PROBLEM: (OSF_QAR 71227, GEM_BUGS 7979) (Patch ID: OSF440-134) ******** A compiler problem that allowed the generation of ev67 instructions (ctpop, ctlz, cttz) to be generated when using the -arch ev6 switch. PROBLEM: (CXXC_BUGS 6746) (Patch ID: OSF440-134) ******** A compile time performance problem with a very large (1.6 MB) initialization of an array. PROBLEM: (DECC 2745, GEM_BUGS 7619) (Patch ID: OSF440-134) ******** An optimizer problem that caused an incorrect result when using a signed char in a strcpy-like routine, if compiled -O4 or higher. PROBLEM: (DIGITAL_UNIX 5109, CXXC_BUGS 6415/6288) (Patch ID: OSF440-134) ******** A compile time error for a source line such as a = strcpy(b,c) + 7. PROBLEM: (DECC_BUGS 1431, GEM_BUGS 7775) (Patch ID: OSF440-134) ******** An optimizer problem that caused an unintended sign-extension in the Perl program. This caused an "op/pack" failure in test 9. PROBLEM: (73556, 75960) (Patch ID: OSF440-293) ******** o A compiler crash when compiling Xemacs 21.1.4 with -O4 o An optimizer problem in loop unrolling that suppressed intermediate updates to induction variables under certain conditions. o A particular short parameter assignment caused incorrect run-time result o An assignment of type k = (char)(l >> 8) was not sign-extended o An optimizer problem that produced incorrect code when certain bounds checking within a loop was moved outside the loop.