ready for the lead member to run the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee or dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh commands and, if the upgrade includes update installation, to copy the new TruCluster software kit so that the kit will be available during the install stage. If you will perform an update installation when you perform the step-by-step upgrade procedure in Section 5.3, remember to mount the new TruCluster software kit before you run the pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command performs the following tasks: +o Verifies that the command is being run on the lead member, that the lead member is not running on tagged files, and that any other cluster members that are up are running on tagged files. +o Verifies that tagged files are present, that they match their product's inventory files, and that each tagged file's AdvFS property is set correctly. (This process can take a while, but not as long as it does to create the tagged files in the setup stage.) +o If you are performing a rolling upgrade, cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll prompts you for the location of the new TruCluster software kit, and then copies the 5-8 Rolling Upgrade kit to ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee////TTTTrrrruuuuCCCClllluuuusssstttteeeerrrrKKKKiiiitttt on the lead member so that the kit will be available to the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command during the install stage. (The iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command copies the operating system kit to ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee////OOOOSSSSKKKKiiiitttt during the install stage.) _C_a_u_t_i_o_n The files in ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee are critical to the roll process. Do not remove or modify files in this directory. Doing so can cause a rolling upgrade to fail. _5._2._4 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee lead member single-user mode dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh lead member single-user mode or multiuser ______________________________________________________________________________ The install stage starts when the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command completes, and continues until you run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command. The lead member must be in single-user mode to run the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command, and single-user mode is recommended for the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command. When taking the system to single-user mode, you must shut the system down to single-user mode; do not halt the system and then boot it to single-user mode. When the system is in single-user mode, run the bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc command before you run either the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee or dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command. See the Tru64 UNIX _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e and the Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster software _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _I_n_s_t_r_u_c_t_i_o_n_s for information on how to use these commands. In the install stage, you can perform one of the following: +o An update installation: iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee. +o A patch: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. +o An update installation and a patch of the newly updated software: iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee followed by dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. (The patch is applied to the software that the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command just installed.) Rolling Upgrade 5-9 _N_o_t_e During the install stage, you cannot run a dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command followed by an iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee command. To patch the current software before you perform a rolling upgrade, you must perform two complete rolling upgrade operations: one to patch the current software, and one to perform the update installation. _5._2._5 _P_o_s_t_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll lead member multiuser mode ______________________________________________________________________________ The postinstallation stage verifies that the lead member has completed an update installation, a patch, or both. If an update installation was performed, cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll verifies that the lead member has rolled to the new version of the base operating system. _5._2._6 _R_o_l_l _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll member being rolled single-user mode ______________________________________________________________________________ The lead member was upgraded in the install stage. The remaining members are upgraded one at a time in the roll stage. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll command performs the following tasks: +o Verifies that the member is not the lead member, that the member has not 5-10 Rolling Upgrade already been rolled, and that the member is in single-user mode. +o Backs up the member's member-specific files. +o Sets up the iiiitttt(8) scripts that will be run on reboot to perform the roll. +o Reboots the member. During this boot, the iiiitttt scripts roll the member, build a customized kernel, and reboot with the customized kernel. _5._2._7 _S_w_i_t_c_h _S_t_a_g_e ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh any member multiuser mode ______________________________________________________________________________ The switch stage sets the active version of the software to the new version, which results in turning on any new features that had been deliberately disabled during the rolling upgrade. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh command performs the following tasks: +o Verifies that all members have rolled, that all members are running the same versions of the base operating system and cluster software, and that no members are running on tagged files. +o Sets the new version ID in each member's ssssyyyyssssccccoooonnnnffffiiiiggggttttaaaabbbb file and running kernel. +o Sets the active version to the new version for all cluster members. _N_o_t_e After the switch stage completes, you must reboot each member of the cluster, one at a time. _5._2._8 _C_l_e_a_n _S_t_a_g_e Rolling Upgrade 5-11 ______________________________________________________________________________ CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd WWWWhhhheeeerrrreeee RRRRuuuunnnn RRRRuuuunnnn LLLLeeeevvvveeeellll ______________________________________________________________________________ cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnn any member multiuser mode ______________________________________________________________________________ The clean stage cleans up the files and directories that were used for the rolling upgrade. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnn command performs the following tasks: +o Verifies that the switch stage has completed, that all members are running the same versions of the base operating system and cluster software, and that no members are running on tagged files. +o Removes all tagged ....OOOOlllldddd........ files. +o Removes any on-disk backup archives that cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee created. +o Deletes the following directories: ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee////TTTTrrrruuuuCCCClllluuuusssstttteeeerrrrKKKKiiiitttt and ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee////OOOOSSSSKKKKiiiitttt. +o If an update installation was performed, gives you the option of running the Update Administration Utility (uuuuppppddddaaaaddddmmmmiiiinnnn) to manage the files that were saved during an update installation. +o Creates an archive directory for this upgrade, ////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////aaaaddddmmmmiiiinnnn////cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee////hhhhiiiissssttttoooorrrryyyy////_b_a_s_e__O_S__v_e_r_s_i_o_n, and moves the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee....lllloooogggg file to the archive directory. _5._3 _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e In the following procedure, unless otherwise stated, run commands in multiuser mode. _N_o_t_e If you have not yet created your cluster, it is recommended that you patch the operating system and TruCluster software before peforming a rolling upgrade. See Section 3.3 for information. Some stages of a rolling upgrade take longer to complete than others. Table 5-1 lists the approximate time it takes to complete each stage. _T_a_b_l_e _5-_1: _T_i_m_e _E_s_t_i_m_a_t_i_o_n_s _f_o_r _a _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e 5-12 Rolling Upgrade ______________________________________________________________________________ SSSSttttaaaaggggeeee DDDDuuuurrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn ______________________________________________________________________________ Preparation Not under program control. Setup 45 - 120 minutes. [Footnote 1] Preinstall 15 - 30 minutes. [Footnote 1] Install The same as installing a patch kit on a single system. Approximately 35 minutes, depending upon the size of the patch kit. Postinstall Less than 1 minute. Roll (per member) Patch: less than 5 minutes. Update installation: about the same amount of time it takes to add a member. Switch Less than 1 minute. Clean 30 - 90 minutes. [Footnote 1] ______________________________________________________________________________ 1. Prepare the cluster (see Section 5.2.1): 1. Back up the cluster. 2. Choose a cluster member to be the lead member (the first member to roll). The examples in this procedure use the member whose mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrriiiidddd is 2222 as the lead member. The member's host name is pppprrrroooovvvvoooolllloooonnnneeee. 3. Make sure that your system contains the required space in all file systems as described in Section 5.2.1. If a file system needs more free space, use AdvFS utilities such as aaaaddddddddvvvvoooollll to add volumes to domains as needed. For information on managing AdvFS domains, see the _A_d_v_F_S _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual. 4. On any member, run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command to determine whether the cluster is ready for an upgrade. For example: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp 2222 Note that the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv cccchhhheeeecccckkkk sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command may check some -- but not all -- file systems for adequate space. Make sure that you manually check that your system meets the disk space requirements described in Section 5.2.1. If a file system needs more free space, use AdvFS utilities such as aaaaddddddddvvvvoooollll to add volumes to domains as needed. For Rolling Upgrade 5-13 information on managing AdvFS domains, see the _A_d_v_F_S _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n_A_d_v_F_S _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n_A_d_v_F_S _A_d_m_i_n_i_s_t_r_a_t_i_o_n manual. 2. Perform the setup stage (Section 5.2.2). On any member, run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command. For example: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp 2222 _C_a_u_t_i_o_n If any file system fails to meet the minimum space requirements, the program will fail and generate an error message similar to the following: *** Error *** The tar commands used to create tagged files in the '/' file system have reported the following errors and warnings: NOTE: CFS: File system full: / tar: sbin/lsm.d/raid5/volsd : No space left on device tar: sbin/lsm.d/raid5/volume : No space left on device NOTE: CFS: File system full: / \&.NOTE: CFS: File system full: / If you receive this message, run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----uuuunnnnddddoooo sssseeeettttuuuupppp command, free up the required amount of space on the affected file systems, and then rerun the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp command. During the setup stage, cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee asks whether you are performing a update installation or a patch. However, the wording of the prompts in the Version 5.0A command are somewhat ambiguous: Are you running the clu_upgrade command to upgrade to a new version of the base operating system and cluster software? [yes]: Are you running the clu_upgrade command in order to apply a rolling patch? [yes] The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command does not display the second prompt until it receives an answer for the first. An administrator might be tempted to answer yyyyeeeessss to the ............ uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttoooo aaaa nnnneeeewwww vvvveeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn ............ prompt when performing a rolling upgrade to patch the cluster because a patch is an upgrade to new software. However, if you see these prompts, answer yyyyeeeessss to the first prompt only if you plan to run iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee during the install stage. _N_o_t_e: _N_o _W_L_S _a_n_d _D_i_s_k _S_p_a_c_e Additional space is required in the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt domain for backing up member files on clusters without Worldwide Language Support (WLS). If no 5-14 Rolling Upgrade space is available, the following message is displayed: *** Error *** There is no space available in the root (/), /usr, or /var file systems to back up member ''???'' member-specific files. Increase the available disk space on one of these file systems and rerun this stage of the upgrade. The minimum required available space in the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt domain must be greater than the sum of all of the member directories in the root (////), ////uuuussssrrrr, or ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems. To view the available space in the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt domain, enter the following command: # ddddffff //// For example: # ddddffff //// Filesystem 512-blocks Used Available Capacity Mounted on cluster_root#root 524288 175710 330512 35% / To calculate the minimum required value, enter the following command: # kkkksssshhhh ''''dddduuuu ----ssss {{{{,,,,////uuuussssrrrr,,,,////vvvvaaaarrrr}}}}////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr????****////'''' |||| \\\\ aaaawwwwkkkk ''''{{{{mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm++++====$$$$1111}}}};;;; EEEENNNNDDDD{{{{pppprrrriiiinnnntttt mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm}}}}'''' For example: # kkkksssshhhh ''''dddduuuu ----ssss {{{{,,,,////uuuussssrrrr,,,,////vvvvaaaarrrr}}}}////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr????****////'''' |||| \\\\ >>>> aaaawwwwkkkk ''''{{{{mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm++++====$$$$1111}}}};;;; EEEENNNNDDDD{{{{pppprrrriiiinnnntttt mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm}}}}'''' 679030 The example indicates that cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt domain needs 348518 more blocks (679030 minus 330512), or approximately 175 MB of disk space. Use the aaaaddddddddvvvvoooollll command to add additional volumes to the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____rrrrooooooootttt domain. 3. When asked if you want to continue the cluster upgrade, accept the default of "yes": This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'setup' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Are you running the clu_upgrade command to upgrade to a new version of the base operating system and cluster software? [yes]: nnnnoooo Are you running the clu_upgrade command to apply a rolling patch? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Note that these prompts will change if you run the upgrade to its Rolling Upgrade 5-15 conclusion and then rerun it to remove patches. See Section 5.6 for more information (including the prompts you will see). 4. One at a time, reboot all cluster members except the lead member. 5. Perform the preinstall stage (Section 5.2.3). _N_o_t_e If you plan to run iiiinnnnssssttttaaaalllllllluuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee in the install stage, mount the device or directory that contains the new TruCluster software kit before running cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll. The pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command will copy the kit to the ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee////TTTTrrrruuuuCCCClllluuuusssstttteeeerrrrKKKKiiiitttt directory. On the lead member, run the following command: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll 6. Manually relocate CAA services from the lead member to another cluster member before performing the install stage. For example: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccaaaaaaaa____rrrreeeellllooooccccaaaatttteeee ----ssss _l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r -c _n_o_n__l_e_a_d__m_e_m_b_e_r 7. Perform the install stage (Section 5.2.4). _C_a_u_t_i_o_n If you encounter unrecoverable failures while running dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, do not run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command. Contact your support personnel for further instructions. You can patch a cluster, update cluster and operating system software, or perform an update installation followed by a patch. (See Section 5.2.4 for information on what you can and cannot do during the install stage.) The following steps are for performing a rolling upgrade to patch a cluster in either single-user mode, which is recommended, or in multiuser mode. See Chapter 4 for information about using the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. To patch the system in single-user mode: 1. Take the system to single-user mode: # sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn nnnnoooowwww 2. Run the bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc command: # bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc 5-16 Rolling Upgrade 3. Run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command: # dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh To patch the system in multiuser mode: 1. Run the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh command: # dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh If you are performing a roll that includes both an upgrade and a patch, do the update installation first and then the patch. After the lead member performs its final reboot with its new custom kernel, perform the following manual tests before you roll any additional members: Verify that the newly rolled lead member can serve the shared root (////) file system. 1. Use the ccccffffssssmmmmggggrrrr command to determine which cluster member is currently serving the root file system. For example: # ccccffffssssmmmmggggrrrr ----vvvv ----aaaa sssseeeerrrrvvvveeeerrrr //// Domain or filesystem name = / Server Name = polishham Server Status : OK 2. Relocate the root (////) file system to the lead member. For example: # ccccffffssssmmmmggggrrrr ----hhhh ppppoooolllliiiisssshhhhhhhhaaaammmm ----rrrr ----aaaa SSSSEEEERRRRVVVVEEEERRRR====pppprrrroooovvvvoooolllloooonnnneeee //// Verify that the lead member can serve applications to clients. Make sure that the lead member can serve all important applications that the cluster makes available to its clients. You decide how and what to test. Thoroughly exercise all critical applications and satisfy yourself that the lead member can serve these applications to clients before continuing the roll. For example, you can: 1. Manually relocate CAA services to the lead member. For example, to relocate an application resource named cccclllloooocccckkkk to lead member pppprrrroooovvvvoooolllloooonnnneeee: # ccccaaaaaaaa____rrrreeeellllooooccccaaaatttteeee cccclllloooocccckkkk ----cccc pppprrrroooovvvvoooolllloooonnnneeee 2. Temporarily modify the default cluster alias attributes for the lead member so that it handles routing for the alias and serves all client requests that are directed to the alias. For example: Rolling Upgrade 5-17 # cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr ----aaaa aaaalllliiiiaaaassss====DDDDEEEEFFFFAAAAUUUULLLLTTTTAAAALLLLIIIIAAAASSSS,,,,rrrrpppprrrriiii====111100000000,,,,sssseeeellllpppp====111100000000 # cccclllluuuuaaaammmmggggrrrr ----rrrr ssssttttaaaarrrrtttt The lead member is now handling all traffic that is addressed to the default cluster alias. (You can use the aaaarrrrpppp ----aaaa command to verify that the lead member has the ppppeeeerrrrmmmmaaaannnneeeennnntttt ppppuuuubbbblllliiiisssshhhheeeedddd entry for the default cluster alias.) From another member or from an outside client, use services such as tttteeeellllnnnneeeetttt and ffffttttpppp to verify that the lead member can handle alias traffic. Test client access to all important services that the cluster provides. When you are satisfied, reset the alias attributes on the lead member to their original values. 8. Perform the postinstallation stage (Section 5.2.5). On the lead member, run: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll 9. Perform the roll stage (Section 5.2.6). One at a time, on each member of the cluster that has not rolled, do the following: 1. Manually relocate CAA services from the member to another cluster member before performing the roll stage. For example: # ////uuuussssrrrr////ssssbbbbiiiinnnn////ccccaaaaaaaa____rrrreeeellllooooccccaaaatttteeee ----ssss _m_e_m_b_e_r__t_o__r_o_l_l \ -c _a_n_o_t_h_e_r__m_e_m_b_e_r 2. Take the member to single-user mode: # sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn nnnnoooowwww 3. Run the bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc command: # bbbbcccchhhheeeecccckkkkrrrrcccc 4. Roll the member: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll When the member boots its new kernel, it has completed its roll and is no longer running on tagged files. Continue to roll members until all members of the cluster have rolled. _N_o_t_e: /_v_a_r _D_i_s_k _S_p_a_c_e 5-18 Rolling Upgrade The following messages might be displayed while running the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll command: Backing up member-specific data for member: _n ...NOTE: CFS: File system full: /var tar: /dev/tty Unavailable *** Error *** An error was detected while backing up member '_n' \ member-specific files. Additional space in the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____vvvvaaaarrrr domain is required. To view the available space in the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____vvvvaaaarrrr domain, enter the following command: # ddddffff ////vvvvaaaarrrr To calculate the required value, enter the following command: # kkkksssshhhh ''''dddduuuu ----ssss {{{{,,,,////uuuussssrrrr,,,,////vvvvaaaarrrr}}}}////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrrssss////mmmmeeeemmmmbbbbeeeerrrr????****////'''' |||| \\\\ aaaawwwwkkkk ''''{{{{mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm++++====$$$$1111}}}};;;; EEEENNNNDDDD{{{{pppprrrriiiinnnntttt mmmmiiiinnnniiiimmmmuuuummmm}}}}'''' Use the aaaaddddddddvvvvoooollll command to add additional volumes to the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____vvvvaaaarrrr domain. 10.Perform the switch stage (Section 5.2.7). After all members have rolled, run the following command on any member to enable any new software features that were deliberately disabled until all members have rolled: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh 11.One at a time, reboot each member of the cluster. 12.Perform the clean stage (Section 5.2.8). Run the following command on any member to remove the tagged (....OOOOlllldddd........) files from the cluster and complete the upgrade. # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnn _5._4 _D_i_s_p_l_a_y_i_n_g _t_h_e _S_t_a_t_u_s _o_f _a _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command provides the following options for displaying the status of a rolling upgrade or patch. You can run status commands at any time. Rolling Upgrade 5-19 _N_o_t_e During a roll, there might be two versions of the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee in the cluster. An older version used by members that have not yet rolled, and a newer version (if included in the update distribution or patch kit). When checking status, the information that is displayed by the ssssttttaaaattttuuuussss command might differ depending on whether the command is run on a member that has rolled. Therefore, if you run the ssssttttaaaattttuuuussss command on two members, do not be surprised if the format and content of the displayed output are not the same. +o To display the overall status of a rolling upgrade or patch: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv or cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv ssssttttaaaattttuuuussss. +o To determine whether you can run a stage: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccchhhheeeecccckkkk [[[[_s_t_a_g_e]. If you do not specify a _s_t_a_g_e, the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee tests whether the next stage can be run. +o To determine whether a stage has started or completed: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ssssttttaaaarrrrtttteeeedddd _s_t_a_g_e and cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ccccoooommmmpppplllleeeetttteeeedddd _s_t_a_g_e. +o To determine whether a member has rolled: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccchhhheeeecccckkkk rrrroooollllllll _m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d. +o To verify whether tagged files have been created for a layered product: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd cccchhhheeeecccckkkk [[[[_p_r_o_d__c_o_d_e [_p_r_o_d__c_o_d_e \&...]]. If you do not specify a product code, cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee inspects all tagged files in the cluster. _5._5 _U_n_d_o_i_n_g _a _S_t_a_g_e The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo command provides the ability to undo a rolling upgrade that has not completed the switch stage. You can undo any stage except the switch stage and the clean stage. _N_o_t_e See Section 5.6 for information about deleting patches installed during a rolling upgrade. To undo a stage, use the uuuunnnnddddoooo command with the stage that you want to undo. The cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee command determines whether the specified stage is a valid stage to undo. Table 5-2 outlines the requirements for undoing a stage: _C_a_u_t_i_o_n If you encounter unrecoverable failures while running dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, do not run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command. Contact your support personnel for further instructions. _T_a_b_l_e _5-_2: _U_n_d_o_i_n_g _a _S_t_a_g_e 5-20 Rolling Upgrade ______________________________________________________________________________ SSSSttttaaaaggggeeee ttttoooo UUUUnnnnddddoooo CCCCoooommmmmmmmaaaannnndddd CCCCoooommmmmmmmeeeennnnttttssss ______________________________________________________________________________ Setup cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo sssseeeettttuuuupppp You must run this command on the lead member. In addition, no members can be running on tagged files when you undo the setup stage. Before you undo the setup stage, use the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----vvvv ssssttttaaaattttuuuussss command to determine which members are running on tagged files. Then use the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ttttaaaaggggggggeeeedddd ddddiiiissssaaaabbbblllleeee _m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command to disable tagged files on those members. When no members are running on tagged files, run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo sssseeeettttuuuupppp command on the lead member. Preinstall cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll You must run this command on the lead member. Install cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll You can run this command on any member except the lead member. Halt the lead member. Then run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command on any member that has access to the halted lead member's boot disk. When the command completes, boot the lead member. Postinstall cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllYou must run this command on the lead member. Roll cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo rrrroooollllllll You can run this command on any member except _m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d the member whose roll is being undone. Halt the member whose roll stage is being undone. Then run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo rrrroooollllllll _m_e_m_b_e_r_i_d command on any other member that has access to the halted member's boot disk. When the command completes, boot the halted member. The member will now be using tagged files. ______________________________________________________________________________ _N_o_t_e You might see the following error message when running the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command: *** Error *** The 'undo' option cannot be run at the 'postinstall' stage, either because the next stage has already been started or because the stage specified for undo has not been started. Rolling Upgrade 5-21 If you see the message, remove the following file before running the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee uuuunnnnddddoooo ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll command: # rrrrmmmm ////cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr////aaaaddddmmmmiiiinnnn////cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee////rrrroooollllllll....ssssttttaaaarrrrtttteeeedddd _5._6 _R_e_m_o_v_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _D_u_r_i_n_g _a _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e After you have installed the patches in your patch kit, you can remove some or all of the patches by returning to the preinstall stage, rerunning dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, and selecting the "Patch Deletion" item in the Main Menu at any time prior to issuing the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh command. See Section 4.11 for information about removing patches with dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. You can also reinstall some or all of the patches you removed prior to the switch stage by rerunning dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. (See Section 5.5 for information about undoing any of the rolling upgrade stages.) In order to remove patches after you have issued the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh command, you will have to complete the current rolling upgrade procedure and then rerun the procedure from the beginning (starting with the setup stage). When you rerun dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, select the Patch Deletion item in the Main Menu. _N_o_t_e If you rerun the rolling upgrade procedure to remove patches, the prompts you receive during the setup stage will be different from those issued during the initial rolling upgrade. Those prompts will look as follows: Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] What type of upgrade will be performed? 1) Rolling upgrade using the installupdate command 2) Rolling patch using the dupatch command 3) Both a rolling upgrade and a rolling patch 4) Exit cluster software upgrade Enter your choice: 2222 The sample installation in Section 6.2 shows the prompts you will see during the initial rolling upgrade. 5-22 Rolling Upgrade Sample Patch Kit Installation 6 This chapter provides samples of using dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to do the following: +o Perform a typical patch kit installation (Section 6.1) +o Install Tru64 UNX and TruCluster Server patches using the rolling upgrade procedure (Section 6.2) +o Perform a baseline analysis (Section 6.3) +o Remove patches (Section 6.4) _6._1 _T_y_p_i_c_a_l _P_a_t_c_h _K_i_t _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n # ////mmmmnnnntttt////PPPPaaaattttcccchhhhKKKKiiiittttssss////KKKKiiiitttt2222////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh____kkkkiiiittttssss////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install patches in Single-User Mode b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 Checking patch kit for transmission errors during download... Finished Checking patch kit checksums Gathering patch information... (depending upon the size of the patch kit, this may take awhile) *** Start of Special Instructions *** *** There are NO Special Instructions *** Press RETURN to proceed... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Make Patches Reversible - PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: - You have the option to make the patches reversible so you can revert the system to its state prior to the installation of a patch. - Reversibility is achieved by compressing and saving a copy of the files being replaced by the patches. These files would be restored to the system if you choose to delete a patch. - If you choose to make patches NON-reversible, then the system cannot be restored to the state prior to the installation of a patch; you will not be able to delete the patches later. - This patch kit may force a small set of patches to be reversible to ensure your upgrades to future versions of Tru64 UNIX are successful. The Patch Utility will make those patches reversible automatically. Refer to the Release Notes / Installation Instructions provided with this patch kit. Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 6-2 Sample Patch Kit Installation By default, the backup copies of the installed patches will be saved in "/var/adm/patch/backup". If you have limited space in /var, you may want to make the backup directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system. You must ensure the backup directory is configured the same way during any patch removal operations. Your current setup of "/var/adm/patch/backup" is: * A plain directory (not a mount point or a symbolic link) Do you want to proceed with the installation with this setup? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Your name: RRRRiiiittttaaaa SSSSeeeemmmmpppplllleeee Enter any notes about this operation that you would like stored for future reference (To end your input, enter a "."): : IIIInnnnssssttttaaaalllllllliiiinnnngggg aaaallllllll ppppaaaattttcccchhhheeeessss ffffoooorrrr VVVV5555....0000AAAA KKKKiiiitttt2222 : .... The patches listed below are optional: There may be more optional patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are installed. - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: 1) Patch 00090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade 2) Patch 00186.00 - Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: 3) Patch 00015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales 4) Patch 00019.00 - Fixes a problem with the grep command 5) Patch 00035.00 - Fixes a problem with the find command 6) Patch 00041.00 - Corrects problem with the fgrep command 7) Patch 00042.00 - Fixes problem with the restore command 8) Patch 00064.00 - Fixes btcreate and btextract problems --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 9) Patch 00065.00 - Fixes a hang in the shutdown process 10) Patch 00068.00 - Fix for vrestore problems 11) Patch 00079.00 - Fix for pax and vdump problems 12) Patch 00098.00 - pax opens and truncated pre-existing files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-3 13) Patch 00116.00 - Fixes a problem in uucp 14) Patch 00192.00 - Fix for what command 15) Patch 00205.00 - Corrects problem with mv command deleting files 16) Patch 00211.00 - Fixes cron problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: 17) Patch 00001.00 - CDE does not recreate list of application groups 18) Patch 00165.00 - dtlogin core dumps from XDMCP clients 19) Patch 00200.00 - Fix for dtmail problem 20) Patch 00209.00 - dtwm hangs on system using multiple displays --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Filesystem Patches: 21) Patch 00027.00 - Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards 22) Patch 00031.00 - Fix for nfscast error message 23) Patch 00047.00 - UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically 24) Patch 00130.00 - Incorrect warning messages about mounted filesystems 25) Patch 00134.00 - Fixes problems with vdf 26) Patch 00190.00 - b-tree index for directory could become corrupted 27) Patch 00207.00 - Potential hang on booting a cluster - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Hardware Configuration Patches: 28) Patch 00061.00 - Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed 29) Patch 00081.00 - Fix for dn_setup core dump 30) Patch 00083.00 - SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I/O Device Handling Patches: 31) Patch 00051.00 - Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T 32) Patch 00084.00 - Corrects a hardware probe time hang --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 33) Patch 00122.00 - Fixes a timeout table overflow system panic 34) Patch 00154.00 - Improper handling of PCI options cards 35) Patch 00159.00 - Fixes AdvFS domain panic 36) Patch 00194.00 - Fixes potential source code computability problem - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I18N Patches: 37) Patch 00014.00 - Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale 38) Patch 00124.00 - Adds support for euro character to keymap files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Kernel Patches: 39) Patch 00036.00 - OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU 40) Patch 00057.00 - Fixes panic caused when deleting process group 41) Patch 00062.00 - Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 42) Patch 00141.00 - System hangs when running granularity hints 6-4 Sample Patch Kit Installation 43) Patch 00178.00 - Incorrect bcache size returned to kernel from HWRPB 44) Patch 00184.00 - Bootlink can fail on AlphaStations 600, 600A, 500/400 --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Library Patches: 45) Patch 00008.00 - Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 46) Patch 00022.00 - Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems 47) Patch 00071.00 - Static library fix for libevm 48) Patch 00095.00 - Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails 49) Patch 00097.00 - Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine 50) Patch 00099.00 - MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster 51) Patch 00163.00 - Fixes conflicting cuserid declarations - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Memory Channel Patches: 52) Patch 00086.00 - Fix for rm_state_change panic - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Network Patches: 53) Patch 00023.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM 54) Patch 00025.00 - Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain 55) Patch 00032.00 - Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver 56) Patch 00033.00 - System panics when running ATM --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 57) Patch 00037.00 - Fixes a tftpd problem 58) Patch 00069.00 - Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 59) Patch 00118.00 - Corrects a problem in the lat driver 60) Patch 00148.00 - Performance problem in Cluster File System 61) Patch 00161.00 - Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 62) Patch 00170.00 - ATM LAN emulation fails with ATM Meteor 351 board - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Printers Patches: 63) Patch 00157.00 - Unnecessary error messages written to lpr log file - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Security Related Patches: 64) Patch 00074.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) 65) Patch 00076.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) 66) Patch 00100.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) 67) Patch 00114.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) 68) Patch 00120.00 - System panic occurs when auditing is enabled 69) Patch 00188.00 - advscan does not display bootable partitions properly 70) Patch 00196.00 - Security (SSRT0683U) --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-5 Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 71) Patch 00202.00 - Upgrades sys_check utility to version 119 - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Software Development Environment Patches: 72) Patch 00038.00 - Fixes linker (ld) problems 73) Patch 00053.00 - Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch 74) Patch 00066.00 - Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap 75) Patch 00067.00 - Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library 76) Patch 00072.00 - Cannot change file permission using libst routines 77) Patch 00073.00 - prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault 78) Patch 00198.00 - Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / System Administration Patches: 79) Patch 00002.00 - Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps 80) Patch 00003.00 - Fixes automount problem 81) Patch 00075.00 - Fix for System Management Station daemon 82) Patch 00167.00 - Fixes incorrect date and time stamp on new directory 83) Patch 00172.00 - Fixes problems with the collect command --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Threads Patches: 84) Patch 00126.00 - Fix for threaded applications problem 85) Patch 00128.00 - Fix for threads created by taso programs - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / VM Patches: 86) Patch 00089.00 - Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Workstation Patches: 87) Patch 00213.00 - Fixes problem causing diskconfig to issue error msg - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / X11 Patches: 88) Patch 00010.00 - Fixes a problem with the svn widget of 89) Patch 00011.00 - Fix for lbxproxy utility 90) Patch 00012.00 - Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card 91) Patch 00070.00 - Static library fix for libDXm 92) Patch 00132.00 - Fix for tclhelp failure 93) Patch 00150.00 - Fixes a memory leak in Xt --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 94) Patch 00152.00 - Memory leak when creating and destroying widgets 95) Patch 00174.00 - Fix for memory leaks in Xlib 96) Patch 00176.00 - Memory leaks occur when creating widgets 97) Patch 00180.00 - Fixes memory leak in libXm 98) Patch 00182.00 - libXm memory leak when creating widgets 6-6 Sample Patch Kit Installation Or you may choose one of the following options: 99) ALL of the above 100) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 101) EXIT without installing any patches Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 99999999 You are installing the following optional patches: - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: Patch 00090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade Patch 00186.00 - Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: Patch 00015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales Patch 00019.00 - Fixes a problem with the grep command Patch 00035.00 - Fixes a problem with the find command Patch 00041.00 - Corrects problem with the fgrep command Patch 00042.00 - Fixes problem with the restore command Patch 00064.00 - Fixes btcreate and btextract problems Patch 00065.00 - Fixes a hang in the shutdown process Patch 00068.00 - Fix for vrestore problems Patch 00079.00 - Fix for pax and vdump problems Patch 00098.00 - pax opens and truncated pre-existing files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 00116.00 - Fixes a problem in uucp Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 00192.00 - Fix for what command Patch 00205.00 - Corrects problem with mv command deleting files Patch 00211.00 - Fixes cron problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 00001.00 - CDE does not recreate list of application groups Patch 00165.00 - dtlogin core dumps from XDMCP clients Patch 00200.00 - Fix for dtmail problem Patch 00209.00 - dtwm hangs on system using multiple displays - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Filesystem Patches: Patch 00027.00 - Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards Patch 00031.00 - Fix for nfscast error message Patch 00047.00 - UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically Patch 00130.00 - Incorrect warning messages about mounted filesystems Patch 00134.00 - Fixes problems with vdf Patch 00190.00 - b-tree index for directory could become corrupted Patch 00207.00 - Potential hang on booting a cluster Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-7 - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Hardware Configuration Patches: Patch 00061.00 - Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed Patch 00081.00 - Fix for dn_setup core dump Patch 00083.00 - SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I/O Device Handling Patches: Patch 00051.00 - Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T Patch 00084.00 - Corrects a hardware probe time hang Patch 00122.00 - Fixes a timeout table overflow system panic Patch 00154.00 - Improper handling of PCI options cards Patch 00159.00 - Fixes AdvFS domain panic Patch 00194.00 - Fixes potential source code computability problem - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I18N Patches: Patch 00014.00 - Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale Patch 00124.00 - Adds support for euro character to keymap files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Kernel Patches: Patch 00036.00 - OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 00057.00 - Fixes panic caused when deleting process group Patch 00062.00 - Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 Patch 00141.00 - System hangs when running granularity hints Patch 00178.00 - Incorrect bcache size returned to kernel from HWRPB Patch 00184.00 - Bootlink can fail on AlphaStations 600, 600A, 500/400 - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Library Patches: Patch 00008.00 - Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 Patch 00022.00 - Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems Patch 00071.00 - Static library fix for libevm Patch 00095.00 - Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails Patch 00097.00 - Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine Patch 00099.00 - MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster Patch 00163.00 - Fixes conflicting cuserid declarations - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Memory Channel Patches: Patch 00086.00 - Fix for rm_state_change panic - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Network Patches: Patch 00023.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 00025.00 - Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain Patch 00032.00 - Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver Patch 00033.00 - System panics when running ATM Patch 00037.00 - Fixes a tftpd problem Patch 00069.00 - Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 Patch 00118.00 - Corrects a problem in the lat driver Patch 00148.00 - Performance problem in Cluster File System 6-8 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch 00161.00 - Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 Patch 00170.00 - ATM LAN emulation fails with ATM Meteor 351 board - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Printers Patches: Patch 00157.00 - Unnecessary error messages written to lpr log file - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Security Related Patches: Patch 00074.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) Patch 00076.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) Patch 00100.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) Patch 00114.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) Patch 00120.00 - System panic occurs when auditing is enabled Patch 00188.00 - advscan does not display bootable partitions properly Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 00196.00 - Security (SSRT0683U) Patch 00202.00 - Upgrades sys_check utility to version 119 - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Software Development Environment Patches: Patch 00038.00 - Fixes linker (ld) problems Patch 00053.00 - Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch Patch 00066.00 - Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap Patch 00067.00 - Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library Patch 00072.00 - Cannot change file permission using libst routines Patch 00073.00 - prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault Patch 00198.00 - Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / System Administration Patches: Patch 00002.00 - Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps Patch 00003.00 - Fixes automount problem Patch 00075.00 - Fix for System Management Station daemon Patch 00167.00 - Fixes incorrect date and time stamp on new directory Patch 00172.00 - Fixes problems with the collect command Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Threads Patches: Patch 00126.00 - Fix for threaded applications problem Patch 00128.00 - Fix for threads created by taso programs - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / VM Patches: Patch 00089.00 - Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Workstation Patches: Patch 00213.00 - Fixes problem causing diskconfig to issue error msg - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / X11 Patches: Patch 00010.00 - Fixes a problem with the svn widget of Patch 00011.00 - Fix for lbxproxy utility Patch 00012.00 - Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card Patch 00070.00 - Static library fix for libDXm Patch 00132.00 - Fix for tclhelp failure Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-9 Patch 00150.00 - Fixes a memory leak in Xt Patch 00152.00 - Memory leak when creating and destroying widgets Patch 00174.00 - Fix for memory leaks in Xlib Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 00176.00 - Memory leaks occur when creating widgets Patch 00180.00 - Fixes memory leak in libXm Patch 00182.00 - libXm memory leak when creating widgets Is this correct? (y/n): yyyy Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take awhile) *** You have selected 98 patches *** ************************** CAUTION ************************************ Interruption of this phase of the operation will corrupt your operating system software and compromise the patch database integrity. DO NOT Ctrl/C, power off your system, or in any other way interrupt the patch operation. The patch operation is complete when you are returned to the Patch Utility menus. *********************************************************************** === Installing "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A" Patches: Checking file system space required to install specified subsets: File system space checked OK. 98 subsets will be installed. Loading subset 1 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes panic caused when deleting process group Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes problems with vdf Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 3 of 98 ... 6-10 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: Upgrades sys_check utility to version 119 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 4 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes problem causing diskconfig to issue error msg Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 5 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes AdvFS domain panic Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 6 of 98 ... Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 7 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 8 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes problems with the collect command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 9 of 98 ... Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 10 of 98 ... Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 11 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for dtmail problem Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 12 of 98 ... Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-11 Patch: dtlogin core dumps from XDMCP clients Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 13 of 98 ... Patch: dtwm hangs on system using multiple displays Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 14 of 98 ... Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 15 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 16 of 98 ... Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 17 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for vrestore problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 18 of 98 ... Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 19 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes automount problem Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 20 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for tclhelp failure Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 21 of 98 ... 6-12 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 22 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 23 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes incorrect date and time stamp on new directory Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 24 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 25 of 98 ... Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 26 of 98 ... Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 27 of 98 ... Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 28 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 29 of 98 ... Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 30 of 98 ... Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-13 Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 31 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 32 of 98 ... Patch: Adds support for euro character to keymap files Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 33 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes memory leak in libXm Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 34 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for memory leaks in Xlib Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 35 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a timeout table overflow system panic Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 36 of 98 ... Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 37 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 38 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 39 of 98 ... 6-14 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: Security (SSRT0683U) Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 40 of 98 ... Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 41 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes cron problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 42 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes conflicting cuserid declarations Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 43 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 44 of 98 ... Patch: Corrects a problem in the lat driver Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 45 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a memory leak in Xt Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 46 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 47 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 48 of 98 ... Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-15 Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 49 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 50 of 98 ... Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 51 of 98 ... Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 52 of 98 ... Patch: System panic occurs when auditing is enabled Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 53 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for what command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 54 of 98 ... Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 55 of 98 ... Patch: Potential hang on booting a cluster Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 56 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for nfscast error message Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 57 of 98 ... 6-16 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: Corrects problem with mv command deleting files Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 58 of 98 ... Patch: System panics when running ATM Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 59 of 98 ... Patch: Bootlink can fail on AlphaStations 600, 600A, 500/400 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 60 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 61 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 62 of 98 ... Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 63 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 64 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 65 of 98 ... Patch: Incorrect bcache size returned to kernel from HWRPB Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 66 of 98 ... Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-17 Patch: Security (SSRT0656U) Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 67 of 98 ... Patch: b-tree index for directory could become corrupted Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 68 of 98 ... Patch: advscan does not display bootable partitions properly Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 69 of 98 ... Patch: System hangs when running granularity hints Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 70 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 71 of 98 ... Patch: Improper handling of PCI options cards Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 72 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 73 of 98 ... Patch: ATM LAN emulation fails with ATM Meteor 351 board Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 74 of 98 ... Patch: Incorrect warning messages about mounted filesystems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 75 of 98 ... 6-18 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 76 of 98 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0636U) Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 77 of 98 ... Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 78 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 79 of 98 ... Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Working....Thu Sep 21 12:32:01 EDT 2000 Verifying Loading subset 80 of 98 ... Patch: Unnecessary error messages written to lpr log file Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 81 of 98 ... Patch: Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 82 of 98 ... Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 83 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes potential source code computability problem Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 84 of 98 ... Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-19 Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 85 of 98 ... Patch: libXm memory leak when creating widgets Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 86 of 98 ... Patch: Memory leaks occur when creating widgets Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 87 of 98 ... Patch: Memory leak when creating and destroying widgets Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 88 of 98 ... Patch: Static library fix for libDXm Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 89 of 98 ... Patch: Fix for threads created by taso programs Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 90 of 98 ... Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 91 of 98 ... Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 92 of 98 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0656U) Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 93 of 98 ... 6-20 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch: Security (SSRT0636U) Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 94 of 98 ... Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 95 of 98 ... Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 96 of 98 ... Patch: Static library fix for libevm Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 97 of 98 ... Patch: Fixes a problem in uucp Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 98 of 98 ... Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files Copying from /scratch/public/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying 98 of 98 subsets installed successfully. Configuring "Patch: Fixes panic caused when deleting process group" (OSFPAT00005700505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems with vdf" (OSFPAT00013400505) Configuring "Patch: Upgrades sys_check utility to version 119" (OSFPAT00020200505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem causing diskconfig to issue error msg" (OSFPAT00021300505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes AdvFS domain panic" (OSFPAT00015900505) Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command" (OSFPAT00004100505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command" (OSFPAT00004200505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems with the collect command" (OSFPAT00017200505) Configuring "Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups" (OSFPAT00000100505) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-21 Configuring "Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically" (OSFPAT00004700505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for dtmail problem" (OSFPAT00020000505) Configuring "Patch: dtlogin core dumps from XDMCP clients" (OSFPAT00016500505) Configuring "Patch: dtwm hangs on system using multiple displays" (OSFPAT00020900505) Configuring "Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap" (OSFPAT00006600505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of" (OSFPAT00001000505) Configuring "Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps" (OSFPAT00000200505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for vrestore problems" (OSFPAT00006800505) Configuring "Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17" (OSFPAT00006900505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes automount problem" (OSFPAT00000300505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for tclhelp failure" (OSFPAT00013200505) Configuring "Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails" (OSFPAT00008300505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon" (OSFPAT00007500505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes incorrect date and time stamp on new directory" (OSFPAT00016700505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems" (OSFPAT00007900505) Configuring "Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15" (OSFPAT00000800505) Configuring "Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed" (OSFPAT00006100505) Configuring "Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1" (OSFPAT00006200505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility" (OSFPAT00001100505) Configuring "Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card" (OSFPAT00001200505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems" (OSFPAT00006400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process" (OSFPAT00006500505) Configuring "Patch: Adds support for euro character to keymap files" (OSFPAT00012400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes memory leak in libXm" (OSFPAT00018000505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for memory leaks in Xlib" (OSFPAT00017400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a timeout table overflow system panic" (OSFPAT00012200505) Configuring "Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade" (OSFPAT00009000505) 6-22 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem" (OSFPAT00012600505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine" (OSFPAT00009700505) Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0683U)" (OSFPAT00019600505) Configuring "Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale" (OSFPAT00001400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes cron problems" (OSFPAT00021100505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes conflicting cuserid declarations" (OSFPAT00016300505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales" (OSFPAT00001500505) Configuring "Patch: Corrects a problem in the lat driver" (OSFPAT00011800505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a memory leak in Xt" (OSFPAT00015000505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic" (OSFPAT00008600505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump" (OSFPAT00008100505) Configuring "Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang" (OSFPAT00008400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library" (OSFPAT00006700505) Configuring "Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems" (OSFPAT00008900505) Configuring "Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails" (OSFPAT00009500505) Configuring "Patch: System panic occurs when auditing is enabled" (OSFPAT00012000505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for what command" (OSFPAT00019200505) Configuring "Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System" (OSFPAT00014800505) Configuring "Patch: Potential hang on booting a cluster" (OSFPAT00020700505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for nfscast error message" (OSFPAT00003100505) Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with mv command deleting files" (OSFPAT00020500505) Configuring "Patch: System panics when running ATM" (OSFPAT00003300505) Configuring "Patch: Bootlink can fail on AlphaStations 600, 600A, 500/400" (OSFPAT00018400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command" (OSFPAT00003500505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler" (OSFPAT00019800505) Configuring "Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU" (OSFPAT00003600505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem" (OSFPAT00003700505) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-23 Configuring "Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems" (OSFPAT00003800505) Configuring "Patch: Incorrect bcache size returned to kernel from HWRPB" (OSFPAT00017800505) Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00007600505) Configuring "Patch: b-tree index for directory could become corrupted" (OSFPAT00019000505) Configuring "Patch: advscan does not display bootable partitions properly" (OSFPAT00018800505) Configuring "Patch: System hangs when running granularity hints" (OSFPAT00014100505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command" (OSFPAT00001900505) Configuring "Patch: Improper handling of PCI options cards" (OSFPAT00015400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM" (OSFPAT00002300505) Configuring "Patch: ATM LAN emulation fails with ATM Meteor 351 board" (OSFPAT00017000505) Configuring "Patch: Incorrect warning messages about mounted filesystems" (OSFPAT00013000505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain" (OSFPAT00002500505) Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00011400505) Configuring "Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards" (OSFPAT00002700505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems" (OSFPAT00002200505) Configuring "Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22" (OSFPAT00016100505) Configuring "Patch: Unnecessary error messages written to lpr log file" (OSFPAT00015700505) Configuring "Patch: Disks can become inaccessible on a cluster node" (OSFPAT00018600505) Configuring "Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T" (OSFPAT00005100505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes potential source code computability problem" (OSFPAT00019400505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch" (OSFPAT00005300505) Configuring "Patch: libXm memory leak when creating widgets" (OSFPAT00018200505) Configuring "Patch: Memory leaks occur when creating widgets" (OSFPAT00017600505) Configuring "Patch: Memory leak when creating and destroying widgets" (OSFPAT00015200505) Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libDXm" (OSFPAT00007000505) Configuring "Patch: Fix for threads created by taso programs" (OSFPAT00012800505) Configuring "Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault" (OSFPAT00007300505) 6-24 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines" (OSFPAT00007200505) Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00010000505) Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00007400505) Configuring "Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver" (OSFPAT00003200505) Configuring "Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster" (OSFPAT00009900505) Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libevm" (OSFPAT00007100505) Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem in uucp" (OSFPAT00011600505) Configuring "Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files" (OSFPAT00009800505) Beginning kernel build... Do you have a pre-existing configuration file?: yyyy *** KERNEL CONFIGURATION AND BUILD PROCEDURE *** Enter a name for the kernel configuration file. [IDIOM2]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] A configuration file with the name 'IDIOM2' already exists. Do you want to replace it? (y/n) [n]: yyyy Saving /sys/conf/IDIOM2 as /sys/conf/IDIOM2.bck *** KERNEL OPTION SELECTION *** Selection Kernel Option -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 System V Devices 2 NTP V3 Kernel Phase Lock Loop (NTP_TIME) 3 Kernel Breakpoint Debugger (KDEBUG) 4 Packetfilter driver (PACKETFILTER) 5 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) 6 STREAMS pckt module (PCKT) 7 X/Open Transport Interface (XTISO, TIMOD, TIRDWR) 8 ISO 9660 Compact Disc File System (CDFS) 9 Audit Subsystem 10 ATM UNI 3.0/3.1 ILMI (ATMILMI3X) 11 IP Switching over ATM (ATMIFMP) 12 LAN Emulation over ATM (LANE) 13 Classical IP over ATM (ATMIP) 14 ATM UNI 3.0/3.1 Signalling for SVCs (UNI3X) 15 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) 16 All of the above 17 None of the above 18 Help Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-25 19 Display all options again -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter your choices. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6) [17]: 8888 You selected the following kernel options: ISO 9660 Compact Disc File System (CDFS) Is that correct? (y/n) [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: *** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** A log file listing special device files is located in /dev/MAKEDEV.log Working....Thu Sep 21 12:57:42 EDT 2000 Working....Thu Sep 21 12:59:44 EDT 2000 The new kernel is /sys/IDIOM2/vmunix A reboot is necessary to complete the patch installation. Do you want to reboot now? [y/n] [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Existing kernel copied to /vmunix.PrePatch. New Kernel (/sys/IDIOM2/vmunix) moved to /vmunix. *** successfully installed 98 patches; failed to install 0 pathes *** * A system reboot of the patched system is required for the successfully installed patches. _6._2 _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _i_n _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e The example in this section illustrates the installation of a patch kit during a rolling upgrade. When following this example, note the following conventions: +o The cluster ID of the lead member is 10. +o During the roll stage, you will roll each member. This example shows the roll of only one member, which has the ID of 61. +o The output of booting processes in this sample has been truncated. 6-26 Sample Patch Kit Installation # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp 11110000 This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'setup' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Are you running the clu_upgrade command to upgrade to a new version of the base operating system and cluster software? [yes]: nnnnoooo Are you running the clu_upgrade command to apply a rolling patch? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Backing-up member specific data for member: 10 . Creating tagged files. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. ............................................................................. The cluster upgrade 'setup' stage has completed successfully. Reboot all cluster members except member: '10' 0000he 'setup' stage of the upgrade has completed successfully. # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee pppprrrreeeeiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'preinstall' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Checking tagged files. ................................................................... The cluster upgrade 'preinstall' stage has completed successfully. You can now run the dupatch command on the lead member. # ....////dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Enter path to the top of the patch distribution, or enter "q" to quit : . * A new version of patch tools required for patch management is now being installed on your system. * Tools updated, invoking the updated Patch Utility... Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-27 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Checking Cluster State...done Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in /var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install patches in Single-User Mode 3) Check and Install in Multi-User mode b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 3333 *** Installation Warning *** You have chosen to install patches onto this system while it is running in Multi-User mode. Some patches may directly affect core operating system operations. To insure the proper operation of all applications, it is strongly suggested that you install these patches while the system is in Single-User mode. If this cannot be done, install these patches when the system is as lightly loaded as possible (i.e. not running production environments, no users logged on, etc.). Do you wish to continue? (y/n) [y]: yyyy The products listed below are optional: There may be more optional products than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose products screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any products are installed. 1) Patches for Tru64 UNIX V5.0A 2) Patches for TruCluster Server V5.0A 6-28 Sample Patch Kit Installation Or you may choose one of the following options: 3) ALL of the above 4) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 5) EXIT without installing any products Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 3333 You are installing patches (to be selected) from the following products: Patches for Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Patches for TruCluster Server V5.0A Is this correct? (y/n): yyyy Gathering patch information... (depending upon the size of the patch kit, this may take awhile) *** Start of Special Instructions *** *** There are NO Special Instructions *** Press RETURN to proceed... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ To Make Patches Reversible - PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION: - You have the option to make the patches reversible so you can revert the system to its state prior to the installation of a patch. - Reversibility is achieved by compressing and saving a copy of the files being replaced by the patches. These files would be restored to the system if you choose to delete a patch. - If you choose to make patches NON-reversible, then the system cannot be restored to the state prior to the installation of a patch; you will not be able to delete the patches later. - This patch kit may force a small set of patches to be reversible to ensure your upgrades to future versions of Tru64 UNIX are successful. The Patch Utility will make those patches reversible automatically. Refer to the Release Notes / Installation Instructions provided with Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-29 this patch kit. Do you want the patches to be reversible? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] By default, the backup copies of the installed patches will be saved in "/var/adm/patch/backup". If you have limited space in /var, you may want to make the backup directory the mount point for a separate disk partition, an NFS mounted directory, or a symbolic link to another file system. You must ensure the backup directory is configured the same way during any patch removal operations. Your current setup of "/var/adm/patch/backup" is: * A plain directory (not a mount point or a symbolic link) Do you want to proceed with the installation with this setup? [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Enter any notes about this operation that you would like stored for future reference (To end your input, enter a "."): : IIIInnnnssssttttaaaalllllllliiiinnnngggg IIIIPPPPKKKK ffffoooorrrr 5555....0000aaaa oooonnnn 3333 nnnnooooddddeeeessss : .... The patches listed below are optional: There may be more optional patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are installed. - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: 1) Patch 0090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: 2) Patch 0015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales 3) Patch 0019.00 - Fixes a problem with the grep command 4) Patch 0035.00 - Fixes a problem with the find command 5) Patch 0041.00 - Corrects problem with the fgrep command 6) Patch 0042.00 - Fixes problem with the restore command 7) Patch 0050.00 - crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute 8) Patch 0064.00 - Fixes btcreate and btextract problems --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 9) Patch 0065.00 - Fixes a hang in the shutdown process 10) Patch 0068.00 - Fix for vrestore problems 11) Patch 0079.00 - Fix for pax and vdump problems 6-30 Sample Patch Kit Installation 12) Patch 0098.00 - pax opens and truncated pre-existing files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: 13) Patch 0001.00 - CDE does not recreate list of application groups - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Filesystem Patches: 14) Patch 0027.00 - Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards 15) Patch 0031.00 - Fix for nfscast error message 16) Patch 0047.00 - UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically 17) Patch 0077.00 - Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem 18) Patch 0078.00 - Fix for advscan utility 19) Patch 0096.00 - Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Hardware Configuration Patches: 20) Patch 0054.00 - Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200 --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 21) Patch 0061.00 - Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed 22) Patch 0081.00 - Fix for dn_setup core dump 23) Patch 0083.00 - SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails 24) Patch 0102.00 - Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I/O Device Handling Patches: 25) Patch 0051.00 - Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T 26) Patch 0059.00 - Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 27) Patch 0084.00 - Corrects a hardware probe time hang 28) Patch 0103.00 - Fixes CAM disk problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I18N Patches: 29) Patch 0014.00 - Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Kernel Patches: 30) Patch 0036.00 - OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU 31) Patch 0062.00 - Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Library Patches: 32) Patch 0008.00 - Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 33) Patch 0022.00 - Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems 34) Patch 0071.00 - Static library fix for libevm 35) Patch 0095.00 - Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails 36) Patch 0097.00 - Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine 37) Patch 0099.00 - MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Memory Channel Patches: Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-31 38) Patch 0086.00 - Fix for rm_state_change panic - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Network Patches: 39) Patch 0023.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM 40) Patch 0025.00 - Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain 41) Patch 0032.00 - Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver 42) Patch 0033.00 - System panics when running ATM 43) Patch 0037.00 - Fixes a tftpd problem --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 44) Patch 0069.00 - Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 45) Patch 0091.00 - Performance problem in Cluster File System - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Printers Patches: 46) Patch 0101.00 - Fixes various printing problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Security Related Patches: 47) Patch 0074.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) 48) Patch 0076.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) 49) Patch 0087.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) 50) Patch 0100.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Software Development Environment Patches: 51) Patch 0030.00 - Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler 52) Patch 0038.00 - Fixes linker (ld) problems 53) Patch 0053.00 - Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch 54) Patch 0066.00 - Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap 55) Patch 0067.00 - Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 56) Patch 0072.00 - Cannot change file permission using libst routines 57) Patch 0073.00 - prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / System Administration Patches: 58) Patch 0002.00 - Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps 59) Patch 0003.00 - Fixes automount problem 60) Patch 0007.00 - Fixes problems with dxaccounts application 61) Patch 0075.00 - Fix for System Management Station daemon - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Threads Patches: 62) Patch 0080.00 - Fix for threaded applications problem - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / VM Patches: 63) Patch 0089.00 - Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / X11 Patches: 6-32 Sample Patch Kit Installation 64) Patch 0009.00 - Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting 65) Patch 0010.00 - Fixes a problem with the svn widget of --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] 66) Patch 0011.00 - Fix for lbxproxy utility 67) Patch 0012.00 - Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card 68) Patch 0070.00 - Static library fix for libDXm - TruCluster_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: 69) Patch 0001.00 - mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever 70) Patch 0005.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault panic 71) Patch 0008.00 - Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic 72) Patch 0011.00 - Fixes problem on cluster nodes 73) Patch 0012.00 - Corrects problem with cluster member - TruCluster_V5.0A / Cluster Services Patches: 74) Patch 0003.00 - Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): Or you may choose one of the following options: 75) ALL of the above 76) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 77) EXIT without installing any patches Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 77775555 You are installing the following optional patches: - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: Patch 0090.00 - versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Commands, Shells, & Utilities Patches: Patch 0015.00 - Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales Patch 0019.00 - Fixes a problem with the grep command Patch 0035.00 - Fixes a problem with the find command Patch 0041.00 - Corrects problem with the fgrep command Patch 0042.00 - Fixes problem with the restore command Patch 0050.00 - crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute Patch 0064.00 - Fixes btcreate and btextract problems Patch 0065.00 - Fixes a hang in the shutdown process Patch 0068.00 - Fix for vrestore problems Patch 0079.00 - Fix for pax and vdump problems Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-33 Patch 0098.00 - pax opens and truncated pre-existing files - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 0001.00 - CDE does not recreate list of application groups Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Filesystem Patches: Patch 0027.00 - Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards Patch 0031.00 - Fix for nfscast error message Patch 0047.00 - UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically Patch 0077.00 - Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem Patch 0078.00 - Fix for advscan utility Patch 0096.00 - Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Hardware Configuration Patches: Patch 0054.00 - Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200 Patch 0061.00 - Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed Patch 0081.00 - Fix for dn_setup core dump Patch 0083.00 - SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails Patch 0102.00 - Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I/O Device Handling Patches: Patch 0051.00 - Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T Patch 0059.00 - Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 Patch 0084.00 - Corrects a hardware probe time hang Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Patch 0103.00 - Fixes CAM disk problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / I18N Patches: Patch 0014.00 - Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Kernel Patches: Patch 0036.00 - OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU Patch 0062.00 - Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Library Patches: Patch 0008.00 - Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 Patch 0022.00 - Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems Patch 0071.00 - Static library fix for libevm Patch 0095.00 - Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails Patch 0097.00 - Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine Patch 0099.00 - MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Memory Channel Patches: Patch 0086.00 - Fix for rm_state_change panic Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Network Patches: 6-34 Sample Patch Kit Installation Patch 0023.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM Patch 0025.00 - Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain Patch 0032.00 - Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver Patch 0033.00 - System panics when running ATM Patch 0037.00 - Fixes a tftpd problem Patch 0069.00 - Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 Patch 0091.00 - Performance problem in Cluster File System - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Printers Patches: Patch 0101.00 - Fixes various printing problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Security Related Patches: Patch 0074.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) Patch 0076.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) Patch 0087.00 - Security (SSRT0636U) Patch 0100.00 - Security (SSRT0656U) Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Software Development Environment Patches: Patch 0030.00 - Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler Patch 0038.00 - Fixes linker (ld) problems Patch 0053.00 - Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch Patch 0066.00 - Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap Patch 0067.00 - Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library Patch 0072.00 - Cannot change file permission using libst routines Patch 0073.00 - prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / System Administration Patches: Patch 0002.00 - Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps Patch 0003.00 - Fixes automount problem Patch 0007.00 - Fixes problems with dxaccounts application Patch 0075.00 - Fix for System Management Station daemon - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / Threads Patches: Patch 0080.00 - Fix for threaded applications problem Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / VM Patches: Patch 0089.00 - Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A / X11 Patches: Patch 0009.00 - Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting Patch 0010.00 - Fixes a problem with the svn widget of Patch 0011.00 - Fix for lbxproxy utility Patch 0012.00 - Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card Patch 0070.00 - Static library fix for libDXm - TruCluster_V5.0A / Cluster Kernel Patches: Patch 0001.00 - mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever Patch 0005.00 - Fixes a kernel memory fault panic Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-35 Patch 0008.00 - Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic Patch 0011.00 - Fixes problem on cluster nodes Patch 0012.00 - Corrects problem with cluster member - TruCluster_V5.0A / Cluster Services Patches: Patch 0003.00 - Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Is this correct? (y/n): yyyy Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take awhile) ************************** CAUTION ************************************ Interruption of this phase of the operation will corrupt your operating system software and compromise the patch database integrity. DO NOT Ctrl/C, power off your system, or in any other way interrupt the patch operation. The patch operation is complete when you are returned to the Patch Utility menus. *********************************************************************** === Installing "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A" Patches: 68 subsets will be installed. Loading subset 1 of 68 ... Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 3 of 68 ... Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 4 of 68 ... Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) 6-36 Sample Patch Kit Installation Verifying Loading subset 5 of 68 ... Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 6 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 7 of 68 ... Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 8 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for vrestore problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 9 of 68 ... Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17 Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 10 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes automount problem Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 11 of 68 ... Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 12 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 13 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes problems with dxaccounts application Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-37 Verifying Loading subset 14 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 15 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 16 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for advscan utility Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 17 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 18 of 68 ... Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22 Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 19 of 68 ... Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15 Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 20 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 21 of 68 ... Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 22 of 68 ... Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1 Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) 6-38 Sample Patch Kit Installation Verifying Loading subset 23 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 24 of 68 ... Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 25 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 26 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 27 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 28 of 68 ... Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 29 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 30 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 31 of 68 ... Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-39 Verifying Loading subset 32 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 33 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 34 of 68 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0636U) Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 35 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 36 of 68 ... Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 37 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 38 of 68 ... Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 39 of 68 ... Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 40 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) 6-40 Sample Patch Kit Installation Verifying Loading subset 41 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for nfscast error message Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 42 of 68 ... Patch: System panics when running ATM Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 43 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 44 of 68 ... Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 45 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 46 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 47 of 68 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0656U) Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 48 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 49 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes various printing problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-41 Verifying Loading subset 50 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 51 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 52 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes CAM disk problems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 53 of 68 ... Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 54 of 68 ... Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 55 of 68 ... Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 56 of 68 ... Patch: crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 57 of 68 ... Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 58 of 68 ... Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) 6-42 Sample Patch Kit Installation Verifying Loading subset 59 of 68 ... Patch: Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200 Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 60 of 68 ... Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 61 of 68 ... Patch: Static library fix for libevm Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 62 of 68 ... Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 63 of 68 ... Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 64 of 68 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0636U) Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 65 of 68 ... Patch: Security (SSRT0656U) Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 66 of 68 ... Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 67 of 68 ... Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-43 Verifying Loading subset 68 of 68 ... Patch: Static library fix for libDXm Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/Tru64_UNIX_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying 68 of 68 subsets installed successfully. *** Starting protofile merges for "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Patch Distribution" (T64V50AAS0001-20000626OSF505,26-Jun-2000:15:22:42) *** Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command" (OSFPAT00004100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command" (OSFPAT00004200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups" (OSFPAT00000100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically" (OSFPAT00004700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap" (OSFPAT00006600505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of" (OSFPAT00001000505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps" (OSFPAT00000200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for vrestore problems" (OSFPAT00006800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17" (OSFPAT00006900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes automount problem" (OSFPAT00000300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails" (OSFPAT00008300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem" (OSFPAT00007700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems with dxaccounts application" (OSFPAT00000700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem" (OSFPAT00008000505) on member0 6-44 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon" (OSFPAT00007500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for advscan utility" (OSFPAT00007800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems" (OSFPAT00007900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22" (OSFPAT00005900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15" (OSFPAT00000800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting" (OSFPAT00000900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed" (OSFPAT00006100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1" (OSFPAT00006200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility" (OSFPAT00001100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card" (OSFPAT00001200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems" (OSFPAT00006400505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process" ( OSFPAT00006500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot" (OSFPAT00010200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade" (OSFPAT00009000505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg" (OSFPAT00009600505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine" (OSFPAT00009700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale" (OSFPAT00001400505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales" (OSFPAT00001500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic" (OSFPAT00008600505) on member0 Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-45 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00008700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump" (OSFPAT00008100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang" (OSFPAT00008400505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library" (OSFPAT00006700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems" (OSFPAT00008900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails" (OSFPAT00009500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler" (OSFPAT00003000505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for nfscast error message" (OSFPAT00003100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: System panics when running ATM" (OSFPAT00003300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command" (OSFPAT00003500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU" (OSFPAT00003600505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem" (OSFPAT00003700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems" (OSFPAT00003800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00007600505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command" (OSFPAT00001900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes various printing problems" (OSFPAT00010100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM" (OSFPAT00002300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain" (OSFPAT00002500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes CAM disk problems" (OSFPAT00010300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards" (OSFPAT00002700505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems" (OSFPAT00002200505) on member0 6-46 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System" (OSFPAT00009100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute" (OSFPAT00005000505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T" (OSFPAT00005100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch" (OSFPAT00005300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200" (OSFPAT00005400505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files" (OSFPAT00009800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libevm" (OSFPAT00007100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster" (OSFPAT00009900505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver" (OSFPAT00003200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00007400505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00010000505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines" (OSFPAT00007200505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault" (OSFPAT00007300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libDXm" (OSFPAT00007000505) on member0 *** Finished protofile merges for "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Patch Distribution" (T64V50AAS0001-20000626OSF505,26-Jun-2000:15:22:42) *** Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command" (OSFPAT00004100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command" (OSFPAT00004200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups" (OSFPAT00000100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically" (OSFPAT00004700505) on member10 Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-47 Configuring "Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap" (OSFPAT00006600505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of" (OSFPAT00001000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps" (OSFPAT00000200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for vrestore problems" (OSFPAT00006800505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17" (OSFPAT00006900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes automount problem" (OSFPAT00000300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails" (OSFPAT00008300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem" (OSFPAT00007700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems with dxaccounts application" (OSFPAT00000700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem" (OSFPAT00008000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon" (OSFPAT00007500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for advscan utility" (OSFPAT00007800505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems" (OSFPAT00007900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22" (OSFPAT00005900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15" (OSFPAT00000800505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting" (OSFPAT00000900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed" (OSFPAT00006100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1" (OSFPAT00006200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility" (OSFPAT00001100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card" (OSFPAT00001200505) on member10 6-48 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems" (OSFPAT00006400505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process" (OSFPAT00006500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot" (OSFPAT00010200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade" (OSFPAT00009000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg" (OSFPAT00009600505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine" (OSFPAT00009700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale" (OSFPAT00001400505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales" ( OSFPAT00001500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic" (OSFPAT00008600505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00008700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump" (OSFPAT00008100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang" (OSFPAT00008400505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library" (OSFPAT00006700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems" (OSFPAT00008900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails" (OSFPAT00009500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler" (OSFPAT00003000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for nfscast error message" (OSFPAT00003100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: System panics when running ATM" (OSFPAT00003300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command" (OSFPAT00003500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU" Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-49 (OSFPAT00003600505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem" (OSFPAT00003700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems" (OSFPAT00003800505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00007600505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command" (OSFPAT00001900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes various printing problems" (OSFPAT00010100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM" (OSFPAT00002300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain" (OSFPAT00002500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes CAM disk problems" (OSFPAT00010300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards" (OSFPAT00002700505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems" (OSFPAT00002200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System" (OSFPAT00009100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute" (OSFPAT00005000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T" (OSFPAT00005100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch" (OSFPAT00005300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200" (OSFPAT00005400505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libDXm" (OSFPAT00007000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault" (OSFPAT00007300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines" (OSFPAT00007200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00010000505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00007400505) on member10 6-50 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver" (OSFPAT00003200505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster" (OSFPAT00009900505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libevm" (OSFPAT00007100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files" (OSFPAT00009800505) on member10 === Installing "TruCluster Server V5.0A" Patches: 6 subsets will be installed. Loading subset 1 of 6 ... Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault panic Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 2 of 6 ... Patch: mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 3 of 6 ... Patch: Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 4 of 6 ... Patch: Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 5 of 6 ... Patch: Fixes problem on cluster nodes Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying Loading subset 6 of 6 ... Patch: Corrects problem with cluster member Copying from /Patchkits/patch_kit/TruCluster_V5.0A/kit (disk) Verifying 6 of 6 subsets installed successfully. Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-51 *** Starting protofile merges for "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Patch Distribution" (T64V50AAS0001-20000626TCR505,26-Jun-2000:15:25:36) *** Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault panic" (TCRPAT00000500505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever" (TCRPAT00000100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic" (TCRPAT00000800505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix" (TCRPAT00000300505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem on cluster nodes" (TCRPAT00001100505) on member0 Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with cluster member" (TCRPAT00001200505) on member0 *** Finished protofile merges for "Tru64 UNIX V5.0A Patch Distribution" (T64V50AAS0001-20000626TCR505,26-Jun-2000:15:25:36) *** Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault panic" (TCRPAT00000500505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever" (TCRPAT00000100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic" (TCRPAT00000800505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix" (TCRPAT00000300505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem on cluster nodes" (TCRPAT00001100505) on member10 Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with cluster member" (TCRPAT00001200505) on member10 Beginning kernel build... Do you have a pre-existing configuration file?: yyyy Enter the name of the pre-existing configuration file or press RETURN to use : *** KERNEL CONFIGURATION AND BUILD PROCEDURE *** Saving /sys/conf/ as /sys/conf/.bck 6-52 Sample Patch Kit Installation Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] *** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** Working....Fri Jun 30 10:44:08 EDT 2000 The new kernel is /sys/_n_o_d_e_n_a_m_e/vmunix The system needs to be rebooted in order to complete the patch installation. Please choose one of the following options. Reboot Menu: ----------- 1) Reboot now 2) Schedule a reboot at a later time 3) Do nothing at this time Enter your choice: 1111 Existing kernel copied to cluster/members/{memb}/boot_partition/vmunix.PrePatch. New Kernel (/sys/_n_o_d_e_n_a_m_e/vmunix) moved to cluster/members/{memb}/boot_partition/vmunix. CPU 0 halted halt code = 5 HALT instruction executed PC = fffffc00005b3310 CPU 0 booting 000 LAT started. Printer service started SysMan authentication server started CAA Applications now started Cluster sub-agent started cluster wall daemon started SysMan Station Server (smsd) started The system is ready. Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0A (Rev. 1094) ( console login: rrrrooooooootttt Password: Last login: Thu Jun 29 14:49:11 EDT 2000 from Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0A (Rev. 1094); Thu Jun 29 13:44:13 EDT 2000 Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-53 The installation software has successfully installed your system. There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation. These are: /var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf - configuration description file /var/adm/smlogs/install.log - general log file /var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log - file system creation logs /var/adm/smlogs/setld.log - log for the setld(8) utility /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log - verification log file # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ppppoooossssttttiiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'postinstall' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] The 'postinstall' stage of the upgrade has completed successfully. The following step involves performing the cccclllluuuusssstttteeeerrrr____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll program on all other members of your cluster: # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee rrrroooollllllll This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'roll' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Backing up member-specific data for member: 66661111 . The 'roll' stage has completed successfully. This member must be rebooted in order to run with the newly installed software. Do you want to reboot this member at this time? []: yyyy You indicated that you want to reboot this member at this time. Is that correct? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] # syncing disks... done drd: Clean ShutdowCP - SAVE_TERM routine to be called CP - SAVE_TERM exited with hlt_req = 1, r0 = 00000000.00000000 halted CPU 0 halt code = 5 HALT instruction executed PC = fffffc00005b3320 CPU 0 booting 000 6-54 Sample Patch Kit Installation Subsystem hwautoconfig was successfully configured. Jun 30 14:40:03 update: started Checking for Installation Tasks... Executing Installation Tasks... Rolling member specific files on member...CNX QDISK: Successfully claimed quorum disk, adding 1 vote. Configuring "Patch: versw command can core dump during rolling upgrade" (OSFPAT00009000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem that occurs in multibyte locales" (OSFPAT00001500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the grep command" (OSFPAT00001900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the find command" (OSFPAT00003500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with the fgrep command" (OSFPAT00004100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem with the restore command" (OSFPAT00004200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: crontab jobs run multiple times in same minute" (OSFPAT00005000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes btcreate and btextract problems" (OSFPAT00006400505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a hang in the shutdown process" (OSFPAT00006500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for vrestore problems" (OSFPAT00006800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for pax and vdump problems" (OSFPAT00007900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: pax opens and truncated pre-existing files" (OSFPAT00009800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: CDE does not recreate list of application groups" (OSFPAT00000100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Changes quotactl prototype to meet POSIX standards" (OSFPAT00002700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for nfscast error message" (OSFPAT00003100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: UFS disk quotas are not updating automatically" (OSFPAT00004700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for AdvFS kernerl memory fault problem" (OSFPAT00007700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for advscan utility" (OSFPAT00007800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for sendmsg, nsendmsg, recvmsg, and nrecvmsg" (OSFPAT00009600505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Provides PCI Resource Mgmt support for Atalla AXL200" (OSFPAT00005400505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Hardware manager inaccurately reports CPU speed" (OSFPAT00006100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for dn_setup core dump" (OSFPAT00008100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: SCSI_MC_GENERIC-READ_ELEMENT_STATUS fails" (OSFPAT00008300505) on member61 Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-55 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a panic during a multi-node reboot" (OSFPAT00010200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Provides the latest driver for PowerStorm 4D10T" (OSFPAT00005100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Updates emx Fiber Channel driver to revision 1.22" (OSFPAT00005900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Corrects a hardware probe time hang" (OSFPAT00008400505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes CAM disk problems" (OSFPAT00010300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Updates the Danish (da_DK.ISO8859-1) locale" (OSFPAT00001400505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: OS only looks in slot 0 for primary CPU" (OSFPAT00003600505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Cursor displays incorrectly when image plane set to 1" (OSFPAT00006200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Provides missing compose definitions for ISO8859-15" (OSFPAT00000800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for EVM problems on some Alpha EV6 systems" (OSFPAT00002200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libevm" (OSFPAT00007100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Overlap checking in MKFDMN and NEWFS fails" (OSFPAT00009500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the dlsym routine" (OSFPAT00009700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: MKFDMN NEWFS fails for third party drivers in cluster" (OSFPAT00009900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for rm_state_change panic" (OSFPAT00008600505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault when using ATM" (OSFPAT00002300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for VMAC functionality when used with NETrain" (OSFPAT00002500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Kernel panics Classical IP over lfa ATM driver" (OSFPAT00003200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: System panics when running ATM" (OSFPAT00003300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a tftpd problem" (OSFPAT00003700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Updates the lfa ATM device driver to V1.0.17" (OSFPAT00006900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Performance problem in Cluster File System" (OSFPAT00009100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes various printing problems" (OSFPAT00010100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00007400505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00007600505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0656U)" (OSFPAT00010000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Security (SSRT0636U)" (OSFPAT00010400505) on member61 6-56 Sample Patch Kit Installation Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems in the Compaq C compiler" (OSFPAT00003000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes linker (ld) problems" (OSFPAT00003800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes errors seen when compiling with the -om switch" (OSFPAT00005300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Problems with kdbx extensions mount and swap" (OSFPAT00006600505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with routines in the libst library" (OSFPAT00006700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Cannot change file permission using libst routines" (OSFPAT00007200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: prof profiling tool causes segmentation fault" (OSFPAT00007300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Compaq SNMP subagent core dumps" (OSFPAT00000200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes automount problem" (OSFPAT00000300505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problems with dxaccounts application" (OSFPAT00000700505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for System Management Station daemon" (OSFPAT00007500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for threaded applications problem" (OSFPAT00008000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Adding swap partition less than 8KB causes problems" (OSFPAT00008900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for problem with Caps Lock setting" (OSFPAT00000900505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a problem with the svn widget of" (OSFPAT00001000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for lbxproxy utility" (OSFPAT00001100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Drawing problems with PowerStorm 4D10T graphics card" (OSFPAT00001200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Static library fix for libDXm" (OSFPAT00007000505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: mounts that return ESTALE may loop forever" (TCRPAT00000100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes a kernel memory fault panic" (TCRPAT00000500505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fix for MC2 vhub cluster panic" (TCRPAT00000800505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Fixes problem on cluster nodes" (TCRPAT00001100505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Corrects problem with cluster member" (TCRPAT00001200505) on member61 Configuring "Patch: Delivers a new stripped clu_genvmunix" (TCRPAT00000300505) on member61 Beginning kernel build... Do you have a pre-existing configuration file?: yyyy Enter the name of the pre-existing configuration file or Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-57 press RETURN to use : *** KERNEL CONFIGURATION AND BUILD PROCEDURE *** Saving /sys/conf/ as /sys/conf/.bck Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] *** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** Working....Fri Jun 30 14:42:28 EDT 2000 Working....Fri Jun 30 14:44:29 EDT 2000 Working....Fri Jun 30 14:46:29 EDT 2000 The new kernel is /sys/_n_o_d_e_n_a_m_e/vmunix syncing disks... done drd: Clean Shutdown CP - SAVE_TERM routine to be called CP - SAVE_TERM exited with hlt_req = 1, r0 = 00000000.00000000 halted CPU 0 halt code = 5 HALT instruction executed PC = fffffc00005b3320 CPU 0 booting 000 # cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssswwwwiiiittttcccchhhh This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'switch' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] The cluster upgrade 'switch' stage has completed successfully. All cluster members must be rebooted before running the 'clean' command. # sssshhhhuuuuttttddddoooowwwwnnnn ----hhhh nnnnoooowwww Shutdown at 15:07 (in 0 minutes) [pid 5250134] *** FINAL System shutdown message from *** System going down IMMEDIATELY ... 6-58 Sample Patch Kit Installation System shutdown time has arrived CPU 0 halted halt code = 5 HALT instruction executed PC = fffffc00005b3310 CPU 0 booting 000 The system is ready. Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0A (Rev. 1094) ( console login: rrrrooooooootttt Password: Last login: Fri Jun 30 15:15:31 EDT 2000 from Compaq Tru64 UNIX V5.0A (Rev. 1094); Thu Jun 29 13:44:13 EDT 2000 The installation software has successfully installed your system. There are logfiles that contain a record of your installation. These are: /var/adm/smlogs/install.cdf - configuration description file /var/adm/smlogs/install.log - general log file /var/adm/smlogs/install.FS.log - file system creation logs /var/adm/smlogs/setld.log - log for the setld(8) utility /var/adm/smlogs/fverify.log - verification log file At this point you will reboot each remaining member of the cluster before beginning the clean stage to complete the rolling upgrade procedure. # cccclllluuuu ____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee cccclllleeeeaaaannnn This is the cluster upgrade program. You have indicated that you want to perform the 'clean' stage of the upgrade. Do you want to continue to upgrade the cluster? [yes]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Deleting tagged files. .................... ............................................................................. ............................................. Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-59 _6._3 _G_a_t_h_e_r_i_n_g _B_a_s_e_l_i_n_e _I_n_f_o_r_m_a_t_i_o_n The example in this section shows how to use dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to perform a patch baseline analysis. You can perform this operation in either single-user or multiuser modes. #### dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 5555 Patch Baseline Analysis and Adjustment ====================================== This section of the patch management utility does not actually install patches. It is an enabler and need only be used to baseline your system for routine use of setld-based patch kits. It is recommended that you read the release notes accompanying this kit, prior to continuing. It is specifically designed to provide continuity from an environment with manually installed operating system patches to one that can be managed using the standard 'setld' installation technology. This baselining is broken into phases that assess and report the state of your operating system files. It will only make changes to your system with your confirmation. Phase 1 - System Evaluation Where possible, this phase determines the origin of changed operating system files and detects formally released official patches that were ---------------------------------------- Press to continue viewing: ---------------------------------------- 6-60 Sample Patch Kit Installation manually installed. Phase 2 - Report patches with inter-product inventory conflicts Some layered products ship operating system files or files delivered by other layered products. If you have any of these layered products installed on your system and the patch kit happens to contain those files with inventory conflicts, the Patch Utility will block the installation of the patches containing inventory conflicts since it may corrupt the layered product operation. Phase 3 - Create installation records for manually-installed patches During this phase, you will be shown a list of patches that match the files on your system, but are not marked as 'installed'. You will be offered an opportunity to mark these patches as 'installed'. This involves copying valid 'setld' database information to your system. Phase 4 - Report changed system files This phase provides information to help you make choices later in this process. It reports both 'missing' and files whose origin cannot be determined. Some of these files may affect patch installation. You will want to consider this information when you later make decisions in phase 5. Phase 5 - Enable patches with file applicability conflicts This phase allows you to enable subsequent installation of patches whose inventory does not match the installed system. This occurs when: 1) System files changed and the origin of that change cannot be determined, or 2) The changed files can only be traced back to previous manual patches, or 3) The original file to be patched is missing from the system, or 4) Hard links to files about to be patched are broken It is recommended that you do not enable the installation of these patches, if any, until you have tracked down the origin of the files that are in conflict, or you may compromise the integrity of your operating system. ---------------------------------------- Press to continue viewing: ---------------------------------------- To assist you in this effort, the file list for the entire patch with the known information will be displayed. You may run through this phase to get the analysis without enabling the installation of any of the listed patches. Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-61 It is recommended that you backup your operating system prior to the actual patch installation. Do you want to proceed with the analysis and adjustment? [y/n]:yyyy - This Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment session is logged in: //var/adm/patch/log/baseline.log KITNAME> OSF500 Phase 1 - System Evaluation =========================== This evaluation compares the contents of your patch kit to the state of files already installed on your system regardless of their origin. The amount of time needed to complete this phase can vary greatly depending on the size of the patch kit, the version of the Operating System, and the performance of the system. * system evaluation completed. --------------------------- Press RETURN to proceed to the next phase... Phase 2 - Report patches with inter-product inventory conflicts =============================================================== Some layered products replace files delivered in the original Operating System inventory or other layered products' inventory. The Patch Utility will block installation of those patches with inventory conflicts since they could compromise the integrity of the layered products. * no inter-product inventory conflicts detected. --------------------------------------------- Press RETURN to proceed to the next phase... Phase 3 - Create installation records for manually installed patches ==================================================================== You can choose to copy valid installation records to your system for the following patches, if any. This will allow future management and reporting for patches to your operating system. Creating installation records is intended to establish a baseline to which future patches might be applied. Future patch removal may only ever occur to this baseline. * no manually installed patches detected. -------------------------------------- 6-62 Sample Patch Kit Installation Press RETURN to proceed to the next phase... Phase 4 - Report changed system files and missing files ======================================================= This phase provides information to help you make choices later in this process. It reports both 'missing' and files whose origin cannot be determined. Some of these files may affect patch installation. You will want to consider this information when you later make decisions in phase 5. * no changed files detected ------------------------- Press RETURN to proceed to the next phase... Phase 5 - Enable patches with file applicability conflicts ========================================================== You will be shown a list of patches, if any, and their files. Patches show up during this phase when: 1) System files changed and the origin of that change cannot be determined, or 2) The changed files can only be traced back to previous manual patches, or 3) The file to be patched is missing from the system, or 4) Hard links to files about to be patched are broken After reviewing this section, you can elect to enable the installation of these patches using a standard selection menu. Enabling a patch means that the checks for patch file applicability, done during patch installation, will be bypassed if you later choose to install that patch through the installation section of dupatch. It is recommended that you understand the origin of the listed files before enabling a patch for installation. * no patches with file applicability conflicts detected. ----------------------------------------------------- * Baseline Analysis/Adjustment process completed. ============================================== Press RETURN to get back to the Main Menu... Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-63 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 1111 Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install (requires single-user mode) b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 This operation can be performed in single-user mode only. Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Patch Installation Menu: ----------------------- 1) Pre-Installation Check ONLY 2) Check & Install (requires single-user mode) b) Back to Main Menu q) Quit Enter your choice: qqqq _6._4 _R_e_m_o_v_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h_e_s The example in this section shows how to use dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to remove patches from a system. You can perform this operation only from systems running in single- user mode. 6-64 Sample Patch Kit Installation #### dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh * Previous session logs saved in session.log.[1-25] Tru64 UNIX Patch Utility (Rev. 27-04) ========================== - This dupatch session is logged in //var/adm/patch/log/session.log Main Menu: --------- 1) Patch Installation 2) Patch Deletion 3) Patch Documentation 4) Patch Tracking 5) Patch Baseline Analysis/Adjustment h) Help on Command Line Interface q) Quit Enter your choice: 2222 *** Start of Special Instructions *** SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR Tru64 UNIX V5.0 Patch 48.00 Update your /etc/fstab entries to enable the selected mount option ("throttle") on the selected UFS filesystems. For example, change from: /dev/rz12e /mnt/test ufs rw 0 2 TO: /dev/rz12e /mnt/test ufs rw,throttle 0 2 Append to /etc/sysconfigtab any tuning changes. For further information on this patch, refer to the Patch Summary and Release Notes document. The release note for this patch includes a section on TUNING. The TUNING section describes the new io-throttle-shift, io-throttle-maxmzthruput, and io-throttle-static tunables. These tunables are configured in the "vfs" stanza. The following 3 lines make up an example: vfs: ---------------------------------------- Press to continue viewing: ---------------------------------------- Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-65 io-throttle-shift = 1 io-throttle-maxmzthruput = 1 (Note - if you already have a vfs stanza in your sysconfigtab file, then just add the 2 "io-throttle" entries.) *** End of Special Instructions *** Your name: JJJJooooeeee SSSSmmmmiiiitttthhhh Enter any notes about this operation that you would like stored for future reference (To end your input, enter a "."): .... : Deleting Patches : . There may be more patches than can be presented on a single screen. If this is the case, you can choose patches screen by screen or all at once on the last screen. All of the choices you make will be collected for your confirmation before any patches are deleted. - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: 1) Patch 0011.00 - ld command inserts incorrect values 2) Patch 0019.00 - C shell incorrectly handles 2-byte characters 3) Patch 0021.00 - Fix for crontab command 4) Patch 0022.00 - Fix for sort command 5) Patch 0023.00 - Fix for ksh core dump problem 6) Patch 0028.00 - Fix for binmail 7) Patch 0032.00 - Fix for tar/pax program 8) Patch 0033.00 - Fix for vdump program dumping core 9) Patch 0035.00 - usermod command does not allow use of commas 10) Patch 0042.00 - rc.config and rc.config.common files may be corrupt --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: 11) Patch 0039.00 - Fix for dxaccounts shared library - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Filesystem Patches: 12) Patch 0049.00 - Fix for AdvFS system hang - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Hardware Configuration Patches: 13) Patch 0005.00 - Fix for Compaq AlphaServer problems 14) Patch 0025.00 - Restriction lifted for AlphaServer DS20 and ES40 6-66 Sample Patch Kit Installation 15) Patch 0046.00 - Fix for simple lock timeout panic 16) Patch 0051.00 - Fix for system hang at boot time - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / I/O Device Handling Patches: 17) Patch 0001.00 - Fix for KZPCM and 8952U adapters 18) Patch 0004.00 - Fix for Universal Serial Bus (USB) problems 19) Patch 0036.00 - Powerstorm 4D10T does not draw lines correctly --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Kernel Patches: 20) Patch 0017.00 - Fix for kernel memory fault 21) Patch 0045.00 - Fixes error in the SCSI device probe code 22) Patch 0048.00 - Fix for lock hierarchy violation panic - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Network Patches: 23) Patch 0007.00 - Fix for FDDI interface hang 24) Patch 0012.00 - Fix for packetfilter problems 25) Patch 0024.00 - Fix for NFS V3 XDR encoding 26) Patch 0030.00 - NFS server cannot handle greater than 8K I/O reqs - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Security Related Patches: 27) Patch 0040.00 - Security (SSRT0614U) 28) Patch 0041.00 - Security (SSRT0571U) - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Software Development Environment Patches: 29) Patch 0029.00 - Fix for Compaq C compiler --- MORE TO FOLLOW --- Enter your choices or press RETURN to display the next screen. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / X11 Patches: 30) Patch 0038.00 - Fix for problem in X Display Manager (xdm) Or you may choose one of the following options: 31) ALL of the above 32) CANCEL selections and redisplay menus 33) EXIT without deleting any patches Enter your choices or press RETURN to redisplay menus. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6): 33331111 You are deleting the following patches: - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-67 Patch 0011.00 - ld command inserts incorrect values Patch 0019.00 - C shell incorrectly handles 2-byte characters Patch 0021.00 - Fix for crontab command Patch 0022.00 - Fix for sort command Patch 0023.00 - Fix for ksh core dump problem Patch 0028.00 - Fix for binmail Patch 0032.00 - Fix for tar/pax program Patch 0033.00 - Fix for vdump program dumping core Patch 0035.00 - usermod command does not allow use of commas Patch 0042.00 - rc.config and rc.config.common files may be corrupt - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 0039.00 - Fix for dxaccounts shared library - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Filesystem Patches: Patch 0049.00 - Fix for AdvFS system hang Press RETURN to display the next screen: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Hardware Configuration Patches: Patch 0005.00 - Fix for Compaq AlphaServer problems Patch 0025.00 - Restriction lifted for AlphaServer DS20 and ES40 Patch 0046.00 - Fix for simple lock timeout panic Patch 0051.00 - Fix for system hang at boot time - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / I/O Device Handling Patches: Patch 0001.00 - Fix for KZPCM and 8952U adapters Patch 0004.00 - Fix for Universal Serial Bus (USB) problems Patch 0036.00 - Powerstorm 4D10T does not draw lines correctly - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Kernel Patches: Patch 0017.00 - Fix for kernel memory fault Patch 0045.00 - Fixes error in the SCSI device probe code Patch 0048.00 - Fix for lock hierarchy violation panic - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Network Patches: Patch 0007.00 - Fix for FDDI interface hang Patch 0012.00 - Fix for packetfilter problems Press RETURN to display the next screen: Patch 0024.00 - Fix for NFS V3 XDR encoding Patch 0030.00 - NFS server cannot handle greater than 8K I/O reqs - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Security Related Patches: Patch 0040.00 - Security (SSRT0614U) Patch 0041.00 - Security (SSRT0571U) - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / Software Development Environment Patches: Patch 0029.00 - Fix for Compaq C compiler - Tru64_UNIX_V5.0 / X11 Patches: Patch 0038.00 - Fix for problem in X Display Manager (xdm) 6-68 Sample Patch Kit Installation Is this correct? (y/n): yyyy Checking patch dependency... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ************************** CAUTION ************************************ Interruption of this phase of the operation will corrupt your operating system software and compromise the patch database integrity. DO NOT Ctrl/C, power off your system, or in any other way interrupt the patch operation. The patch operation is complete when you are returned to the Patch Utility menus. *********************************************************************** === Deleting "Tru64 UNIX V5.0": Deleting "Patch: Fix for problem in X Display Manager (xdm)" (OSFPAT00003800500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for Compaq C compiler" (OSFPAT00002900500). Deleting "Patch: Security (SSRT0571U)" (OSFPAT00004100500). Deleting "Patch: Security (SSRT0614U)" (OSFPAT00004000500). Deleting "Patch: NFS server cannot handle greater than 8K I/O reqs" (OSFPAT00003000500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for NFS V3 XDR encoding" (OSFPAT00002400500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for packetfilter problems" (OSFPAT00001200500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for FDDI interface hang" (OSFPAT00000700500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for lock hierarchy violation panic" (OSFPAT00004800500). Deleting "Patch: Fixes error in the SCSI device probe code" (OSFPAT00004500500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for kernel memory fault" (OSFPAT00001700500). Deleting "Patch: Powerstorm 4D10T does not draw lines correctly" (OSFPAT00003600500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for Universal Serial Bus (USB) problems" (OSFPAT00000400500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for KZPCM and 8952U adapters" (OSFPAT00000100500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for system hang at boot time" (OSFPAT00005100500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for simple lock timeout panic" (OSFPAT00004600500). Deleting "Patch: Restriction lifted for AlphaServer DS20 and ES40" (OSFPAT00002500500). Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-69 Deleting "Patch: Fix for Compaq AlphaServer problems" (OSFPAT00000500500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for AdvFS system hang" (OSFPAT00004900500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for dxaccounts shared library" (OSFPAT00003900500). Deleting "Patch: rc.config and rc.config.common files may be corrupt" (OSFPAT00004200500). Deleting "Patch: usermod command does not allow use of commas" (OSFPAT00003500500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for vdump program dumping core" (OSFPAT00003300500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for tar/pax program" (OSFPAT00003200500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for binmail" (OSFPAT00002800500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for ksh core dump problem" (OSFPAT00002300500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for sort command" (OSFPAT00002200500). Deleting "Patch: Fix for crontab command" (OSFPAT00002100500). Deleting "Patch: C shell incorrectly handles 2-byte characters" (OSFPAT00001900500). Deleting "Patch: ld command inserts incorrect values" (OSFPAT00001100500). *** KERNEL CONFIGURATION AND BUILD PROCEDURE *** Enter a name for the kernel configuration file. [COBB]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] A configuration file with the name 'COBB' already exists. Do you want to replace it? (y/n) [n]: yyyy Saving /sys/conf/COBB as /sys/conf/COBB.bck *** KERNEL OPTION SELECTION *** Selection Kernel Option -------------------------------------------------------------- 1 System V Devices 2 NTP V3 Kernel Phase Lock Loop (NTP_TIME) 3 Kernel Breakpoint Debugger (KDEBUG) 4 Packetfilter driver (PACKETFILTER) 5 Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) 6 STREAMS pckt module (PCKT) 7 Data Link Bridge (DLPI V2.0 Service Class 1) 8 X/Open Transport Interface (XTISO, TIMOD, TIRDWR) 9 ISO 9660 Compact Disc File System (CDFS) 10 Audit Subsystem 11 All of the above 12 None of the above 13 Help 6-70 Sample Patch Kit Installation 14 Display all options again -------------------------------------------------------------- Enter your choices. Choices (for example, 1 2 4-6) [12]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] You do not want to select any kernel options. Is that correct? (y/n) [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Do you want to edit the configuration file? (y/n) [n]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] *** PERFORMING KERNEL BUILD *** A log file listing special device files is located in /dev/MAKEDEV.log Working....Tue Feb 1 14:09:04 EDT 2000 Working....Tue Feb 1 14:11:08 EDT 2000 The new kernel is /sys/COBB/vmunix A reboot is necessary to complete the patch deletion. Do you want to reboot now? [y/n] [y]: [[[[RRRReeeettttuuuurrrrnnnn]]]] Sample Patch Kit Installation 6-71 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7 This chapter describes error, warning, and informational messages for the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility. The following information is provided for each message: SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: The function that generates the message. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: A brief description of possible causes for the message. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: A summary of situations that cause the message. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: General recovery guidance. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: A sample of the message. _7._1 _P_a_t_c_h _P_r_e_i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _C_h_e_c_k _a_n_d _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s The following sections describe messages you might see when running the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation functions. _7._1._1 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _U_n_k_n_o_w_n _S_y_s_t_e_m _F_i_l_e SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The installation of a specific patch is blocked due to an existing system file that is unknown. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeee:::: Generally this situation occurs when system files are placed on the system through manual intervention. For example, this may have been the result of installing a customer-specific patch received from Compaq Services or a system administrator's customization of a Tru64 UNIX file. Until you confirm otherwise, the unknown system files should be viewed as intentional customizations that are important for proper system operation. As such, care should be taken to understand why the system files have been customized. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Determine the origin of the existing unknown system files. The steps you take will be determined by the reason your system files were manually changed. See Section 2.5 for more information. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability ... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem installing: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 0326.00 - CDE Login Correction ./usr/dt/bin/dtwm: its origin cannot be identified. This patch will not be installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check: - TRU64_UNIX_V4.0D / Common Desktop Environment (CDE) Patches: Patch 0326.00 - CDE Login Correction _7._1._2 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _S_y_s_t_e_m _F_i_l_e SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: Installation of a specific patch is blocked due to missing system file. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: Generally this situation occurs when a system file that was installed with sssseeeettttlllldddd is manually removed from the system. The file is marked as installed in the system inventory records. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Determine why the system file is missing and whether it is safe to enable dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to install the blocked patch. See Section 2.5 for more information. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem installing: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 0236.00 - vi Editor Correction 7-2 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages ./usr/bin/vedit: does not exist on your system, however, it is in the inventory of installed subsets. This patch will not be installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 0236.00 - vi Editor Correction _7._1._3 _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _L_a_y_e_r_e_d _P_r_o_d_u_c_t _C_o_l_l_i_s_i_o_n SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The installation of a specific patch is blocked due to an existing system file that is installed by a layered product. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: A small set of layered products deliver updated Tru64 UNIX operating system files. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: To resolve this situation contact the Product Customer Services representative. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem installing: - TRU_UNIX_V4.0F / Network Patches: Patch 0182.00 - xti/streams Interface Module Correction ./sys/BINARY/xtiso.mod: is installed by: BLTLPCONFLICTTEST410 and can not be replaced by this patch. This patch will not be installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check: Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-3 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Network Patches: Patch 0182.00 - xti/streams Interface Module Correction _7._1._4 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _D_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s _o_n _O_t_h_e_r _P_a_t_c_h_e_s SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The installation of a specific patch is blocked due to its dependency on other uninstalled patches. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: Generally this occurs when you miss the selection of all dependent patches. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Through the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Installation Menu, take one of the following actions: +o Reselect the patches including the noted dependent patch and attempt reinstallation; dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh will notify you of other missing dependent patches. +o Select all patches and proceed with patch installation. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: SAMPLE OUTPUT: Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem installing: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches: Patch 0579.01 - Security, Various Kernel Fixes (SSRT0482U) requires the existence of the following un-installed/un-selected subset(s): - TruCluster_V1.6 / Filesystem Patches: Patch 0037.00 - Support For New AdvFS Mount Option "-o noatimes" - TruCluster_V1.6 / ASE Availability Manager (AM) Patches: Patch 0033.00 - Kern Mem Fault And simple_lock Panic Correction This patch will not be installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7-4 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages * Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check: - TRU64L_UNIX_V4.0F / Security Related Patches: Patch 0579.01 - Security, Various Kernel Fixes (SSRT0482U) _7._1._5 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _P_r_o_d_u_c_t _S_u_b_s_e_t SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: A specific patch cannot be installed because the product software subset is not installed on your system. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: Generally this is a informational message and no further action is required. However, this message may also occur due to an internal patch kit error that results in an incorrectly specified patch dependencies. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: If the specific patch being blocked is the only patch being blocked you can assume this is an informational message. It may be an internal patch kit error, if there are other patches whose installation is blocked by the patch whose subset is not installed. As a workaround, if you need one of the other patches whose installation is blocked, you can install the optional Tru64 UNIX or TCR release subset and reinstall the patches OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch prerequisites and patch file applicability... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Problem installing: - TruCluster_V1.6 / Cluster Kernel Patches: Patch 0035.00 - rm_spur Driver Correction requires the existence of the following un-installed/un-selected subset(s): - TruCluster_V1.6 - subset: TCRMCA141 This patch will not be installed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in prerequisite/file applicability check: - TruCluster_V1.6 / Cluster Kernel Patches: Patch 0035.00 - rm_spur Driver Correction Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-5 _7._1._6 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _D_i_s_k _S_p_a_c_e SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The system disk did not have enough space to install patches. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: There is not enough disk space in ////, ////vvvvaaaarrrr, or ////uuuussssrrrr partitions for dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh to archive the existing system files and move the patched files into place. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Provide the necessary disk space and reinstall patches. If you cannot provide enough system disk space through other means, you may want to make ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp a symbolic link to or NFS-mount another file system that is not related to the ////, ////vvvvaaaarrrr, or ////uuuussssrrrr partitions. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch prerequisites once more... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ./usr/lbin/fitset: file system /whd needs 65829 Kbytes more to install the software specified. There is not enough file system space to install all the patches. you have selected. Please press RETURN to start another selection. . . . _7._1._7 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_e_d _P_a_t_c_h _o_r _S_u_b_s_e_t SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The patch you are trying to install is built so it cannot supersede the later revision patch or subset that is installed on your system. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: This applicability feature is used to ensure that your system is not regressed through the installation of older code. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: If the situation is caused by a release patch being blocked by a layered product or other subsets, contact your service provider. 7-6 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Problem installing: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0D / Filesystem Patches: Patch 00016.01 - System Run Level Correction ./sbin/.new..bcheckrc: is installed by: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0D: Patch C 00484.01 and can not be replaced by this patch. This patch will not be installed. _7._1._8 _P_a_t_c_h _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _a_n _E_x_i_s_t_i_n_g _C_S_P SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: Release patches will not automatically supercede a customer specific patch (CSP). CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: A file you are trying to update with a release patch has been previously updated through the installation of a CSP. The release patch does not have any knowlege as to whether it contains fixes contained in CSPs. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Determine if the CSP is included in the release patch kit: +o If yes, then you can safely remove the CSP (via dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh) and reinstall the release patch +o If no, contact your service provider to determine how to proceed OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Problem installing: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 00444.00 - Fixes sort problem when running in Japanese locale ./usr/bin/sort: is installed by Customer Specific Patch (CSP): Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-7 - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F: Patch C 00187.00 and can not be replaced by this patch. To install this patch, you must first remove the CSP using dupatch. Before performing this action, you should contact your Compaq Service Representative to determine if this patch kit contains the CSP. If it does not, you may need to obtain a new CSP from Compaq in order to install the patch kit and retain the CSP fix. _7._1._9 _d_u_p_a_t_c_h _T_o_o_l_s _A_r_e _O_u_t_d_a_t_e_d SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: Patch tool set residing on system are not the most recent version CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: If the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh utility delivered with the patch kit determines that the tools residing on the system are not consistent with the patch kit, it will copy over updated versions of utilities used by dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: This is an informational message and no further action is required. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Patch tools need to be installed or updated on your system. Please invoke the command as the super-user (root) first. * A new version of patch tools required for patch management is now being installed on your system. _7._1._1_0 _S_o_m_e _P_a_t_c_h_e_s _M_u_s_t _B_e _M_a_d_e _R_e_v_e_r_s_i_b_l_e SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh preinstallation check or installation. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: Patch tool set residing on system is not the most recent version CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: The user tried to install a patch as non-reversible; however, the patch in question must be installed as reversible. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: This is an informational message and no further action is required. 7-8 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: * The following patch(es) are required to be reversible and will be made reversible automatically: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch C 00187.00 - v 4.0f patch E C187.00 _7._2 _P_a_t_c_h _R_e_m_o_v_a_l _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s The following sections describe messages you might see when running the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh patch deletion function. _7._2._1 _P_a_t_c_h _R_e_m_o_v_a_l _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _M_i_s_s_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h _B_a_c_k_u_p _F_i_l_e_s SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh deletion. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: An attempt to remove a specific patch or all patches fails because the backup of the prepatch system files is not available to dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: The ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp area does not contain the prepatch system files. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Ensure that dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh can access the////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp area and that the area is set up as it was when the patches were installed. For example, if you were using ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp as a mount point for another file system, make sure that file system is mounted. Once you have solved the ////vvvvaaaarrrr////aaaaddddmmmm////ppppaaaattttcccchhhh////bbbbaaaacccckkkkuuuupppp access or content problem, remove patches through the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Delete Menu. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch dependency... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 0019.00 - quota Command Correction cannot be deleted. Can not find the backup copy for this patch in /var/adm/patch/backup. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in dependency check: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Commands, Shells, & Utility Patches: Patch 0019.00 - quota Command Correction Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-9 _7._2._2 _P_a_t_c_h _R_e_m_o_v_a_l _B_l_o_c_k_e_d _b_y _D_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s _o_n _O_t_h_e_r _P_a_t_c_h_e_s SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh deletion. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: A specific patch cannot be removed because of its dependency on other installed patches. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: Generally this occurs when you miss the selection of all dependent patches. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Through the dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh Delete Menu, reselect the patches including the noted dependent patch and try to remove them. The program will notify you of any other dependent patches you might have missed. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: Checking patch dependency... (depending upon the number of patches you select, this may take a while) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches: Patch 0262.00 - libm Corrections can not be deleted unless the following patches are also selected or deleted first: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches: Patch 0676.00 - libm Corrections ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Following patch(es) failed in dependency check: - DIGITAL_UNIX_V4.0F / Library Patches: Patch 0262.00 - libm Corrections _7._2._3 _N_o _O_r_i_g_i_n_a_l _F_i_l_e_s _R_e_s_t_o_r_e_d _W_h_e_n _P_a_t_c_h _I_s _R_e_m_o_v_e_d SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh deletion. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The removal of a specific patch results in no original system files being restored. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: This occurs when a patch delivers files to your system that were not 7-10 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages shipped in the initial release of the product. For example, the sample output shows the removal of Tru64 UNIX 4.0F Patch 314.00; the patch delivers files that were not shipped with the initial release of Tru64 UNIX 4.0F. AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: This is an informational message and no further action is required. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: === Deleting "DIGITAL UNIX V4.0F": Deleting "Patch: AdvFS Command Correction " (OSFPAT00031400425). ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patch OSFPAT00031400425 delivered all new files to your system so there are no original files to be restored. No user action is necessary. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- _7._3 _T_r_u_C_l_u_s_t_e_r-_S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _d_u_p_a_t_c_h _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s The following sections show the output of informational messages you might see when running dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh on a TruCluster system: _7._3._1 _S_y_s_t_e_m _N_o_t _A_d_e_q_u_a_t_e_l_y _P_r_e_p_a_r_e_d OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: This system is part of a V5.0 cluster which has not been prepared to do a rolling patch installation. Refer to the Patch Installation Guide as to the proper procedure to start a rolling patch. _7._3._2 _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _i_n _P_r_o_g_r_e_s_s (_I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n) OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: This system is part of a V5.0 cluster which is currently in the process of being installed via the rolling upgrade/ rolling patch procedure. New patches cannot be installed on the system Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-11 until the rolling installation procedure has completed on all cluster members. _7._3._3 _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _i_n _P_r_o_g_r_e_s_s (_B_a_s_e_l_i_n_i_n_g) OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: This Cluster is in the process of a roll. Baselining is not permitted until the cluster is out of the roll. _7._3._3._1 _V_e_r_s_i_o_n _5._0 _W_a_v_e _4 _C_l_u_s_t_e_r _i_s _U_n_s_u_p_p_o_r_t_e_d OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: This system is a Version 5.0 - Wave 4 Cluster. Dupatch cannot patch this type of cluster. This is an unsupported operation and dupatch will now exit. _7._4 _M_e_s_s_a_g_e_s _S_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _t_o _t_h_e _R_o_l_l_i_n_g _P_a_t_c_h _P_r_o_c_e_d_u_r_e The following section shows a message generated by the rolling patch procedure. _7._4._1 _I_n_s_u_f_f_i_c_i_e_n_t _F_r_e_e _S_p_a_c_e (_F_i_l_e _S_y_s_t_e_m _F_u_l_l) SSSSoooouuuurrrrcccceeee:::: cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee sssseeeettttuuuupppp stage of the rolling upgrade procedure. PPPPrrrroooobbbblllleeeemmmm:::: The rolling upgrade cannot proceed because required space allocations are not met. CCCCaaaauuuusssseeeessss:::: The ////, ////uuuussssrrrr, ////vvvvaaaarrrr, and/or ////iiii11118888nnnn file systems do not have the required amount of free space. 7-12 Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages AAAAccccttttiiiioooonnnn:::: Run the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----uuuunnnnddddoooo sssseeeettttuuuupppp command, free up enough space in the affected file systems to meet the requirements listed in Section 5.2.1, and rerun the cccclllluuuu____uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee ----uuuunnnnddddoooo sssseeeettttuuuupppp command. OOOOuuuuttttppppuuuutttt:::: *** Error *** The tar commands used to create tagged files in the '/' file system have reported the following errors and warnings: NOTE: CFS: File system full: / tar: sbin/lsm.d/raid5/volsd : No space left on device tar: sbin/lsm.d/raid5/volume : No space left on device NOTE: CFS: File system full: / \&.NOTE: CFS: File system full: / Common Error, Warning, and Informational Messages 7-13 System Upgrade Information A The Tru64 UNIX Update Installation procedure lets you upgrade your system from an earlier version, while preserving disk partitions, file systems, file customizations, the network, print, and mail environments, user accounts, user created files, and any other system setup you may have done. Table A-1 lists the supported upgrades for Tru64 UNIX releases. (See the Tru64 UNIX _I_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n _G_u_i_d_e for more information.) _T_a_b_l_e _A-_1: _U_p_g_r_a_d_e _M_i_g_r_a_t_i_o_n ______________________________________________________________________________ VVVVeeeerrrrssssiiiioooonnnn UUUUppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee MMMMiiiiggggrrrraaaattttiiiioooonnnn SSSSuuuuppppppppoooorrrrtttteeeedddd ______________________________________________________________________________ V5.1 From 4.0G and 5.0A V5.0A From 4.0F and 5.0 V5.0 From 4.0D and 4.0F V4.0G From 4.0E and 4.0F V4.0F From 4.0D and 4.0E ______________________________________________________________________________ Glossary bbbbaaaasssseeeelllliiiinnnniiiinnnngggg A dupatch feature that looks at the files installed on a system, compares them to the files it expects to find, and prevents the installation of any patch files that might cause an incompatibility among system files. See also _s_e_t_l_d ccccuuuussssttttoooommmmeeeerrrr----ssssppppeeeecccciiiiffffiiiicccc ppppaaaattttcccchhhh ((((CCCCSSSSPPPP)))) Any patch that is developed and made available to resolve a problem for a specific customer. A customer-specific patch is developed with prior knowledge of that customer's unique hardware and software configuration and environment. Customer-specific patches may not be useful for another customer's system. See also _r_e_l_e_a_s_e _p_a_t_c_h dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh A utility included in a patch kit that installs, removes, and manages patches for Tru64 UNIX and TruCluster Software Products. This utility is installed and left on the system through the successful installation of a patch kit. ffffuuuullllllll iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn A Tru64 UNIX installation that creates new file systems and loads a full copy of the operating system from the kit onto a system. Any other version of the operating system, any layered products, and any patches that previously existed on the system are overwritten. A full installation does not preserve system customizations (for example, user or data files) because the root (////), ////uuuussssrrrr, and ////vvvvaaaarrrr file systems are re-created during the process. See also _u_p_d_a_t_e _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n HHHHTTTTMMMMLLLL ffffiiiilllleeee The coding inserted in a file intended for display on a World Wide Web browser that tells the browser how to display a Web page's words and other elements. HTML (hypertext markup language) files are text (ASCII) files. The documentation provided with the Tru64 UNIX patch kits is provided in HTML files for viewing on a Web browser. See also _P_D_F _f_i_l_e ooooffffffffiiiicccciiiiaaaallll ppppaaaattttcccchhhh See _r_e_l_e_a_s_e _p_a_t_c_h ppppaaaattttcccchhhh A file or a collection of files that contain fixes to problems. When possible, patches are merged together into one patch if they have intersecting files or codependencies. A patch may correct one or more problems. Each patch is packaged in its own setld subset. The subsets are managed by a utility named dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh. ppppaaaattttcccchhhh aaaapppppppplllliiiiccccaaaabbbbiiiilllliiiittttyyyy A file-by-file check of system files to determine whether a patch might cause a a system to be degraded or crash. The installation of a patch is blocked if any system files to be replace by that patch are not valid predecessors of the patch files. PPPPDDDDFFFF ffffiiiilllleeee A file type recognized by the Adobe Acrobat Reader, which provides an easy way to view and print documentation. As the next generation of Adobe's PostScript format, PDF files have become a standard way of distributing documentation, especially on CD-ROM and over the Internet. The Tru64 UNIX patch documentation is provided in PDF and HTML formats. The Acrobat Reader is provided on the Tru64 UNIX Documentation CD-ROM of Version 4.0E and higher. It is also available at the Adobe Web site, hhhhttttttttpppp::::////////wwwwwwwwwwww....aaaaddddoooobbbbeeee....ccccoooommmm//// See also _H_T_M_L _f_i_l_e rrrreeeelllleeeeaaaasssseeee ppppaaaattttcccchhhh Any patch that is included in a Tru64 UNIX patch kit. Sometimes referred to as _o_f_f_i_c_i_a_l patches, release patches are intended for worldwide distribution and can be safely used on any customer's system within the guidelines documented in the patch kit. See also _c_u_s_t_o_m_e_r-_s_p_e_c_i_f_i_c _p_a_t_c_h (_C_S_P) rrrroooolllllllliiiinnnngggg uuuuppppggggrrrraaaaddddeeee A software upgrade of a cluster that is performed while the cluster is in operation. One member at a time is rolled and returned to operation while the cluster transparently maintains a mixed-version environment for the base operating system, cluster, and Worldwide Language Support (WSL) software. Clients accessing services are not aware that a rolling upgrade is in progress. On Version 5.0A and higher systems, you use a rolling upgrade to patch a cluster or to update the Tru64 UNIX operating system or TruCluster Server software on a cluster. The procedure is same for both types of upgrades -- the only difference is the command you run during the iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllll ssssttttaaaaggggeeee of the 2 Glossary rolling upgrade procedure. sssseeeettttlllldddd An interactive program for installing and managing software subsets. Software products are organized into subsets that can be loaded, deleted, inventoried, and configured. The load operation reads software from disk, tape, CD-ROM, or an Internet installation server. The patch installation tool, dddduuuuppppaaaattttcccchhhh, is based on the sssseeeettttlllldddd program. ttttaaaarrrr ffffiiiilllleeee A file created with the ttttaaaarrrr command that saves and restores multiple files in a single file. Tru64 UNIX patch kits are provided as tar files (except for kits included on the Tru64 UNIX CD-ROM). uuuuppppddddaaaatttteeee iiiinnnnssssttttaaaallllllllaaaattttiiiioooonnnn A type of installation that preserves disk partitions, file systems, file customizations, the network, print, and mail environments, user accounts, user created files, and any other system setup you may have done. If software patches had been applied to the operating system, it would not be necessary to remove the patches before beginning the update process, which is designed to update and reinstall any software fixes or features that were supplied in release patches. See also _f_u_l_l _i_n_s_t_a_l_l_a_t_i_o_n Glossary 3