PROBLEM: (BCSM608NX/73473) (Patch ID: OSF440-285) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the btcreate command where it does not pass the full pathname to newfs. PROBLEM: (HPAQ715Z0) (Patch ID: OSF440-171) ******** A problem in the btextract script could result in a failure of the script in the event that more than one disklabel file in the /etc/disk_lbl directory matches the disk name specified by the user. This has been corrected. PROBLEM: (BCSM816C6) (PATCH ID: OSF440-343) ******** This patch fixes a problem with the btcreate command where default restore fails if disklabel is different. PROBLEM: (HPAQ2144F) (PATCH ID: OSF440-400) ******** This patch fixes a problem with btcreate not waiting long enough between vdumps for the next tape to be loaded by some media changers.