PROBLEM: (CLD MGO104106, CLD HPAQ40QCM) (Patch ID: OSF440-025) ******** Typical stack trace for the assert panic is: panic assert_wait_mesg xpt_ccb_alloc htm_immed_async isp_process_response_queue For the blocked thread, there will be at least one thread waiting forever with a stack trace of: thread_block mpsleep isp_enable_lun htm_enable_lun handle_immediate sim_action xpt_sim_func xpt_action tmv2_complete_disable tmv2_accept_cbf xpt_callback_thread PROBLEM: (CLD GOZ72114A, CLD BCGMA10Z6, CLD BCGMA0X3C, CLD BCGMA1GFC, CLD BCGMB06HF, CLD DSATB0SF1, CLD DSATB0X2F, CLD HPAQB0X3N, CLD EVT75135A) (Patch ID:OSF440-247) ******** This patch fixes a problem on configurations having multiple Qlogic 1020/1040 based SCSI controllers (such as KZPBA) and multiple CPUs. The symptom of the problem is a performance degradation up to having ss_perform_timeouts being logged against the KZPBA scsi devices. In some extreme cases, the symptoms can be so severe that it makes make it appear as if the system was hung. Tape units have had a number of problems with vdump, tar, and nsrd related to the command timeouts. PROBLEM: (BCGM90Z90) (Patch ID: OSF440-281) ******** This patch fixes a problem where timeouts are not canceled on I/O requests causing the I/O block to be freed inappropriately.